Nghĩa của từ cit bằng Tiếng Việt

@cit /sit/
* danh từ
- người dân thành thị
- (từ lóng) thường dân, người thường (trái với quân đội)
!officers in cits
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) sĩ quan mặc thường phục

Đặt câu có từ "cit"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "cit", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ cit, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ cit trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. See more in A.F. Bayefsky, loc. cit., pp

2. Citrus or cit·rus·es 1

3. Bordeaux's Cité du Vin the world's best wine museum

4. The CIT has practical value for research on acupuncture effects.

5. Cette réalité historique ressortclairementdu récit de l'exil à Babylone

6. The government decided against rescuing CIT Group -- and that has $ 54 billion of borrowings.

7. How to use âme pure™ CIT Face Roller www.Amepure.comThe âme pure™ CIT roller has laser-like results for stretch mark removal, cellulite, acne scars, lines an

8. This week, CIT and medium signs business sized businesses, sought bankruptcy protection from its creditors.

9. The CIT-company’s control centre shall be able to continuously and accurately locate its vehicles.

10. The CIT company’s control centre shall be able continuously and accurately to locate its vehicles.

11. However, the ADI enzyme activity of JM 109 ( pBV 220 - cit ) had not been detected.

12. DNA sequence analysis conformed that 1 EBC and 1 CIT were new ampC gene.

13. The results are valuable for the further development of CIT and its clinical applications.

14. The US lender, CIT Group, has filed for bankruptcy protection, after debt - exchange offer to bondholders failed.

15. PARK Récit de Voyage avec notes et Appendices sur les gens et les choses

16. About Bronnie Lennox Thompson Bronwyn Lennox Thompson initially trained as an occupational therapist, graduating from CIT in 1984

17. The CIT Program must therefore continue to support initiatives designed to improve the environment for business and investment.

18. CIT , a lender to small businesses, filed for bankruptcy protection under a reorganisation plan that had been accepted by most of its bondholders.

19. 96 Depuis se jeua, esbati et demora li rois d'Engleterre avoecques le roy de France en le cité d'Amiens

20. Les Brevets cités sont des Brevets prioritaires (donc antérieur dans le temps au brevet qui mentionne cette priorité)

21. (4) ATES is directly controlled by Alcatel Cit (France), a subsidiary of Alcatel NV the world No 2 manufacturer of communication equipment and systems.

22. One year to the day, mount mariah erupted, burying the invaders beneathIn a rain of molten rock, And destroyed all trace of that once glorious cit

Một năm cho đến ngày kia, ngọn Mariah phun trào, chôn vùi bọn xâm lăng bên dưới làn mưa nham thạch, và thiêu hủy toàn bộ dất vết của cái thành phố diễm lệ một thời đó

23. Find the latest Ayes CELIK HASIR VE CIT (Ayes.IS) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.

24. Arras is a town with a complicated history, with its origins split between two communities of the Cité and the Ville (town) around the Abbey Saint Vaast

25. Altruistes et psychopathes est le récit incisif et vivant de cette investigation peu commune aux deux extrémités de la nature humaine

26. SWAINSON, op cit., 349-395; although this is described as the Coptic Ordinary Canon of the Mass, it is the Ethiopic Pre-Anaphoral according to the Brit

27. Apaid asked “the young men to become the vio-lent arm of his movement to under-mine the elected government, and to crush the democracy movement in Cité Soleil

28. Method:the different regions in temperature were selected by Cortical Infrared Thermograph (CIT), and microcirculation flow on the regions was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry(LDF)in 20 cats.

29. They claim that the agreement turned Labanye away from his support for Lavalas, and that Apaid’s mission for Labanye is to destroy the Lavalas movement in Cité Soleil …

30. Earlier this year, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp and Utah state banking regulators put CIT Bank under a cease and desist order that prevents it from collecting new deposits.

31. La Carioca est une chanson et une danse interprétée par Alain Chabat et Gérard Darmon dans le film ''La Cité de la peur''.

32. Method:the different regions in temperature were selected by Cortical Infrared Thermograph (CIT)[], and microcirculation flow on the regions was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry(LDF)in 20 cats.

33. If true, France’s Burqa ban would not constitute an infringement upon religious liberty and one need not consult laïcité to determine whether or not the ban is justified.

34. Since the surveillance area of sky wave Over-The-Horizon Radar (OTHR) is very vast, realizing the ship detection with short coherent integration time (CIT) is an operational requirement for OTHR.

35. The bondholder group, which includes Pacific Investment Management Company (Pimco) and some other top CIT holders, is expected to provide the financing with a 2 1/2-year term, two sources said.

36. The bondholder group, which includes Pacific Investment Management Company (Pimco) and some other top CIT holders, is expected to provide the financing with a 2 1/2-year term, the sources said.

37. That thow might in the cité Belouke!" "Sone," queth Ermin, "wel mot thee it brouke!" Yver gan homward te ride And dede lede Arondel be is side

38. Utilisé dans diverses traditions religieuses (sous des noms différents) le Chapelet sert à compter des prières récitées de manière répétitive en égrenant des grains

39. Un autre projet qui lui tenait à cœur, et pour lequel il Attendit pendant longtemps les avancées technologiques qui le rendraient pleinement réalisable, était l’adaptation d’un récit de Brian Aldiss, ‘Supertoys Last All Summer Long’ (1969)

40. La cità la xe conossua par via del so Castelo real de Ambosa che el la domena, par la Porta del Relojo, par la "collégiale Saint-Denis", pa'l Château du Clos Lucé onde che Lionardo

41. Ambosa (etimolosicamente « intra do aque », la Loira e l'Amasse) la xe na cità del departamento de Indre-et-Loire situada su le rive de la Loira, inte el circondario de Tors e la region Centro -Val de Loira.

42. It can be presumed that the Court used this term advisedly in Bosman, as Advocate General Lenz had speculated in his Opinion about the significance of its omission in a small number of cases; loc. cit., paragraphs 78 to 80 of the Opinion.

43. "C'était tellement bien sous Hollande qu'il a pu se représenter! Laissons-le à son ressentiment et ses petites Bassesses", a lancé le sénateur François Patriat également cité par Le Parisien.

44. Confiteor Deo est la version latine de la prière Je confesse à Dieu.Cette prière en latin connaît plusieurs versions dont la plus connue est celle ordinaire du rite romain récitée en début de messe par les fidèles

45. DI MAIO, cit., 226: “Proprio per il suo carattere di ritorno a condizioni Connaturali all’organismo, l’essere guariti non è propriamente un patire (non rientra cioè nel corrispettivo accidente), mentro lo è invece l’ammalarsi.” 14 Es llamativo que un autor de la precisión de …

46. Chauvinisme ( contre tous les Chauvinismes ) C'est vrai qu'ils sont plaisants, tous ces petits villages, Tous ces bourgs, ces hameaux, ces lieux-dits, ces cités Avec leurs châteaux forts, leurs églises, leurs plages Ils n'ont qu'un seul point faible, et c'est d'être habités Et …

47. Jochums, D., loc. cit. (footnote 38), p. 2584, and Viala, Y., ‘Le maintien des contrats de travail en cas de transfert d’entreprise en droit allemand’, Droit Social, 2/2005, p. 203, also point out that the transfer of employment relationships is the legal consequence and cannot therefore be a criterion at the same time.

48. ‎Listen to songs and albums by Choeur Grégorien Antiphona, including "Missa in assumptione beatae mariae virginis : Kyrie 1er ton (Plain jeu plain-chant fugue christie, Plain-chant christe, Récit christe, Plain-chant basse de cromorne plain-chant dialogue)," "Missa in assumptione beatae mariae virginis : Gloria 5ème ton (Gloria et in terra pax laudamus te benedecimus te adoramus te

49. (69) - According to Rodley, before World War II there was virtually no international law of human rights (op. cit., p. 1); this did not begin to develop, inter alia in relation to armed conflicts, until the advent of the three Geneva Conventions to which have been added over the years a whole array of international instruments that are no longer limited to laying down rules (`standard setting') but also contain mechanisms aimed at securing respect for the undertakings entered into by States at an international level (the best-known is the procedure approved by the UN Economic and Social Council by its resolution No 1503 of 27 May 1970, whereby the UN Commission on Human Rights is empowered to investigate or make a thorough study of alleged serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms; see N.