Nghĩa của từ cell-body bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "cell-body"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "cell-body", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ cell-body, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ cell-body trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. The cell body contains the nucleus.

2. Between this sac and the cell body there are many crowded microvilli.

3. Axons are the fine cylindrical processes that originate from the cell body of neurons

4. Axon definition, the appendage of the neuron that transmits impulses away from the cell body

5. Normally, serotonin is released when an electrical signal travels from the cell body down the axon.

6. These branching, tapering processes of the nerve cell, as a rule, conduct impulses toward the cell body.

7. Movement of mitochondria and other cell parts from a neuron's cell body toward the synapse is called Anterograde …

8. Nerve cell involvement was varied in type: simple or severe chromatolysis, pycnosis, shrinkage of cell body or neuronophagia.

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10. There are only isolated observations of the Amitotic division of an entire cell body but not of its nucleus alone

11. There are only isolated observations of the Amitotic division of an entire cell body but not of its nucleus alone

12. Axon definition is - a usually long and single nerve-cell process that usually conducts impulses away from the cell body.

13. Axoplasm has a different composition of organelles and other materials than that found in the neuron's cell body or dendrites

14. [1]Axoplasm has a different composition of organelles and other materials than that found in the neuron's cell body or dendrites

15. Astrocytes also consist of dendrites that allow for communications from other cells to be transmitted within the cell body of the Astrocyte.

16. You stimulate the axon of the neuron, and an action potential propagates backwards (Antidromically) to the cell body, where recordings are occurring.

17. Psychology Definition of Antidromic CONDUCTION: the reversal of the direction a nerve impulse usually travels in (i.e., from axon to cell body)

18. (i) Apolar neuron: When there is no axon or dendrite are present but contain only cell body, it is called Apolar neuron

19. Psychology Definition of Anterograde DEGENERATION: the degeneration of a neuron structure after sustaining injury, that spreads away from the nerve cell body

20. Axons are extended regions of the neuron cell membrane. It starts from a portion of the cell body, known as the axon hillock

21. In neuroscience, Anterograde tracing is used to trace neural connections from their source (the cell body) to their point of termination (the synapse).

22. Amoeboid migration is characterized by cycles of expansion and contraction of the cell body and membrane blebbing mediated by Rho/ROCK-mediated actomyosin contractility

23. Although Axons of large motor neurons contain >99% of the cell’s volume, in most cases most axonal components are synthesized in the cell body

24. Anterograde (Orthograde) Axonal Transport is the mechanism whereby packets of chemicals and organelles are transported within the Axoplasm between the cell body and the synaptic boutons.

25. Anterograde (Orthograde) Axonal Transport is the mechanism whereby packets of chemicals and organelles are transported within the axoplasm between the cell body and the synaptic boutons

26. R_(7a) approximate many features of R_(1- cells, which have a larger, cell body, rhabdomere and axon,(Sentencedict) terminate in the first optic neuropil (lamina).

27. In Craniates, this type of neuron is sensory and has the cell body in a peripheral ganglion or, in one exceptional case, within the central nervous system

28. The ameboid cells showed as fast writhing movement of their elongated, irregularly shaped cell body and a fast undulating movement of their membranous veil-like cytoplasmic extensions.

29. An Axon, or nerve fiber, is a long slender projection of a nerve cell, or neuron, that conducts electrical impulses away from the neuron's cell body or soma

30. Anatomically, Astrocytes have specialized processes called Astrocyte end feet that extend from the Astrocyte cell body and attach to the basement membrane that surrounds the endothelial cells and pericytes (Fig

31. Axoplasm has a different composition of organelles and other materials than that found in the neuron's cell body or dendrites.In Axoplasmic transport, materials are carried through the Axoplasm to or from

32. The threadlike process of a neuron which conducts nerve impulses from the cell body to the neuron's ending (Bouton) where it is transmitted via a synapse to another neuron, muscle or gland.

33. Movement of Ameboid cells involves at least four different stages: protrusion, attachment to the substrate, translocation of the cell body, and detachment of the rear (Mitchison and Cramer, 1996; Sheetz et al., 1999)

34. Axon The threadlike process of a neuron which conducts nerve impulses from the cell body to the neuron's ending (bouton) where it is transmitted via a synapse to another neuron, muscle or gland. Syn

35. Axons are a key component of a neuron, they conduct electrical signals in the form of an action potential from the cell body of the neuron to its axon terminal where it synapses with another neuron

36. The progression of an Amphid sensory organ's neuronal dendrite over time by the attachment of a part of the cell to an anchor and the subsequent migration of the cell body away from the anchor point

37. Axon, also called nerve fibre, portion of a nerve cell (neuron) that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body. A neuron typically has one Axon that connects it with other neurons or with muscle or gland cells

38. An action potential propagates the electrical activity along the membrane of the neuron's dendrites to the cell body and then Afferently down the length of the axon to the axon terminal, where it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.

39. Axon terminals (also called synaptic Boutons, terminal Boutons, or end-feet) are distal terminations of the telodendria (branches) of an axon.An axon, also called a nerve fiber, is a long, slender projection of a nerve cell, or neuron, that conducts electrical impulses called action potentials away from the neuron's cell body, or soma, in order to transmit those impulses to other neurons