Nghĩa của từ bere bằng Tiếng Việt

@bere /biə/
* danh từ
- (thực vật học) lúa mạch

Đặt câu có từ "bere"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "bere", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ bere, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ bere trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. (Do you want beer or wine?) — Bere.

Rượu (rượu nếp, rượu gạo hoặc rượu vang...)

2. Abboten bizitza eraman zuena, bere omenez izendatua izan zen.

3. Hello and welcome to the Forest of Bere Bowmen's club website

4. Beraren eta BERAIEK forma indartuak dira; BERE eta BEREN bihurkariak, erreflexiboak.

5. Friends of Allonby and Bere Forest were given byes to the semi finals.

6. Testuak idaztean zein hitz egitean nahastu ohi ditugu bere, haren eta Beraren formak

7. Zoritxarrez, arazoa ez da akabatua, BERE eta Beraren ez direlako gauza bera, ez eta BEREN eta BERAIEN

8. Bereizkuntza nagusia, erabakigarria, BERE bihurkariaren eta bihurkari ez diren beste bien (HAREN, Beraren) artekoa da.

9. Jainkoak, beraz, bere antzeko egin zuen gizakia, Jainkoaren Beraren irudira egin zuen; ar eta eme egin zituen.

10. Hide Your Heart Bonnie Tyler abeslari galesaren abesti bat da, bere 1988ko Hide Your Heart Albumean agertzen dena

11. Ashley was the administrative headquarters of West Bere, which stretched from the river Itchen to the river Test.

12. After the war he returned to Harrisonburg and for a number of yeara was engaged bere in Beweeper work

13. Established in 1974, Forest of Bere Bowmen has grown to be one of the largest target archery clubs in Hampshire

14. Bere oporteat radicem, primum utique Animadverten-dum eft ex aequatione (is) fore rar (φ(ο)-Μ χ = 1; Τ'ψ — η ideoque, cum fieri nequaquam posfitquin valor …

15. Se si sospetta di avere l'Appendice infiammata è consigliabile non bere e non mangiare in modo da essere pronti ad un eventuale intervento chirurgico.

16. H: Legacies, Ranged/Melee Weapons, Armor, Outfits W: Ber/SS/+S Cultist Blade, 3★ BerE Flamer, Cryolator, Gauss, Bayoneted Dragon - Max Level

17. H: Legacies, Ranged/Melee Weapons, Armor, Outfits W: Ber/SS/+S Cultist Blade, 3★ BerE Flamer, Cryolator, Gauss, Assaultron Head, Bayoneted Dragon - Max Level

18. Araniako altzairuzko zumitza, Europako Automobilen marka nagusietan Bizkaiko enpresak altzairuzko zumitzen transformadoreei merkaturatzen die bere produktua, besteak beste, Volkswagen Taldean, Alianza Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, Daimler (Mercedes Benz) eta BMW taldeetan erabiltzeko 80 urte baino

19. ‘We were flipping Bannocks and oatcakes on girdles centuries before sun-dried-tomato ciabatta was invented.’ ‘As I sat in his farmhouse, discussing native sheep, Eunson told me about success of the cold mutton (roasted, but still pink and moist) and bere Bannocks that …

20. Try 20 de marted we had the text and Bypast or find the code for the pione sul oployed individus who were subited by usedecima by white bere There is not that the portion of india who had the intento win the contence www bounds There is under the contin auto old individwiched the tree as years in the confidence interval bound This chance the love individual wel the contervalounda Terentidence