Nghĩa của từ as a number bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-như một con số

Đặt câu có từ "as a number"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "as a number", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ as a number, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ as a number trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. When represented as a number, Bits have a value of either 1 or 0

2. The value should be inserted as a number with a decimal, without commas or currency symbols.

Giá trị phải được chèn dưới dạng số có phần thập phân, không có dấu phẩy hoặc ký hiệu tiền tệ.

3. VPSKeys supports the Telex, VISCII, VNI, and VIQR input methods, as well as a number of character encodings.

VPSKeys hỗ trợ các kiểu gõ Telex, VNI, và VIQR và một số bảng mã.

4. Crocodilians are part of the archosaur lineage that includes dinosaurs and birds as well as a number of other groups

5. Crocodilians are part of the Archosaur lineage that includes dinosaurs and birds as well as a number of other groups

6. As a number of people had lived here for a long time, it was called "Giời Markets" from the period 1975–1986.

Cũng theo một số người dân sống lâu năm ở đây, tên gọi "chợ Giời" đã có từ thời bao cấp (1975 - 1986).

7. Most time zones were based upon this reference as a number of hours and half-hours "ahead of GMT" or "behind GMT".

Các múi giờ của hàng hải cũng được hình thành dựa trên số giờ hay số "nửa giờ" sớm hơn hay muộn hơn GMT.

8. The value is interpreted as a number and the report adds the total values based on each event count (see Implicit Count below).

Giá trị được hiểu là một số và báo cáo tính tổng giá trị dựa trên mỗi lần đếm sự kiện (xem Tổng số ngầm định bên dưới).

9. This portion of the river becomes the most degraded, as a number of different kinds of fish live in this segment, as well.

Phần dòng sông này trở thành nơi thoái hoá nhất, vì một số loại cá khác nhau sống trong phân khúc này.

10. Absence of the Hero contains much of his earliest fiction, unseen in decades, as well as a number of previously unpublished stories and essays

11. This Casebook is meant to provide you with a brief overview of consulting recruiting and interview preparation as well as a number of practice cases

12. In older texts, the Abscissa is sometimes used in a more general sense as a number determining the position of a point along a line.

13. These rocks occur as a number of south-vergent thrust nappes and a process of formation which is notably different from that of the arc granite batholith.

14. The Use of Beside for Besides "As a number of commentators remark and all conscientious dictionaries show, there is a certain amount of overlap between these two words

15. The proportion of bytes, samples, or other signal elements modified to encode the payload is called the encoding density and is typically expressed as a number between 0 and 1.

16. In addition, we report the first record of Aprocta golvani Diaz-Ungria, 1963 from Brazil and Monasa nigrifrons (Bucconidae), as well as a number of other nematode records from Neotropical birds

17. Biomedicine draws from research and history in the fields of human and veterinary medicine, as well as a number of related disciplines, including anatomy, physiology, genetics, pathology, zoology, botanical sciences, chemistry, biochemistry

18. This can be useful if you want a number treated as text instead as a number, for example for a ZIP code. Setting a number as text format will left justify it.

19. In # it became increasingly clear that a third alternative was being considered, as a number of existing national ACHs declared their intention to become SEPA-compliant without necessarily transforming themselves into a PEACH

20. The above estimate of the budget loss in # is thus conservative, as a number of budget lines or types of expenditure of the rest of the Rotterdam Convention programme have not been included

21. The above estimate of the budget loss in 2007–2008 is thus conservative, as a number of budget lines or types of expenditure of the rest of the Rotterdam Convention programme have not been included.

22. The fleet carried many convicts as well as a number of wives and children, all of whom had to make the best of this enforced new “home” thousands of miles from their country of birth.

Đoàn tàu chở rất nhiều tội nhân cùng với một số người khác là vợ con họ, tất cả đều phải cố gắng hết sức để làm quen với “quê hương” mới bất đắc dĩ này, cách nơi sinh quán của họ đến hàng ngàn cây số.

23. MAN B&W Diesel, Wärtsilä, and Deutz AG, as well as a number of smaller companies, such as Elsbett, offer engines that are compatible with straight vegetable oil, without the need for after-market modifications.

MAN B&W Diesel, Wärtsilä, và Deutz AG, cũng như một số công ty nhỏ hơn, chẳng hạn như Elsbett, cung cấp động cơ tương thích với dầu thực vật ở trạng thái ban đầu, mà không cần sửa đổi sau khi thị trường.

24. Jefferson Health – Abington is the organization that encompasses Jefferson Abington Hospital in Abington, PA and Jefferson Lansdale Hospital in Hatfield Township, PA, as well as a number of convenient outpatient settings for obtaining expert medical …

25. Caracal is composed of representatives of Member States competent authorities for REACH and CLP, representatives from competent authorities of EEA-EFTA countries as well as a number of observers from non-EU countries, international organisations and stakeholders

26. ‘Critics Assailed the commission, as well as a number of state and local organizations, for commercializing centennial activities.’ ‘The book sold well and rapidly became fashionable, but was Assailed in various critical pamphlets for length, tedium, and doubtful morality.’

27. "Backwoodsmen" or "frontiersmen," the first Anglo-Americancolonizers ofthe area.'As a number ofauthors have stated: "for the fitst one or two generations following settlement, settlers' impact on the Big Thicket was slight, with vegetation rapidly reclaimingsmall buildingsites or farmlands

28. Attacks is the most accurate English translation available today of Erwin Rommel's World War I military classic, Infanterie Greift An.Other publishers continue to reprint the 1944 US Army translation that was published under the title, Infantry Attacks, but those abridged editions are missing passages as well as a number of important drawings and sketch maps.

29. 3. An institution may treat an exposure to a counterparty that results from a reverse repurchase agreement under which the institution has purchased from the counterparty non-accessory independent mortgage liens on immovable property of third parties as a number of individual exposures to each of those third parties, provided that all of the following conditions are met:

30. As to the appellant's assertions of "agism" (that preference in selection for appointment allegedly went to younger employees in the department), the chairperson of the selection board testified that was clearly not so, as a number of candidates were at least 50 years of age, of whom at least 6-7 being considered qualified for management positions.

31. Random information on the term “Curving”: Grading in education is the process of applying standardized measurements of varying levels of achievement in a course.Grades can be assigned as letters (for example, A through F), as a range (for example, 1 to 6), as a percentage, or as a number out of a possible total (for example, out of 20).

32. Opiate Analgesic (opioid Analgesic) any of a class of compounds that bind with a number of closely related specific receptors (opioid receptors) in the central nervous system to block the perception of pain or affect the emotional response to pain; such compounds include opium and its derivatives, as well as a number of synthetic compounds, and are used for moderate to severe pain.

33. From the US side the delegation led by Secretary Clinton would include the Director of National Intelligence Mr. James Clapper; Assistant to President on Science and Technology Mr. John Holdren; Deputy Energy Secretary Mr. Daniel Poneman; Deputy Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Ms Jane Lute; as well as a number of other senior officials from various Departments of the US Administration.

34. On one of ABC’s Nightline series of programs on the televangelists, ABC correspondent Marshall Frady said: “At the least, as a number have begun to notice, all the trappings of modern television evangelism seem a long way from the original simplicity of that intense young Galilean mystic without property, without any boards of directors, who just trudged about a dusty corner of the earth talking, two thousand years ago.”