Nghĩa của từ adrenalectomy bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "adrenalectomy"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "adrenalectomy", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ adrenalectomy, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ adrenalectomy trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Adrenalectomy and hypophysectomy are seldom aBociated procedures.

2. Bilateral adrenalectomy or hepatic denervation did not reduce the hyperglycemic response significantly although adrenalectomy tended to produce a lesser response.

3. The patient underwent a left-sided adrenalectomy.

4. Key words: catecholamine, adrenal, pancreas, glucagon, insulin, hypoglycemia, adrenalectomy.

5. Key words: corticosteroid binding globulin, cortisol, adrenalectomy, fetus, sheep.

6. Adrenalectomy and lymphadenectomy were performed on all patients.

7. Adrenalectomy has no effect on the adaptation to vigourous exercise.

8. Changes in adenohypophyseal DNA and RNA content were determined as a function of time following adrenalectomy, sham adrenalectomy, and the chronic injection of cortisol.

9. Adream, adreamed, Adreamt, adrectal, adrenal, adrenalectomize, adrenalectomy, adrenalin, adrenaline, adrenalize

10. However, it is unclear whether unilateral adrenalectomy is beneficial in these patients.

11. Conclusions: Endoscopic subtotal adrenalectomy has a similar success rate to the open approach.

12. Therefore, dissection or retraction of surrounding organs is unnecessary which renders the adrenalectomy more facile.

13. The surgical procedure done for removal of Adrenal Adenoma is called as adrenalectomy

14. Surgical adrenalectomy or hypophysectomy (HYPX) almost completely abolished the thermogenic effect of dihydrocodeine.

15. Key words: distal H ion secretion, corticosteroids, amiloride, adrenalectomy, aldosterone, corticosterone, 18-hydroxycorticosterone.

16. The techniques of left and right laparoscopic adrenalectomy are shown in this video.

17. Adrenalectomy, performed at 50 days of age, decreased plasma level of testosterone in basal conditions.

18. The therapy can either be a wait and see politic, medical treatment or adrenalectomy.

19. Adrenalectomy resulted in a significant attenuation of the rise in tail skin temperature associated with withdrawal.

20. Conclusions: A careful preoperative evaluation and preparation of the patients in a centre with great experience in conventional, open adrenalectomy and an operation frequency of at least 20 patients a year guarantee optimal results of endoscopic adrenalectomy.

21. Adrenalectomy and the diet exerted independent effects on glucose phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation in islets.

22. Effect of adrenalectomy and adreno-demedullation on experimental edema as measured under repeated ether Anesthetizations.

23. Over the last decade minimally invasive adrenalectomy has become the gold standard in adrenal surgery.

24. The inhibitory effect of operative trauma was not abolished by bilateral adrenalectomy performed 12 days before laparotomy.

25. The impact of subtotal adrenalectomy in patients with unilateral tumours has to be exmained in future studies.

26. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the optimal surgical approach to endoscopic adrenalectomy.

27. However, the long latency pressor and cardioacceleratory responses were not altered by ganglionic blockade and adrenalectomy.

28. In patients with an aldosteronoma, unilateral adrenalectomy is performed preferably via the posterior or flank approach.

29. Although endoscopic adrenalectomy is advocated for small adrenocortical tumors, questions remain about the safety of endoscopic retroperitoneal resection of pheochromocytomas.

30. However, these last modifications do not appear characteristic of adrenalectomy, as they can be observed in the sham operated eels too. Sham adrenalectomy induces some hypertrophy of the corticotrophic cells, a stimulation of the interrenal and a volume increase of the chromaffin cells.

31. Based on these clinical, biological and morphological findings, the diagnosis of bilateral adrenal pheochromocytoma was made and bilateral adrenalectomy was performed.

32. Thirty-seven patients with primary aldosteronism were treated by unilateral total adrenalectomy during a 7-year period (1981–1987).

33. In order to preserve adrenocortical function, partial adrenalectomy has become an accepted and proven option in bilateral hereditary pheochromocytomas.

34. Adrenalectomy abolished the PER2 rhythm in the CEA but had no effect on PER2 rhythms in the BLA and DG.

35. Purpose: To report a case of severe coronary artery disease complicating pheochromocytoma, managed with combined coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and adrenalectomy.

36. For the left adrenalectomy, trocars are placed in the epigastrium, periumbilical, in the left upper abdomen and in the left lateral position.

37. In 20 patients the hemodynamic and ventilatory data during endoscopic retroperitoneal adrenalectomy were checked retrospectively to analyze the hemodynamic and ventilatory effects of a pneumoretroperitoneum.

38. Adrenalectomy associated to local cerebral trauma caused considerable neuronal edema, greater in rats that drank saline solution than in rats that drank distilled water.

39. The net decrease in IRG output during the adrenalectomy was significant (p < 0.05) compared with the corresponding net IRG output observed in the sham group.

40. Male rats were subjected to acute stress by making them swim, prior to whichMetopiron (adrenostatic) was given, or unilateral adrenalectomy in addition had been done.

41. Because adrenal diseases requiring surgery are rare, endoscopic adrenalectomy is an operation that, for the present, will be limited to centers with a particular interest in laparoscopic and endocrine surgery.

42. The activities of the kidney mitochondrial enzymes citrate synthase, NAD–isocitrate dehydrogenase, and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, and the levels of cytochromes a + a3 and b were decreased following adrenalectomy.

43. Morphometrical studies on 160 female Wistar rats show that following bilateral adrenalectomy the quantity of “Gomori-positive” granules is dependent on the length of the post-operative survival period.

44. Seventy-nine patients underwent subtotal or total adrenalectomy for pituitary-dependent Cushing's syndrome (1953–1980); 76 survived the operation and 75 were followed for 1 to 27 (mean 11) years.

45. Methods: From June 1992 to March 1998, laparoscopic adrenalectomy was attempted in twenty two patients with unilateral pheochromocytoma and in 2 with multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIa who had bilateral tumors.

46. The determination of adenohypophyseal DNA and RNA revealed no evidence of increased protein synthetic activity following bilateral adrenalectomy, but did reveal evidence of decreased protein synthetic activity following the chronic injection of cortisol.

47. Background: 7 years after the first successful endoscopic adrenalectomy this new technique is already the „Golden Standard” in adrenal surgery, if the tumor is less than 6 cm in diameter without indirect signs of malignancy.

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49. We previously reported a rhythm in PER2 expression in the oval nucleus of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis that is identical in phase and sensitivity to adrenalectomy to that found in the CEA.

50. The ability to survive the injection of 200 U/kg of insulin in the presence of food was investigated in rats in which the sensitivity to insulin was either raised by adrenalectomy or reduced by cortisol-treatment.