Nghĩa của từ administered prices bằng Tiếng Việt

@Administered prices
- (Econ) Các mức giá bị quản chế.
+ Các mức giá được hình thành do quyết định có ý thức của cá nhân hay hãng nào đó chứ không phải do các yếu tố tác động của thị trường.

Đặt câu có từ "administered prices"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "administered prices", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ administered prices, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ administered prices trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Only very few administered prices are left .

2. Only very few administered prices are left.

3. No administered prices exist outside the utilities sector.

4. Reform the system of regulated and administered prices

5. Reform the system of regulated and administered prices.

6. - Reform the system of regulated and administered prices.

7. The share of administered prices in the HICP basket stood at # % in

8. Price liberalisation is advanced but administered prices continue to play a role.

9. Increases in indirect taxes and administered prices only partially offset the disinflationary pressures.

10. This is mostly due to faster administered prices growth and oil price increases

11. A decline in this component was prevented by increases in administered prices, in particular

12. These risks relate notably to future oil price developments, indirect taxes and administered prices.

13. Changes in administered prices added around 0.6 percentage point to HICP inflation in 2006.

14. These developments mainly reflect a substantial rise in administered prices and volatile energy prices.

15. In addition, developments in indirect taxes and administered prices need to be monitored closely

16. In addition, developments in indirect taxes and administered prices need to be monitored closely.

17. These risks relate notably to future oil price developments, indirect taxes and administered prices

18. in oil and agricultural prices and potential unforeseen increases in administered prices and indirect taxes.

19. Despite several upward adjustments, these administered prices in 1994 have not kept pace with inflation.

20. (11) The dis-indexation draft law aims at discontinuing indexation schemes in administered prices and fees.

21. Administered prices set by the State were raised for rents, utility charges, bread and energy products.

22. Changes in administered prices added around # percentage point to HICP inflation in the first half of

23. According to the Banka Slovenije estimate, the share of administered prices is around # % of the CPI basket

24. In addition, possible further increases in administered prices and indirect taxes have to be taken into account.

25. The share of administered prices in the HICP basket stands at around 3%, according to Sveriges Riksbank.

26. estimates that changes in indirect taxes and administered prices will add around # percentage points to inflation in

27. In addition, possible further increases in administered prices and indirect taxes have to be taken into account

28. In addition, upside risks to price stability arise from increases in administered prices beyond those anticipated thus far.

29. Currently, administered prices represent 16 per cent of the CPI - the lowest share of all the acceding countries.

30. According to Česká národní banka 's estimates, the share of administered prices in the HICP basket is around # %

31. In addition, upside risks to price stability arise from increases in administered prices beyond those anticipated thus far

32. 1. step-up structural reforms aimed at liberalising administered prices and advance further with de-indexation, in particular of the wage setting mechanism (GL 5).