Nghĩa của từ -tude bằng Tiếng Việt

- hậu tố tạo danh từ
- sự, tính chất
- altitude
- độ cao
- plenitude
- sự đầy đủ

Đặt câu có từ "-tude"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "-tude", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ -tude, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ -tude trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Sporting some ' tude now!

2. What' s the tude?

3. So, what's with the dazzling dapper-tude?

4. What' s with the ' tude, guys?

5. What's with the " nobler than thou "'tude?

6. Crass′i·tude′ , Crass′ness n

7. We got to give you some prosti-tude.

8. You got a name or just a ' tude?


10. Girls, welcome back to the fortress of Vector-tude!

11. return to search Étude de la population de Place-Royale, 1760-1860 annexes Étude de la population de Place-Royale, 1760-1860 synthà ̈se

12. Congruences : Dans ce module, étude de la notion de congruence

13. I' m Sgt. Madigan, Vice, and if you do cop a ' tude

14. Le Plateau central Marocain, et ses Bordures étude géomorphologique


16. But it looks like somebody around here needs to lose a little ' tude

17. W ho c an p articipa te? (s tude nts, paren ts, staff, othe rs.)

18. In �tude #3 pour cordes et poulies, Ginette Laurin shows the body subjected to arbitrariness.

19. Get ready to have a blast with games and a bit of 'tude.

20. I know that.Careful with the ' tude, dude. You don' t want to get fired

21. return to search E ́tude biographique sur M. Jean Raimbault, archipre^tre, cure ́ de Nicolet, etc.

22. That' s what they always liked about the Keys family... you guys had ' tude

23. The ending ‘tude’ is very closely related to the ending ‘tud’, which is extremely common in Spanish.

24. good location, near tude as well as a big supermaket. good facilities and comfort enough for traveller.

25. Étude conductimétrique des effets de trois Auxines sur un parenchyme de réserve

26. Get ready to have a blast with games and a bit of 'tude. "X-Play" gives gamer...

27. number: Dates Area Catches Bait used Lati- tude N/S Longi- tude E/W Bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyi Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares Bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus Albacore Thunnus alalunga Swordfish Xiphias gladius White marlin Tetraptunus audax Black marlin Makaira indica Sailfish Istiophorus spp.

28. • McNeill, R. and Tate, D.M. Lignes directrices sur la tarification de l'eau (Étude n° 25, Collection des sciences sociales)

29. Consuetude •allude, brood, collude, conclude, crude, delude, dude, elude, étude, exclude, extrude, exude, feud, food, illude, include, intrude, Jude, lewd, mood

30. Early detection of neural-tude defects is possible by determining Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in maternal serum. 16'685 pregnant women were observed.

31. tude juridique de la traite des personnes en Haiti, cited by Magalie MARCELIN and Mélanie CLERGE, who drafted this research report, pp # and

32. Re com m end ations m ust addre ss th e five p aths to schoo l and s tude nt health an d we ll-being.

33. Les patients présentant une Ankylose complète de la colonne vertébrale n'ont pas été inclus dans l'étude.

34. Instead, their multi-platinum takeover constituted the first full-scale public validation of the Amerindie values—the noise, the toons, the 'tude—the radder half of the electorate came up on."

35. Did w e es tablish a m ean s of c om m unicating the res ults to s tude nts, inc luding feed bac k group s to discuss program implications?

36. There are also several streams, all tributaries of the Tude: the Dead Water Stream, Gouyat Pond stream (also called Ribérat in its upper part ), Moulin d'Aignes Creek, and the Moulin Brunet stream.

37. BOURSE D’ÉTUDE UNIVERSITAIRE CANADA La Commission Fédérale des Bourses Étrangère (CFBE) décide d'accompagner les objectifs de l'OIM en collaboration avec L'Université Toronto Canada lance de part le monde entier 1815 Bourses d'étude au profit des jeunes et cadres voulant faire des études dans les universités et écoles Canadienne.

38. Belter Health is a provider of one-stop health management services; Independent implementation of health management system "cloud-tude-end", the intergrated high-tech enterprises of state level

39. L'étude par effet Mössbauer a montré que dans la Briartite les ions Fe2+ ont pour niveau orbital fondamental le niveau Lz=0> correspondant à l'existe…

40. Ginette�s latest choreographical productions, ANGELs (2006) and �tude #3 pour cordes et poulies (2007) , reflect her commitment to experimentation, collaboration with the dancers, and research relating to among other things identity and the double.

41. Nous commençons notre étude par celle des Bascules, éléments de base des circuits A partir de ce chronogramme nous pouvons écrire la liste des états

42. L’étude a interrogé des femmes alcoolo-dépendantes et d’autres devenues Abstinentes issues de deux centres d’alcoologie (CSAPA 37 et CSSRA 37) et des femmes « témoins »

43. This is an enormous task — far greater than the mapping of the human genome, given that the numbers and the various configurations of proteins exceed by orders of magni-tude the numbers of genes.

44. tude expressed by the majority of national experts) on the one hand, and VET providers and representatives of institutions concerned with issues of recognition and mobility, on the other (attitudes three and two times as high, respectively, as the majority attitude).

45. Afin de faciliter à certains l’accès de nos formations, des Bourses internes sont également octroyées sous conditions, à compter de la 2ème année d’étude à l’ESMA

46. To develop administrative guidelines that convey the school’s interest and concern regarding the hea lth of all stud ents and their fam ilies, suc h as individu alized program s that allow s tude nts to better manage school, home, and work responsibilities.

47. The Valley of the Tude and the valley of the Arce are classified as Natural Zones of ecological interest for fauna and flora of type II under French regulations, and zones of Natura 2000 from a European point of view.

48. Cette étude menée sur 28 patients alcooliques Abstinents a dans ce cadre permis de tester les liens entre ces compensations, les stratégies de coping et les expériences de rechute au cours de la prise en charge de ces patients.

49. It considered that the differences stemming from the letters, the colour of the earlier mark and the length of the mark applied for (the additional ending ‘tude’), could not therefore diminish the overall visual similarity of the conflicting marks (see contested decision, paragraph 22).

50. La Coagglutination des globules rouges par les mélanges des anticorps et des antigènes Albumineux: Contribution à l'étude de la coagulation du sang: L'endémie tuberculeuse et sa prophylaxie: L'Endotoxine coquelucheuse: Le Microbe de la coqueluche: Publications Diverses]