Nghĩa của từ workable bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
1. có thể làm được, có thể thực hiện được, dễ thực hiện
2. dễ dùng, dễ cho chạy, dễ điều khiển
3. dễ khai thác
4. dễ bị ảnh hưởng, dễ sai khiến, dễ điều khiển (người)

Đặt câu có từ "workable"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "workable", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ workable, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ workable trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. They held this way to be workable.

2. Add more water until the dough is workable.

3. His suggestion is in a sense workable.

4. Hopes grew that a workable peace settlement might emerge.

5. Plant the shrubs when the soil is soft and workable.

6. I'm sure we can come to some workable arrangement.

7. We don't have workable democratic models for a global government.

Ta không có các mô hình dân chủ nào áp dụng được cho chính quyền toàn cầu hết.

8. The following pages in this chapter outline honest, workable answers.”

Các trang kế tiếp trong chương này đưa ra những câu trả lời chân thật và thiết thực”.

9. Most pioneers develop a practical, workable routine within a few months.

Trong vòng ít tháng nhiều người tiên phong vun trồng một lề thói thực tế, hữu hiệu.

10. The pioneers hoped to transform the Arid outback into a workable landscape.

11. And there is no line other than viability which is more workable....

12. It does not just redress an historic wrong; it perfects a workable future.

13. The pioneers hoped to transform the arid outback into a workable landscape.

14. It is an easily workable metal with a bright silvery-gray luster.

Nó là một kim loại dễ gia công với một tập hợp xám bạc sáng.

15. Singled him out and created a situation in an otherwise fairly workable arrangement.

16. I think I've managed to cultivate a workable strain of the DayStar virus.

Tôi nghĩ thuốc độc chúng ta bào chế đã thành công rồi.

17. This may provide the first observable category of classroom behaviour for a workable schedule.

18. Investors can simply pay cash, but this isn't a workable solution in most cases.

19. Eriksson's task is to find the happy and workable medium between hope and reality.

20. Let's go through the numbers together and see if a workable deal is possible.

21. The Second Treatise seeks to find some other more workable foundation for political authority.

22. And all of us have an obligation to engage constructively and creatively toward a workable solution.

23. Synonyms for Applicative include practical, functional, useful, practicable, working, usable, serviceable, useable, workable and actionable

24. Synonyms for Actionable include practical, functional, practicable, useful, working, usable, useable, serviceable, workable and applicable

25. To be effective, the new system should be set up within a workable time frame

26. Analysts expect Japan to cobble together a workable energy grid in the next few weeks.

27. Replication techniques have the unfortunate quality of appearing to provide workable solutions to pressing dilemmas.

28. He said he hoped auctioneers in Cumbria could find a workable system to operate the new regulations.

29. It takes 36 to 48 hours for neuroleptic narcotics to reach workable levels in the bloodstream.

Nó mất khỏang 36 tới 48 tiếng để thuốc có tác dụng... Để thuốc ngấm vào máu.

30. Considering the Pakistanis sensitivities about India's active involvement in Afghanistan's reconstruction, is that a workable proposition?

31. Getting your goal clear in your mind is the first step in making a dream real, workable, possible.

32. Alette never discourages an idea, so the person feels empowered and helps them create a “workable” plan.

33. After a few iterations, both sides have arrived at a workable version of the agency-level space cooperation Agreement.

34. There is a dispute over land but we believe we have found a workable solution to this problem.

35. A new plan provides for loans to students, but to make the system workable more government funding will be needed.

36. After a crazy afterburner quest to find workable techniques, I accumulated an impressive array of gear and techniques.

37. It has sought to identify what criteria must be met before any standard fees system could be workable.

38. Sandra Chalmers provides a workable set of stimulating games which cover the content area of Standard grade courses.

39. The young technical innovator didn't lose heart though the new system was not yet brought into a workable condition.

40. Each day she pulled muslin tarpaulins from sculptures and sprayed them with water to keep them wet and workable.

41. Agile focuses on enabling teams to deliver work in small, workable increments, thus delivering value to their customers with ease

42. He was a taxonomist who developed the first workable method of classifyinBritish pharmacologist who isolated acetylcholine from the ergot fungus.

43. While the application is a little different when it comes to investing, that still serves as a workable definition for Arrears

44. Once the angled section was in position, the two adjoining horizontal pieces were hung while everything was still wet and workable.

45. For quite some time many people will find a job to be a workable stopgap solution to the need for an income.

46. Any sane and workable approach to life obviously has to contain both an attitude to individuals and an attitude towards the whole.

47. As with petroleum waxes, it may be softened by dilution with mineral oil or vegetable oil to make it more workable at room temperature.

Giống như sáp dầu mỏ, nó có thể được làm mềm bằng pha loãng với dầu khoáng hoặc dầu thực vật để khiến chúng khả thi hơn ở nhiệt độ phòng.

48. But in five years, with coherent political leadership and a lot of luck, the institutional framework of a passably workable monetary union will have been cobbled together.

49. We're trying to train leaders of exceptional integrity, who have the ability to confront the complex problems, ask the right questions, and come up with workable solutions.

Chúng tôi đang cố rèn luyện những lãnh đạo vô cùng thanh liêm, có khả năng đối mặt với rắc rối phức tạp, hỏi những câu hỏi phù hợp, và tìm ra những cách giải quyết đúng đắn.

50. 30 Dillon, however, seems to tiptoe around the issue, as if afraid either to offer his own thesis or to establish his own workable definition of hypochondria.