Nghĩa của từ vocational bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
(thuộc) nghề nghiệp; hướng nghiệp

Đặt câu có từ "vocational"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "vocational", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ vocational, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ vocational trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Vocational trainings and international partnerships.

Ban Đào tạo, Hợp tác quốc tế.

2. CeWe color attaches great importance to providing young people with vocational training and with advanced vocational training.

3. Vocational training, legitimate career paths.

Đào tạo hướng nghiệp, phát triển sự nghiệp hợp pháp.

4. The course has a vocational emphasis.

5. 16 . Vocational training for new rural development

16 . Đào tạo nghề phục vụ công tác phát triển nông thôn mới

6. • Strengthening Competitiveness through vocational training and skills development

• Tăng tính cạnh tranh thông qua đào tạo nghề và phát triển kỹ năng

7. Education and vocational training can be expensive.

Học vấn và sự huấn nghệ có thể rất tốn kém.

8. Not all the courses are purely vocational.

9. Special vocational schools, education statistical almanac, 2008/09

10. Teachers are organized into separate academic and vocational departments.

11. Stephen Richard Billett is an Australian educational researcher and Professor of Adult Vocational Education in the School of Education and Professional Studies at Griffith University.His research centres on vocational learning, workplace learning, and learning for vocational purposes.

12. Intellectual Academon - Vocational Training College Senior payroll Senior payroll

13. Appleton traditionally has had a commitment to vocational education

14. Any organization or individual may misappropriate, deductions vocational education funding.

15. It subsidizes those companies to provide vocational trainings and job opportunities.

Nó trợ cấp cho các công ty đó để cung cấp đào tạo nghề và cơ hội việc làm.

16. Some have injected low-level academics into low-level vocational classes.

17. Training of persons to care for needy children and adolescents, training measures for qualification of the activities, vocational guidance, vocational training, starting-up aid for needy children and adolescents for the vocational existence such as alphabetisation, organization and execution of seminars

18. • LAURITANO Giuseppina Administrator/Vocational training/Audit and Data Protection Officer

19. The new Act allows for the creation of vocational schools.

20. The trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills.

21. The Candidacy process is designed to be a vocational discernment experience

22. "Implied" occupations are recorded to index vocational activities described in advertisements.

23. College students emphasizing general knowledge rather than professional or vocational trainning.

24. Vocational education is sometimes referred to as career education or technical education.

Giáo dục dạy nghề đôi khi được gọi là giáo dục nghề nghiệp hoặc giáo dục kỹ thuật.

25. After that students go off to vocational and on-the-job training.

26. Imams are trained in Imam vocational schools and at Al-Azhar.

Các Imams được đào tạo trong những trường hướng nghiệp Imam và tại Đại học Al-Azhar.

27. A fortiori Article 7 does not apply to grants for non-vocational education .

28. After his mission he served in the military before receiving further vocational training.

Sau công việc truyền giáo của mình, ông phục vụ trong quân đội trước khi được huấn luyện hướng nghiệp thêm.

29. 6 Tracking assigns some students to college prep and others to vocational programs.

30. Since 1986 the Community programmes in the fields of education and vocational training provide students with a wide range of possibilities to experience internships or vocational training schemes abroad.

31. New types of vocational training such as Levels # and # in Housekeeping, which can be taken on block or day release, will enable them to gain nationally accredited vocational qualifications

32. A vocational school in Germany has a large number of foreign students.

Một trường dạy nghề ở Đức có rất nhiều sinh viên từ nước ngoài đến du học.

33. According to the statistical overview for A.H. 1423 (2002), the country has 68 vocational training centres and vocational secondary colleges for girls, catering for a total of 5,480 students.

34. The authorities were enabled to grant scholarships, and to give vocational guidance.

35. Are there ways to have education systems, vocational training, etc., for that transition period.

Có thể tận dụng hệ thống giáo dục, đào tạo nghề,... cho bước chuyển đó chăng?

36. South Carolina has also implemented a work program that includes training for vocational jobs.

37. The foundation also funds instruments, vocational training and career development for blind children.

Quỹ cũng đóng góp công cụ, nghề nghiệp và phát triển cho trẻ em bị mù.

38. The curriculum drifted to a vocational emphasis, with less focus on theoretical science.

Chương trình học trở nên có tính chất dạy nghề hơn, ít tập trung vào khoa học lý thuyết.

39. 4 Tracking assigns some students to college prep and others to vocational programs.

40. Organization and/or realization of lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops and advanced vocational training programs

41. All Member States except for RO allow victims access to vocational training and education.

42. Vocational training was offered in professions such as accountancy, information technology and carpentry.

43. So you do vocational training, home education for those who cannot go to school.

Bạn làm tập huấn hướng nghiệp, giáo dục tại gia cho những người không thể đến trường.

44. Miss Guthridge tells Miss Peterson, the guidance counselor, that vocational aptitude tests are meaningless.

45. Now, we have a God-given chance to develop vocational education in our country.

46. Ara is the largest vocational training institute in the South Island of New Zealand

47. "....after a very short period of vocational adjustment Rendoscopy becomes a very powerful tool!

48. It must therefore be accepted that the purpose of the STT Regulation is vocational training.

49. Everyone has the right to education and to have access to vocational and continuing training

50. His incisive and fore sighted view indicated his foresight and sagacity as a vocational revolutionist.