Nghĩa của từ uterine wall bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "uterine wall"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "uterine wall", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ uterine wall, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ uterine wall trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The surgeons cut through her uterine wall.

Phẫu thuật cắt xuyên qua thành tử cung.

2. 20 Take care not to puncture the uterine wall.

3. WHAT IS Bulky UTERUS? A Bulky uterus is the generalised swelling of the uterine wall

4. Placental Abruption occurs during a pregnancy when the placenta detaches from the uterine wall too early

5. Blighted Ovum is a type of miscarriage, where a fertilized egg gets attached to the uterine wall

6. • Blastocyst: A Blastocyst is the phase just before the embryo latches onto the uterine wall and “hatches” into a fetus

7. In the uterus the zona pellucida surrounding the blastocyst breaks down, allowing it to implant into the uterine wall approximately 6 days after fertilization.

Trong tử cung, zona pellucida bao quanh phôi nang bị phá vỡ, cho phép nó trong tử cung khoảng 6 ngày sau khi thụ tinh.

8. Implantation Cramping: For some women, Cramping is the first sign of pregnancy, as it sometimes happens when a fertilized egg burrows in the uterine wall

9. Blastocysts A blastocyst is a highly differentiated, highly developed embryo that has grown to the point where it is ready to attach to the uterine wall (implantation)

10. A placental Abruption is when all or part of the placenta tears away from the uterine wall. This can happen for reasons like trauma, such as if …

11. Placental Abruption is a life-threatening complication of the third trimester of pregnancy in which an abrupt separation (partial or complete) of the placenta from the uterine wall occurs before the delivery of the infant

12. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is often called the pregnancy hormone because it is made by cells formed in the placenta, which nourishes the egg after it has been fertilized and becomes attached to the uterine wall.

13. Chorion refers to the outermost membrane surrounding an embryo of a reptile, bird, or mammal while placenta refers to a temporary organ that connects the developing fetus via the umbilical cord to the uterine wall in placental mammals

14. During pregnancy, Amniotic fluid provides a cushion that protects the baby from injury and allows room for growth, movement and development. Amniotic fluid also keeps the umbilical cord from being compressed between the baby and the uterine wall.

15. It is associated with an increased incidence of preterm delivery as well as maternal and perinatal mortality, causing between 15% and 25% of all perinatal deaths.1-3 The rate of abruptio placentae in North America is approximately 0.1-0.2 per 1,000 pregnancies,4-7 but reported rates can range from 0.04-0.35/1,000.1,3,8,9 This wide range in reported incidence rates may be explained partly by the differing criteria for diagnosing abruptio placentae as well as the increased recognition of milder forms of the event, i.e., the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall can be complete, partial, or marginal (involving only the placental margin).