Nghĩa của từ unwritten bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
1. không viết ra, nói miệng
2. chưa viết, trắng (giấy)

Đặt câu có từ "unwritten"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "unwritten", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ unwritten, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ unwritten trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. But here it is unwritten by law.

Nhưng ở đây có luật bất thành văn.

2. The Appoggiatura was often unwritten and left, e.g

3. Every stone a statement; every stone carrying an unwritten label.

4. There's a kind of unwritten law about what to wear.

5. They sinned against the unwritten rules of this meeting.

6. Alice is accused of ning against this unwritten law.

7. They sinned against the unwritten rules of the school.

8. I am unwritten can't read my mind I'm undefined.

9. Like most languages, Koro is unwritten and transmitted orally.

10. There's an unwritten law in the advertising game.

11. There's such a thing as the unwritten law.

Có một thứ luật gọi là luật bất thành văn.

12. Norms can be thought of as unwritten rules.

13. Without unwritten rules civilized life would be impossible.

14. But managers know the unwritten rules when they enter the business.

15. There's an unwritten rule that you don't wear jeans to work.

16. What is this unwritten law Alice is accused of sinning against?

17. Certain unwritten rules may apply with regard to hospitality.

18. Alice is accused of sinning against this unwritten law.

19. The unconscious is the unwritten history of mankind from time unrecorded.

20. Policy: A written or unwritten policy prevents the system from making more.

Chính sách: Một chính sách chính thứchoặc bất thành văn cũng sẽ ngăn cản hệ thống tạo ra nhiều hơn.

21. One of these unwritten rules is that parents should play with their children.

22. To learn their unwritten language, he mixed with the people.

Để học tiếng nói không có chữ viết của họ, ông giao du với dân chúng.

23. The custom society grows the custom, tradition and unwritten law.

24. They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them all—no talking.

25. Therefore, there is an unwritten age-respect rule within the Bushbuck family

26. Tshangla is traditionally an unwritten language and has no official status in any country.

Tiếng Tshangla ít khi là ngôn ngữ viết và không có địa vị chính thức.

27. Unwritten rules may be a precarious basis on which to run a factory.

28. We have an unwritten understanding that nobody leaves before five o'clock.

29. Or is there some unwritten law that the harder the reed, the better the player?

30. Bail originated from England unwritten law, and formed after a long developing period.

31. Universal have agreed to pay £5 million for Grisham's next, as yet unwritten, novel.

32. A joy to Beholdas they invent and respect their own unwritten rules

33. The photographs were to be included in his as yet unwritten autobiography.

34. We have unwritten rules about what kind of behavior is considered normal.

35. There are a number of unwritten rules or axioms which perhaps need to be questioned.

36. These things were never told directly to people, it was simply an unwritten law.

37. What are the unwritten rules of Caddying was the question and a good one it was indeed

38. 35 People Who Grew Up Poor Share What Unwritten Rules They Abided By To Get By Interview

39. One of the unwritten job descriptions of a basketball coach is as second father to the players.

40. 3 Universal have agreed to pay £5 million for Grisham's next, as yet unwritten, novel.

41. Obviously, as the legal precedent law of the unwritten law, it has one's own unique characteristics.

42. 11 Britain has an unwritten constitution, and the United States has a written constitution.

43. As everything else in a kimono outfit, the knots are regulated by a number of unwritten propriety rules.

Như mọi thứ khác trong trang phục kimono, các nút thắt được quy định bởi một số quy tắc bất thành văn mang tính quy chuẩn.

44. Post-war Britain found its own literary history, at least since mid-Victorian times, still unwritten.

45. The Baseball Codes: Beanballs, Sign Stealing, and Bench-Clearing Brawls: The Unwritten Rules of America's Pastime 304

46. It's an unwritten rule that agents who report threats don't fare well on performance reviews.

47. Both sides claimed the other had broken a 1993 unwritten agreement to avoid targeting civilians.

48. The Baseball Codes: Beanballs, Sign Stealing, and Bench-Clearing Brawls: The Unwritten Rules of America's Pastime by

49. Although people management is not a science, it has a system of unwritten rules and logic.

50. In the absence of written laws, the Cossacks were governed by the "Cossack Traditions" – the common, unwritten law.

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