Nghĩa của từ untraceable bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
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Đặt câu có từ "untraceable"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "untraceable", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ untraceable, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ untraceable trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Meaning it's untraceable.

Cũng có nghĩa là không thể truy ra được.

2. And are these pickles untraceable?

Dưa này có dễ bị dò không?

3. This transponder chip is completely untraceable.

Con chíp nhận phát tín hiệu này là hoàn toàn không thể phát hiện ra được.

4. They fake our deaths so we're untraceable.

Họ đã làm giả cái chết của bọn tôi để không ai truy ra được.

5. Only untraceable weapons this side of communist California.

Họ sẽ không tìm được tung tích của loại súng này phía bên này của cộng sản California.

6. H . G . Wells " invisible man " was invisible and untraceable.

7. Unlike rare jewels, chips have had the advantage of being untraceable.

8. He is calling on that line because he knows it's untraceable.

9. Only reason you buy a gun off the street so it's untraceable.

Vâng, lý do ông mua một khẩu súng ở ngoài đường là để khỏi bị lùng ra.

10. Dealing with untraceable shareholders under the compulsory sale procedures is more troublesome.

11. Responsibly outstay - Barrackings fossicks untraceable entomologically superable impinge Bud, burlesques remissly physicochemical amnesties

12. It would have phony license plates and the car itself would be untraceable.

13. Conceal.Network reportedly enables untraceable, anonymous messaging, and a secure way to transfer funds

14. One reason documents become untraceable in a paper office is convoluted and competitive indexing systems.

15. Andre puts an untraceable cell phone into Jack's pocket and he leaves in the van.

16. A black suitcase containing a number of untraceable blood diamonds will change hands at the Shamal.

17. She urgently phones her contact and he orders her to go to Munich and remain untraceable.

18. A defective used car ("lemon") is generally the result of untraceable actions, like the owners driving style, maintenance habits and accidents.

19. Cloaking prevents other beings from perceiving the cloaked, making them invisible, or untraceable through sensing or scrying, or both.

20. He called three pawn shops last week, the kind that specialize in off-the-books sales of untraceable handguns.

Anh ta đã gọi ba cửa hàng cầm đồ hôm tuần trước, loại buôn bán không chứng từ cho các khẩu súng không đăng ký.

21. Paying cash had the added benefit of leaving no record of our visit except a pencilled telephone booking under two untraceable names.

22. The shipping of two printers containing the almost untraceable explosive PETN on board cargo planes bound for the United States.

23. Other gifts by the Kochs may be untraceable; federal tax law permits anonymous personal donations to politically active nonprofit groups.

24. Why aren't we mature enough to resist the temptation to seek Webtribution -- even if it seems easy and (we hope) untraceable?

25. Botnets generally comprise thousands of malware-infected zombie computers that are controlled remotely by a host to carry out a wide array of seemingly untraceable attacks.

26. Wikileaks formulated its mandate on its website as follows: "[Wikileaks will be] an uncensorable version of Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis.

27. Roland re-routes his cell phone to make it untraceable and texts a message to the number on the paper he found from Mahone.

28. But state investigators said the provision proved to be inadequate, as erotic services advertisers simply used fake credit cards or untraceable debit cards.

29. Rom. 33 O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and untraceable His ways!

30. Desperate for information on the whereabouts of a longtime friend, Red (James Spader) directs the Task Force to find a Blacklister who specializes in untraceable money transfers

31. Two U.S. senators said Sunday they will ask federal authorities to crack down on a secretive narcotics market operated on the Internet with anonymous sales and untraceable currency.

32. Receipts and other credits consist of premiums received, funds reclaimed from the Consolidated Revenue Fund for previously untraceable annuitants, earned interest and any transfer needed to cover the actuarial deficit.

33. Some say Bitcoins are being used to buy illegal drugs online via shadowy markets that exploit both the effectively untraceable Bitcoins and the anonymous way they can be traded.