Nghĩa của từ unruly bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
1. ngỗ ngược, ngang ngạnh (trẻ con); bất kham (ngựa)
2. thả lỏng, phóng túng (tình dục)

Đặt câu có từ "unruly"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "unruly", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ unruly, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ unruly trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The soldiers are getting unruly.

Bọn lính kia đang trở nên bất trị.

2. Beware of “an Unruly Injurious Thing”

Hãy coi chừng ‘một vật dữ không ai trị-phục được’

3. You seem less unruly than the others.

Em có vẻ có kỷ luật hơn những em khác

4. She patted down unruly wisps of hair.

5. Hoppy ran his fingers through his unruly hair.

6. 20 Wine is a ridiculer,+ alcohol is unruly;+

20 Rượu nho là kẻ chế giễu,+ men say thì buông tuồng;+

7. He struggled hard to control his unruly emotions.

8. She eyed his unruly collar-length hair with disfavour.

9. They are unruly, and therefore cannot be ruled.

Họ thật ngang bướng, và chúng ta cần dạy dỗ họ

10. The children's unruly behaviour incurred the headteacher's wrath.

11. It's like trying to manage an unruly child.

12. High pressure, unruly crowd, and I pulled tunnel duty.

Áp lực cao, đám đông nhốn nháo, và tôi phụ trách đường hầm.

13. Jesus compared “this generation” to crowds of unruly children

Giê-su so sánh “thế hệ này” với đám trẻ con ngỗ nghịch

14. The parents showed remarkaBle forBearance toward their defiant and unruly son.

15. In two recent incidents, police fired at mobs of unruly protesters.

16. The man had a huge head of remarkably black, unruly hair.

17. In recent years, however[Sentencedict], the fundamentalist camp has grown unruly.

18. A number of unruly youth ganged up and terrorized the district.

19. In recent years, however, the fundamentalist camp has grown unruly.

20. You get a lot of unruly drunks fighting each other.

21. The wind blows away the thoughts, rolled up unruly time.

22. Teddy ran thick fingers through his unruly thatch of hair.

23. She tucked an unruly lock of hair behind her ear.

24. It's not good enough just to blame the unruly children.

25. An unruly mob broke down police barricades and stormed the courtroom.

26. Michael on Brigantine Battles Unruly Short-Term Rentals and Party Houses: “ nailed it

27. Paul offered to address the unruly mob, but friendly officials convinced him otherwise.

Phao-lô muốn nói với đám đông đang gây náo loạn, nhưng các viên chức tử tế thuyết phục ông không nên làm thế.

28. Many Chinese, who disapprove of its sexual movements, consider it unruly and licentious.

29. How, though, does an unruly tongue ‘set the wheel of natural life aflame’?

30. The only way to curb this unruly mob is to use tear gas.

31. Changing contours of Public Policy in India: Un-Blinkering the unruly horse

32. 30 An unruly mob broke down police barricades and stormed the courtroom.

33. An unruly tongue can be a dangerous instrument filled with deadly poison.

Một lưỡi không được kiềm chế có thể là một công cụ nguy hiểm chứa chất độc làm chết người (Rô-ma 3:13).

34. 38 synonyms for Boisterous: unruly, wild, disorderly, loud, noisy, wayward, rowdy, wilful, riotous

35. (Romans 7:19) How can we control our unruly tongue?—James 3:2.

Làm sao chúng ta có thể kiểm soát cái lưỡi ương ngạnh của chúng ta? (Gia-cơ 3:2).

36. Impervious to constraints or punishment; willful; unruly; uncontrollable: an inCorrigible child; inCorrigible hair

37. If the course of public debate is unruly, it has a happy result.

38. The only way to kurb this unruly mob is to use tear gas.

39. What does Breachy mean? Apt to break fences or to break out of pasture; unruly

40. The children were quite unruly and ran around the house as if they owned it.

41. 15 synonyms for Bushy: thick, bristling, spreading, rough, stiff, fuzzy, fluffy, unruly, shaggy, wiry

42. With his unruly beard and comfortable paunch he looked like a well-fed prophet.

43. You can spot her by her unruly hair and her shocking-pink work suit.

44. Brattish: 1 adj (used of an ill-mannered child) impolitely unruly Synonyms: bratty impolite not polite

45. Airing's mission is to liberate those with sleep apnea from unruly masks, straps, hoses, and wires

46. Apt to break fences or to break out of pasture; unruly; as, Breachy cattle

47. 18 The only way to curb this unruly mob is to use tear gas.

48. They have got involved in unruly play, remaining in the pool after closing time.

Chúng chơi giỡn ngỗ nghịch, ở lại trong hồ tắm sau giờ đóng cửa.

49. Breachy (a.Apt to break fences or to break out of pasture; unruly; as, Breachy cattle.

50. Synonyms for Balky include recalcitrant, refractory, disobedient, intractable, rebellious, contrary, defiant, insubordinate, unruly and wayward