Nghĩa của từ unquestionable bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "unquestionable"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "unquestionable", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ unquestionable, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ unquestionable trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. These are unquestionable facts.

2. His honesty is unquestionable.

3. 24 The witness showed unquestionable proof.

4. The witness showed unquestionable proof.

5. We give and receive unquestionable trust.

6. He a person of unquestionable principles.

7. Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable.

8. He is a person of unquestionable principles.

9. The sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable.

10. But for now, Olympus needs your unquestionable obedience.

11. It is the work of civilization, therefore unquestionable.

12. Both world wars were of unquestionable importance as economic events.

13. He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable integrity.

14. The candidate's professional career must show a clear progression and unquestionable achievements.

15. There is an unquestionable link between job losses and deteriorating services.

16. Capability definition, the quality of being capable; capacity; ability: His Capability was unquestionable

17. Capability definition, the quality of being capable; capacity; ability: His Capability was unquestionable

18. The registration in this contest implies complete and unquestionable acceptance of these rules.

19. 25 He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable integrity.

20. Axiomatical, trademarked, is pertaining to that which is self-evident and unquestionable

21. The firm enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world.

22. Synonyms for Apodeictic include irrefutable, certain, sure, undeniable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, unquestionable, indubitable and irrefragable

23. Responsible for boiler safety regulation standard , maintains always clean dry, cleanliness absolutes unquestionable condition.

24. That China intervenes on ascale, to keep its currency down against the dollar, is unquestionable.

25. It is unquestionable that Broon will become the favorite place for your child to be in.

26. "The favour of drop water, should emerge fontal look signs up for " , this is unquestionable.

27. The religious and philosophical value of The Confessions is unquestionable--now modern readers will have easier access to St

28. There was instant and Clamant disapproval, each one of us urging an unquestionable claim to the guardianship of the orphan Menace

29. It seemed to him unquestionable that fortuitously he had been permitted to look upon one of the world's really great men.

30. 9 The unquestionable leitmotiv of the current development of the nation could be summarized as a mechanical tabula rasa of the past.

31. French sociologist Edgar Morin stated: “All the foundations upon which morals are based —God, nature, homeland, history, reason— have lost their unquestionable nature. . . .

Nhà xã hội học người Pháp là Edgar Morin đã nói: “Người ta bắt đầu nghi ngờ mọi nền tảng của giá trị đạo đức—Thượng Đế, thiên nhiên, quê hương, lịch sử, lẽ phải...

32. Clobber Records is an independent record label that promotes its bands through an unquestionable belief in their relevance to the current time

33. It is the earliest unquestionable reptile (Westlothiana is older, but in fact it may have been an amphibian, and Casineria is rather fragmentary).

Đây là chi bò sát cổ nhất (Westlothiana cổ hơn, nhưng nó có thể là động vật lưỡng cư).

34. The grandest irony to emerge is that despite its unquestionable sincerity, soft-spoken iconoclast Martin Margiela’s insistent non-image may yet turn out to be the Canniest …

35. When Absurdities like these appear in other religions, no Christian would think twice about the validity of the events because no Christian is conditioned to accept those sources as absolute and unquestionable truth

36. Baptisteries are first sought where they are first wanted, in towns and cities; for writers of unquestionable authority affirm that the primitive christians continued to baptize in rivers, pools, and baths, till about the middle of the third century.

37. ‘The truths that conceptual analysis arrives at are thus Apodictic, rather like the truths of geometry.’ Synonyms incontrovertible , incontestable, undeniable, irrefutable, unassailable, beyond dispute, unquestionable, beyond question, indubitable, not in doubt, beyond doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, unarguable, inarguable, undebatable

38. Boundlessness plata troy ounce of fine gold unquestionable, unquestioning rowdiness, rowdy (person or event) bracing Compatibilities valora infecting snaps sawfly que tu naquisses cousin getil podklad persoană care angajează mână de lucru asap postage free (adj.) brag humedecer koral approve of firav(d