Nghĩa của từ unjustly bằng Tiếng Việt

Phó từ
không công bằng, bất công; không xứng đáng
phi lý, trái lẽ, bất chính, không chính đáng
không đúng, sai

Đặt câu có từ "unjustly"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "unjustly", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ unjustly, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ unjustly trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. We don't want to accuse anyone unjustly.

2. I regretted having blamed her unjustly.

3. She was unjustly imprisoned without trial.

4. Let's not devalue his work unjustly.

5. Let's not devalue her work unjustly.

6. He may have treated us unkindly or unjustly.

Có thể người đó cư xử với chúng ta không được tử tế hoặc bất công.

7. She felt that she had been unjustly treated.

8. Joseph suffered unjustly in “the prison hole”

Giô-sép chịu đau khổ trong “nơi lao-lung” vì sự bất công

9. He was unjustly singled out for punishment.

10. It's unfair to devalue anyone's work unjustly.

11. He has been unjustly dispossessed of his country.

12. She shouted out that she was unjustly imprisoned.

13. She is an excellent and unjustly neglected author.

14. It is but vain unjustly to wage war.

15. Obviously I haven't done it. You retaliated unjustly.

16. He was unjustly blamed by his immediate supperior.

17. They have been unjustly dispossessed of their hometown.

18. Therefore, he is incapable of acting unrighteously, or unjustly.

Vì thế, Ngài không thể hành động bất công, tức trái lẽ phải.

19. She believed the rumor and blamed her friend unjustly.

20. The newspapers had unjustly labeled him as a coward.

21. The King was unjustly accused of practising the black arts.

22. Even so, Paul is unjustly held in a prison for two years.

Dù vậy, Phao-lô vẫn bị tù oan uổng trong hai năm.

23. When Grandpa was unjustly imprisoned in 1918, my father was only 12.

Khi ông nội bị tù oan vào năm 1918, cha tôi chỉ mới 12 tuổi.

24. Occasionally, human authorities have executed persons unjustly for trivial acts of wrongdoing.

25. She was unjustly accused of stealing money and then given the sack.

26. She shouted at those waiting about how she had been unjustly treated.

27. Is there a valid reason to feel agitated when we are unjustly maligned?

Có lý do chính đáng nào để cảm thấy bối rối khi bị vu oan không?

28. A boss might Criticize his or her employee’s performance, whether justly or unjustly

29. Their claim for freedom rests not on innocence, but on being unjustly imprisoned.

30. At the age of 17, Joseph was unjustly sold into slavery by his brothers.

31. He was unjustly sent to jail aged 18 for stealing a crate of cherries.

Anh ta đã bị tống vào tù 1 cách không công bằng khi 18 tuổi vì ăn trộm 1 sọt dâu.

32. Antonyms for Analogously include unfairly, unjustly, irregularly, roughly, unevenly, dissimilarly, differently, contrarily, contrastingly and contrastively

33. Many people in the 19th century unjustly characterized the Latter-day Saints as a violent people.

34. The Prophet Joseph Smith and five others were unjustly imprisoned here from December 1838 to April 1839.

Tiên Tri Joseph Smith và những người khác bị cầm tù tại đây.

35. 4 It is not easy to control our emotions when we feel that we have been slighted or treated unjustly.

4 Không dễ để kiểm soát cảm xúc khi chúng ta cảm thấy mình bị xem thường hoặc bị đối xử bất công.

36. When a child, you may at times have felt that your parents allowed you to be treated unjustly.

37. The Communists dutifully echoed his admission, disclosing that even loyal Vietminh veterans had been unjustly tried and executed.

38. “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!” Elihu exclaimed.

Ê-li-hu nói: “Đức Chúa Trời chẳng hề hành ác, Đấng Toàn-năng không bao giờ làm hung-nghiệt.

39. On the other hand, developing countries claim that they are unjustly denied access to the nuclear fuel cycle.

40. Said Elihu: “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!

Ê-li-hu nói: “Đức Chúa Trời chẳng hề hành ác, Đấng Toàn-năng không bao giờ làm hung-nghiệt.

41. We are taught, correctly, that forgiveness is sublime, but often forgiveness leaves us unjustly suspended in emotional conflict.

42. He was falsely accused of blasphemy, taken to the Roman Governor, and then unjustly turned over to be executed.

Ngài bị cáo gian tội phạm thượng, bị giải đến Quan Tổng Đốc La Mã, và rồi bị đem đi hành quyết một cách bất công.

43. His claim to be an important and unjustly neglected painter is sheer self-deception - he's no good at all.

44. An arcane spell caster is unjustly accused of starting a devastating fire with a badly aimed (or miscast) spell.

45. The story tells Atticus Finch , a white lawyer defending a black man unjustly accused of raping a white woman .

Câu chuyện kể về một luật sư da trắng có tên Atticus Finch bào chữa cho một người đàn ông da đen bị buộc tội cưỡng đoạt một phụ nữ da trắng .

46. Andrew Jackson, the first president from the western frontier, was unjustly accused of bigamy and derided as an unschooled ignoramus.

47. Mr. Accum, in his Treatise on Culinary Poisons, has stigmatized this process as "fraudulent," but, in our opinion, most unjustly.

Ông Accum, trong chuyên luận về các chất độc ẩm thực, đã bêu xấu quá trình này là "lừa đảo", nhưng, theo chúng tôi, hầu hết là bất công.

48. Luke Cage, wrongly convicted and unjustly imprisoned, was altered in a failed prison experiment that granted him unbreakable skin and superhuman strength

49. Note what Job 34:10 says: “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!”

Hãy lưu ý những lời nơi Gióp 34:10: “Đức Chúa Trời chẳng hề hành ác, Đấng Toàn-năng không bao giờ làm hung-nghiệt”.

50. And the fact that some boys may have been whipped unjustly fifty years ago does not make that injustice more palatable today.