Nghĩa của từ unassailable bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "unassailable"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "unassailable", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ unassailable, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ unassailable trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Evidently, the claim was unassailable.

Hiển nhiên, không ai có thể đả kích được lời tuyên bố này.

2. 15 Paul’s reasoning regarding the Law was unassailable.

15 Lý luận của Phao-lô về Luật Pháp không thể nào bác bẻ được.

3. His legal position is unassailable.

4. The party's position looked unassailable .

5. The party now has an unassailable lead.

6. Liverpool football club are still looking unassailable.

7. The result gave the team an unassailable lead .

8. 7 Finally, Jesus draws attention to an unassailable witness.

7 Cuối cùng, Chúa Giê-su hướng sự chú ý đến một bằng chứng không thể chối cãi.

9. But China's seemingly unassailable position has been its undoing.

10. The logic of the Japan - boosters is unassailable.

11. So, we must maintain defenses of unassailable strength.

12. For the girls it is an unassailable tradition.

13. Their ten-point lead puts the team in an almost unassailable position.

14. He is sure of his own absolute and unassailable righteousness.

Ngài biết chắc sự công bình của Ngài là tuyệt đối và đáng tin cậy.

15. It'signified to him the unassailable power of the companies.

16. She replied with what she thought was unassailable logic ...

17. That was enough to give Mansell an unassailable lead.

18. The president looked unAssailable with over 60 percent of the vote.

19. The Traditionalists had always enjoyed unassailable dominance in politics and business.

20. In the genre terms, that ought to have made him unassailable.

21. Not only may she offer him her full support, she may say he is unassailable.

22. This, then, was an unassailable position to take: contempt poured on heathenism as such, c Comp.

23. The result gives Walsall Kipping an unassailable lead with one round of matches left.

24. He offers the unassailable proposition that without money there can be no inflation.

25. She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable.

26. Her use of the expression unAssailable patriarchy arguably may not include all male Catholics

27. Its editorial integrity ought to be unassailable, at least in its hard news sections.

28. Such agreements, which often dismantle not only tariffs but other regulatory barriers, may appear unassailable.

29. 17 She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable.

30. 22 This, then, was an unassailable position to take: contempt poured on heathenism as such, c Comp.

31. Perhaps, thought Robert, Mr Mafouz had bought his son into an unassailable position on the cricket team.

32. Her guile and genius has helped Cane establish a seemingly unassailable lead over the weak and divided Opposition.

33. Most of the students felt that sincerity was an unassailable virtue: what mattered was to say what you felt.

34. You are too used to dealing with theists who adopt a position of unassailable certainty in their beliefs.

35. Their 100 plus points lead is virtually unassailable and the only question remaining is who will be relegated.

36. But part of him, something of his character that had been forbearing and unassailable, had let him down.

37. With Thatcher running amok through the welfare state, lobby groups are preoccupied defending what was once thought unassailable.

38. If the onward march of globalisation can not be halted, the case for a more effective regional policy has become unassailable.

39. Anyone of school age with a passing interest in space could mention most of the planets - their names seem concrete and unassailable.

40. /ˌʌn.əˈseɪ.lə.bəl/ in such a strong position that you cannot be defeated: This win has given the team an unAssailable lead

41. 18 If the onward march of globalisation can not be halted, the case for a more effective regional policy has become unassailable.

42. Is the New York Times Anti-Catholic for Publishing Maureen Dowd's Criticisms of the Catholic Church? Here, in unAssailable privacy, they do their tricks for …

43. Anything vulnerable to attack is Assailable. If your castle is Assailable to attack by enemy marauders, you may need to dig a deeper moat! This adjective's antonym, unAssailable, which means both "well …

44. ‘The truths that conceptual analysis arrives at are thus Apodictic, rather like the truths of geometry.’ Synonyms incontrovertible , incontestable, undeniable, irrefutable, unassailable, beyond dispute, unquestionable, beyond question, indubitable, not in doubt, beyond doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, unarguable, inarguable, undebatable

45. Lizzie shot ahead, and the other boat fell Astern.Lizzie's father, composing himself into the easy attitude of one who had asserted the high moralities and taken an unassailable position, slowly lighted a pipe, and smoked, and took a survey of what he had in tow.

46. He was a member of the Chilean socialist government of Salvador Allende, overthrown in 1973 by Augusto Pinochet.; 1976-12-18 Soviet dissident Viktor Bukovskiexchanged for Chile CP-leader Corvalan; 1976-12-19 Davis Cup Men's Tennis, Santiago, Chile: Paolo Bertolucci & Adriano Panatta give Italy unassailable 3-0 lead; beat Patricio