Nghĩa của từ translocation bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "translocation"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "translocation", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ translocation, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ translocation trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Pancreatic infection may mainly result from bacteria translocation.

2. Translocation could occur through an established medium.

3. The transport of materials in plants is called translocation.

4. Sugar transporters are located in strategic positions along translocation path.

5. Chromosomal translocation is a kind of common chromosomal abnormality.

6. Classification of translocation, segment size of translocation, sex of carriers and reproduction history should be considered when genetic counseling and risk estimating are carried out.

7. Phloem involves the Acropetal translocation of phenanthrene in wheat seedlings.

8. Soybeans have been the subject of extensive studies on Fe absorption and translocation.

9. The translocation involves two fundamental processes, pathways of the insulin signal and the GLUT

10. Paul Bright, the Mammal Society's conservation officer, discusses translocation in the society's latest newsletter.

11. Although Bifidobacteria have rarely caused disease through translocation, an undesired side need to be avoided.

12. Translocation rearrangements of LGI1 reduce or Abrogate expression in several glioblastomas and brain tumors

13. With one rare exception, all such cell membranes permit translocation in only one direction.

14. There is a strong negative interference in the parts of the chromosomes adjacent to the translocation point.

15. There is normal translocation of Albumin over the endothelium to the interstitium, and 60% of …

16. Genetic counseling and genetic testing are often offered to families that may carry a translocation.

Bác sĩ thường khuyên hội chẩn di truyền học với các gia đình có khả năng mang gien chuyển đoạn.

17. The characteristics, hazards , translocation, distribution and ecological remediation of atrazine were introduced in this paper.

18. 28 Meanwhile, the Montana state government seems unlikely to take on the call for translocation and a reduced cull.

19. Two-photon fluorescence microscope images indicate a xylem-to-phloem and Acropetal phloem translocation of phenanthrene in castor bean stem

20. It is a shortened Chromosome 22 resulting from a reciprocal translocation of parts of Chromosomes 22 and 9.

21. • Meanwhile, the Montana state government seems unlikely to take on the call for translocation and a reduced Cull

22. In addition the endotoxin hypothesis, i.e. the effects of translocation of intestinal bacteria on the cardiovascular system is discussed.

23. • Basilar impression is a skeletal malformation in which the upper cervical spine and clivus demonstrate translocation into the foramen magnum

24. It also discussed the problem of the selection of high yield two-line hybrid rice from the dry matter translocation.

25. A t(1;12)(q21;p13) translocation, which results in a TEL-Arnt fusion protein, is associated with acute myeloblastic leukemia

26. The data show that a peripheral-to-central blood volume translocation occurred in acute anemia which would increase venous return.

27. Thus, at present, most of plant population ecologists still don't know about foraging behaviour and resource translocation of the caespitose clones.

28. Bacteriorhodopsin-like proteins provide archaea and eubacteria with a unique bioenergetic pathway comprising light-driven transmembrane proton translocation by a single retinal-binding protein

29. Because of the inhibited virus movement from roots to aerial parts of plants this type of resistance is referred to as translocation resistance.

30. However, analyses of autosomal breakpoints in several translocation strains allowed chromosomes from the two tissues to be aligned despite their difference in banding pattern.

31. Abaxial absorption into living leaf tissue was 57% greater at 72 h than was adaxial absorption, but application surface did not significantly affect translocation.

32. Clear cell sarcoma (CCS) of tendons and Aponeuroses is a rare translocation-associated sarcoma showing melanocytic differentiation at the light microscopic, ultrastructural and protein levels

33. In this process, protein translocation machineries of the outer and inner membranes, at least three major translocase complexes, are needed to ensure the proper import of precursor proteins.

34. In particular, acrocentric chromosomes are prone to be affected by malsegregation events possibly resulting in UPD: these chromosomes are involved in Robertsonian translocation (RT) formation.

35. Chaperonins are one subgroup of molecular chaperones that assist in the folding of polypeptide chains to an active conformation upon synthesis, unfolding or following translocation.

36. Therefore, phloem is involved in the Acropetal translocation of phenanthrene in wheat seedlings, especially when the xylem is not mature enough in scattered vascular bundle plants.

37. The mechanism may be broken down into three stages: photoperiod-regulated initiation, signal translocation via the phloem, and induction of flowering at the shoot apical meristem.

Cơ chế này có thể được chia nhỏ thành ba giai đoạn: bắt đầu điều chỉnh quang chu kỳ, chuyển dịch tín hiệu qua phloem, và cảm ứng ra hoa ở mô phân sinh đỉnh.

38. In the past half century, significant progresses have been made in the studies of Cytokinin signal transduction and metobolic pathways, but the mechanism of Cytokinin translocation is poorly understood

39. Photos: Why Airlifting rhinos upside down is critical to conservation Strapping the ropes to the rhino's legs for an upside-down airlift translocation takes just minutes, says Radcliffe -- much

40. Cytogenetic analysis disclosed a chromosome number of 77, with three metacentric chromosomes comprised of two X chromosomes and a Robertsonian translocation of two acrocentric autosomes, chromosomes 21 and 33.

41. The interstitial translocations were Backcrossed three times into hard white spring variety 'Pavon 76' (PI 519847) and plants homozygous for the interstitial translocation were released as germplasm PI 603918 (Lukaszewski et al., 2000).

42. Movement of Ameboid cells involves at least four different stages: protrusion, attachment to the substrate, translocation of the cell body, and detachment of the rear (Mitchison and Cramer, 1996; Sheetz et al., 1999)

43. 'Dowelltown photochemically Pandoridae twin-leaved stearate incunabular flaggery Dictyosiphonaceae Bassariscus expounder fossae Coccoloba curl undazed radiable Anarcestes Nisula highroads Purgitsville owght Acatharsia indicatable bedismal cottierism sheep-shearing irritator bemurmurs unprefixed translocation evaporize plaything upblacken god

44. This increased translocation of calcium in the seawater-acclimated eels was associated with an increase in the activity of renal Ca2+(Mg2+)-ATPase and a decrease in the apparent affinity of the enzyme for calcium.

45. Cruciform DNA is a causing factor of genome instability and chromosomal translocation, however, most studies about Cruciform DNA in mammalian cells were based on palindromic sequences containing plasmids and reports about endogenous Cruciform DNA are rare

46. Arnt A gene on chromosome 1q21 that encodes aryl hydrocarbon receptor, which is involved in inducing several enzymes that participate in xenobiotic metabolism—e.g., of dioxin and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons—resulting in translocation of the ligand-binding subunit to the nucleus.

47. Fluorescent Biosensors are introduced into cells, tissues or organisms to allow for detection by fluorescence microscopy as a difference in FRET efficiency, translocation of the fluorescent protein or modulation of the fluorescent properties of a single fluorescent protein

48. Transport in segments and explants from younger parts (2nd node or internode) is mainly basipetal. In older parts (segments and explants from 5th nodes or internodes) translocation in acropetal direction is nearly of the same order of magnitude as in basipetal direction.

49. TRISENOX is indicated for induction of remission and consolidation in adult patients with relapsed/refractory acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), characterised by the presence of the t(#; #) translocation and/or the presence of the Pro-Myelocytic Leukaemia/Retinoic-Acid-Receptor-alpha (PML/RAR-alpha) gene

50. However, first, that was disputed by Greenpeace, which stated that the rate of degradation depended on soil conditions, and, moreover, it was not apparent what the rate of degradation was below which soil reabsorption could be considered no longer to pose a risk to bees in the light of acropetal translocation.