Nghĩa của từ talus bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "talus"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "talus", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ talus, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ talus trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Astragalus definition is - talus

2. CHAPTER 20 - Colluvium AND TALUS

3. My champions have held off Talus.

Người của ta đã cầm chân được Talus

4. They’ve located Artifice’s lair in the Talus system

5. Cliffs, talus, and caves provide refuge for several animals.

Vách đá, talus và hang động cung cấp nơi ẩn náu cho nhiều loài động vật.

6. Talus fracture was fixed with 2 Cancellous screws from the lateral side

7. Depositional landforms consist of talus slopes and colluvial and alluvial fans.

8. Auklets are super social seabirds, breeding in large colonies in rock talus slopes

9. After Talus burned their village by the river, they took refuge here in the forest.

Sau khi Talus đốt ngôi làng ven sông của chúng tôi Người dân phải lánh nạn trong pháo đài

10. Hodgins, we're still missing part of his scapula, the talus, the lumbar vertebrae, left acromion...

11. A qualitative evaluation of clay rock textures of marine, lacustrine, alluvial, talus and eluvial genesis is described.

12. 18 Some scaling down was done, but this was legitimate based on Lucy's talus, said White.

13. Moraine rock glaciers, talus-derived rock glaciers, and avalanche rock glaciers are described from Grizzly Creek.

14. Why do Talus and Cobra care about this meaningless strumpet anyway if they are such mighty warriors?

Tại sao Talus và Mãng xà quan tâm đến cô gái vô dụng này Họ đều là chiến binh hùng mạnh mà

15. The Talus Loop trail had numerous Blowdowns and was really the only trail to have any significant Blowdowns

16. • Talus or Scree Slopes - cone-shaped accumulations of rocks pried loose from steep glacier-scoured valley walls by frost action.

17. X-ray evidence of the talus tilt angle in the operated group revealed less aberration than in those treated conservatively.

18. Talus wishes for me to die without honor, while my people defend the land they have owned for centuries.

Người của ta sẽ bảo vệ vùng đất mà họ sở hữu nhiều thế kỉ nay

19. • Talus or Scree Slopes – cone-shaped accumulations of rocks pried loose from steep glacier-scoured valley walls by frost action.

20. The main bones of the ankle region are the talus (in the foot), and the tibia and fibula (in the leg).

Các xương chính của vùng mắt cá chân là talus (ở bàn chân), và xương chày (tibia) và fibula (ở chân).

21. Injuries to the talus (the bottom bone of the Ankle joint) that involve both the bone and the overlying cartilage

22. The Ankle is a hinge joint formed by the junction of the tibia and fibula with the talus (Ankle bone)

23. Crested Auklets, Least Auklets and other seabirds at Main Talus, Buldir Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska - Alaska Maritime National Wildlife RefugeCamera and

24. Marked Astragali (talus bones) of sheep and goats are common at Mediterranean and Near Eastern archaeological sites, particularly at funeral and religious locations.

25. Abstract Fractures of the talus are rare, accounting for 0.32% of all fractures and 3.4% of fractures of the foot in man.

26. Talus slopes, a distinct type of natural community, often occur at the bases of Cliffs, where rocks have broken off of the cliff face

27. Slight supination to address the cavus and increasing abduction to align the midfoot bones while putting counter-pressure on the head of the talus.

28. The Ankle joint or tibiotalar joint is formed where the top of the talus (the uppermost bone in the foot) and the tibia (shin bone) and fibula meet

29. Breccia [ brĕch ′ē-ə, brĕch ′ə, brĕsh ′- ] A rock composed of angular fragments embedded in a fine-grained matrix. Breccias form from explosive volcanic ejections, the compaction of talus, or plate …

30. MatriGRAFT® Unicortical Cancellous Spacer is a precision cut Cancellous block with a single cortical face recovered from femoral condyles, femoral heads, distal tibia, and the talus Allows for sturctural support with single cortical face

31. The seven tarsal Bones are: Calcaneus: The largest bone of the foot, it is commonly referred to as the heel of the foot.; Talus: This bone creates the lower portion of the ankle joint.; Cuboid

32. To qualify these Bushwacks have to be over three miles in length, include intense vegetation, maybe a roaring stream to wade through, some waterfalls, a bit of talus on steep terrain and lots of …

33. Penstemon digitalis (known by the common names foxglove beard-tongue, foxglove Beardtongue, talus slope penstemon, and white Beardtongue) is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family, Plantaginaceae.The flowers are white and are borne in summer

34. Colluvium fragmental material accumulating on mountain slopes or at the foot of slopes owing to displacement from higher areas by gravity (talus, creep, and slides) or the movement of thawing, water-saturated products of weathering in areas of permafrost

35. Treatment of adult instable drop foot by modified Lambrinudi arthrodesis (removal of a wedge between the talus and calcaneus), followed by a posterior tibial tendon transfer to the medial cuneiform in order to provide active dorsiflexion.

36. Along with nearby Talus Village, they are type-sites for the Eastern Basketmaker II period (400 BCE–400 CE) of the Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi) tradition, a subdivision of the Formative period that saw an increased reliance on maize and maize farming.

37. Clients have included Aeronomics, Decision Focus, Talus (the merged company of Aeronomics and Decision Focus), New England Memorial Hospital, The New Haven Foundation, Gang & Gang Inc., Community Resources Services, Consumer Financial Institute, Systems Dynamics, and the National Council on the Aging.

38. The height figure, 979 m (3,212 ft), mostly consists of the main plunge but also includes about 400 metres (1,300 ft) of sloped cascade and rapids below the drop and a 30-metre (98 ft) high plunge downstream of the talus rapids.

Con số chiều cao 979 m (3.212 ft) chủ yếu bao gồm dòng nước đổ xuống chính yếu nhưng cũng gồm khoảng 400 m (0,25 mi) thác dốc ghềnh và ghềnh nước bên dưới đổ nước xuống, cộng thêm 30 mét (98 ft) độ cao hạ lưu đổ nước của các ghềnh nghiêng.

39. Apophyseal Injury Clubfoot Congenital Abduction Contracture of the Hip Congenital Vertical Talus Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Epiphyseal Fracture External Tibial Torsion Femoral Anteversion Femoral Retroversion Fractures in Children Genu Valgum Genu Varum Hip Apophysitis Internal Tibial Torsion In-Toeing Legg-Calve-Perthes Low Back Pain

40. History and Etymology for Astragal. borrowed from French & Latin; French Astragale, going back to Middle French, borrowed from Latin Astragalus, borrowed from Greek astrágalos "neck vertebra, ball of the ankle joint, (in plural) dice made from the talus bones of hoofed animals, molding in the capital of an Ionic column," of uncertain origin.

41. Elle est présentée comme une manipulatrice extrêmement puissante de la politiques Abyssale.: She is presented as an extremely powerful manipulator of Abyssal politics.: La plus grande partie des fonds marins au-delà du talus continental est une plaine Abyssale.: Beyond the continental slope much of the seabed is an abyssal plain.: La partie Abyssale concerne Sarah Palin.

42. A variety of volcaniclastic facies are recognized on the basis of bed geometry, sedimentary structures, and textural characteristics, and include: thinly bedded tuffs and lapillistones that were deposited by fallout from vertical ash columns (some tuffs contain accretionary lapilli and hence originated from subaerial eruption columns); pillow talus deposits (hyaloclastites) resulting from the rapid quenching of lava in water; volcaniclastic turbidites representing relatively deep-water resedimented tephra; and a single massive pyroclastic flow that was emplaced during a single depositional event, and may have been derived from a Plinian eruption or series of Surtseyan eruptions.