Nghĩa của từ stria mallearis membranae tympani bằng Tiếng Việt

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "stria mallearis membranae tympani", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ stria mallearis membranae tympani, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ stria mallearis membranae tympani trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Methods Cochlea stria was separated by micrergy from guinea pigs and the stria tissue nubbles were cultured in vitro.

2. Ahimsa Indústria e Comércio de Calçados Ltda

3. CFGM Elaboració de Productes Alimentaris (14) CFGS Processos i Qualitat en la Indústria Alimentària (19) Cursos i Gestió del Departament d'Indústria Alimentària (1) Cursos Comuns

4. Moderately positive reactions were observed in the acoustical nerve, ganglionar cells and stria vascularis.

5. Objective: To analysis the incidence of large sinus tympani and provide valuable reference for clinical otology by HRCT.

6. The spiral of the Cochlea is separated by the osseous spiral lamina and consists of the scala tympani (lower portion), scala media and …

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8. 5) Outer wall of the cochlear turn is the spiral ligament and it is lined by Avascularised epithelium (stria vascularis)

9. The superior wall or roof of the mastoid Antrum is known as the tegmen mastoideum, which continues anteriorly as the tegmen tympani.

10. We describe a patient with carotid dissection and ipsilateral ageusia in the anterior two thirds of the tongue, presumably from a lesion of the chorda tympani.

11. Pronotum slightly convex, gradually narrowed anterad from base, emarginate at anterior margin, feebly Bisinuate behind head; surface evenly punctate as head; marginal pronotal stria complete, well impressed

12. Ageusia in carotid dissection is explained by the close anatomic relation of the internal carotid artery and the chorda tympani in the short petrous bone. However, since extension of the space-occupying, dissecting intramural hematoma into the carotid channel as in our patient occurs infrequently – a probable precondition for the chorda tympani lesion – loss of taste is accordingly very rare.

13. The Cochlea is a shell-like structure of the inner ear which is comprised of two canals (the Scala vestibule and the Scala tympani) and the organ of Corti

14. Cochleas from persons suffering from presbycusis display pathologies of the stria vascularis as well as anomalies in cochlear microcirculation that parallel the age-related pathologies investigated in …

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16. Cochleas from persons suffering from presbycusis display pathologies of the stria vascularis as well as anomalies in cochlear microcirculation that parallel the age-related pathologies investigated in gerbils and other mammals

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18. We previously reported a rhythm in PER2 expression in the oval nucleus of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis that is identical in phase and sensitivity to adrenalectomy to that found in the CEA.

19. ‘The Amygdaloid nuclei project to ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus via the stria terminalis.’ ‘For example, damage to the central Amygdaloid nucleus reduces activation of NTS and PVN neurons following IL - 1beta injections and attenuates stress-induced norepinephrine release in the PVN.’

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21. The Cochlea has a base (= screw head) and an apex (=point) two membranes extend from the spiral lamina to the lateral wall of the Cochlea, dividing the bony Cochlea into 3 compartments: scala vestibuli, scala tympani and scala media (= Cochlear duct) the scalae wind around the modiolus ~3 times, defining apical, middle and basal turns

22. The Advanced Bionics family of 16-electrode arrays includes the HiFocus™ Mid-Scala (Figure 5.10), which has a formed precurved electrode array structure and is designed to “free float” in the scala tympani in order to reduce the risk of damage to the delicate structures of the cochlear upon insertion through the round window.

23. Moldovan society's attitude towards Transnistria seems ambivalent.: A atitude da sociedade moldava para com a Transnístria parece Ambivalente.: Perceptions of organizational justice and ambivalent sexism: the moderating role of individualism-collectivism.: Percepção de justiça organizacional e sexismo Ambivalente: o papel moderador do individualismo-coletivismo.

24. Foi fundada em 1907, com o nome original de Fábrica Brasileira de Alpargatas e Calçados, pelo escocês Robert Fraser, oriundo da Argentina, em associação com uma indústria inglesa.Robert Fraser havia criado fábricas de Alpargatas na Argentina e no Uruguai

25. Curiosidades do universo dos cassinos O universo dos cassinos é uma indústria de milhões em forte expansão mas se você olhar atentamente determinados aspectos é bem possível que pense qual a razão que este ou outro elemento tem determinado nome e qual sua origem.