Nghĩa của từ square root bằng Tiếng Việt

Căn bậc hai

Đặt câu có từ "square root"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "square root", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ square root, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ square root trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Square root button is used to Calculate the square root of a number

2. 2 The square root of 144 is

3. But if you just write a radical sign, you're actually referring to the positive square root, or the principal square root.

4. The IMSQRT(string) returns the square root of a complex number

5. Now take the square root to see what Monique's soul costs.

Bây giờ lấy căn bậc 2 để xem giá trị của tâm hồn Monique bao nhiêu nào.

6. So this actually increases at the square root of the zoom level.

7. " The square root of 17 times'X'to the 22nd power over the quotient of'Y'... "

8. And the radical sign doesn't just have to apply to a square root.

9. The domain and Codomain of the square root function is only nonnegative numbers

10. Anamorphosis operator which is similar to the logarithmic transform is the square-root operator.

11. Because we have 1 plus or minus the square root of 33 over 4.

Bởi vì chúng tôi có 1 cộng thêm hoặc trừ đi các hình vuông thư mục gốc của 33 trên 4.

12. Of thirty- two divided by the cube -- no, I'll just take the square root.

13. To show this, suppose that x is a square root of 1 modulo pp.

Thật vậy, giả sử rằng x là một căn bậc hai của 1 theo mođun pp.

14. 27 Therefore, taking the square root of this measure we get the correlation coefficient; i.e..

15. 30 The square root of 64 is ( and the cube root of 64 is

16. And let's take the square root of that and we get the velocity, 13. 7.

17. Which of the following is the value of the square root of the cube root.

Số nào dưới đây là căn bậc 2 của căn bậc 3 của?

18. Fibre optic “magnetometers” having a ‘sensitivity’ lower (better) than 1 nT (rms) per square root Hz;

19. & amp; gt; & amp; gt; Now here's something we haven't seen in awhile, a square root sign.

20. So the positive square root is going to be the absolute value of x dot y.

21. Fibre optic "magnetometers" having a 'sensitivity' lower (better) than 1 nT (rms) per square root Hz;

22. Adding 5 or 7 increases the number, and the square root button will make it smaller.

Cộng 5 và 7 làm tăng giá trị của số, và lấy căn bậc hai làm giảm giá trị.

23. 5. Fibre optic "magnetometers" having a 'sensitivity' lower (better) than 1 nT (rms) per square root Hz;

24. Sine of pi over 3, or sine of 60 degrees, is square root of 3 over 2.

25. 5. Fibre optic ‘magnetometers’ having a ‘sensitivity’ lower (better) than 1 nT (rms) per square root Hz;

26. The formula for Aquaplaning speed in Knots is 9 x square root of tyre pressure in PSI

27. Cardano noticed that Tartaglia's method sometimes required him to extract the square root of a negative number.

Cardano nhận thấy phương pháp của Tartaglia thỉnh thoảng đòi hỏi ông phải tiến hành khai căn bậc hai của một số âm.

28. So you would get the square root of four pi times the area is equal to r Circumference.

29. The square root of two is Constructible as the hypotenuse of a square who side length is 1

30. This measurement is the square root of the area the region consumes on your screen, measured in pixels.

31. like square root of two and pi, the infinity of irrationals is actually greater than the infinity of fractions.

32. We have that plus or minus because a square root could actually be a positive or a negative number.

33. The formula for Aquaplaning speed in Miles per Hour is 10.4 x square root of tyre pressure in PSI

34. So a division or square root took up to 143 cycles, or 28,600 microseconds—a rate of 35 per second.

35. You could multiple them out and try to figure out the square root, but it'll take you a long time.

bạn có thể nhân nó ra rồi thử tính căn bậc 2 của nó nhưng làm như vậy sẽ mất thời gian khá lâu.

36. ISO paper sizes are all based on a single aspect ratio of the square root of 2, or approximately 1:1.4142.

37. Change in these determinants changed at different rates: from a rapidly Asymptoting log function to a less rapidly Asymptoting square-root function

38. Well here once again we have a square root here, so we could say this is equal to one half times log base two of thirty- two.

39. On any given day, I analyze the manometer levels for air displacement friction and velocity. And compute over 10,000 calculations by cosine, square root and lately Analytic Geometry.

Mỗi ngày... tôi đều phân tích áp lực nạp khí, ma sát và vận tốc... và thực hiện hơn 10.000 phép tính bằng cosin, căn bậc hai... và mới đây còn có hình học giải tích.

40. So in this case cosine of theta is equal to the adjacent side, which has length 4, over the hypotenous which has the length square root of 65.

41. In the three-parameter velocity analysis, we first derive dip direction and dip angle of reflection interface from 3-D seismic data, then obtain mean square-root velocity.

42. So, even though we're familiar with only a few irrationals, like square root of two and pi, the infinity of irrationals is actually greater than the infinity of fractions.

43. The predefined functions LOG (which converts to natural logarithms), EXP (which provides Antilogarithms), and SQR (which calculates the square root) may also be different in other dialects of BASIC

44. Statistics used in the evaluation were mean of the differences (between the observed and predicted stand heights), mean of the absolute differences, and square root of mean squared error.

45. “Burdock root is the thick, square root of a plant more technically known as Arcticum,” says Noah Rubinstein, DACM, LAc, clinical herbalist and chief clinic director of New York City’s

46. We would get four pi times the area is equal to our Circumference squared and then to solve for the Circumference we just take the square root of both sides

47. Complex Conjugation, the change of sign of the imaginary part of a complex number Conjugate (square roots), the change of sign of a square root in an expression Conjugate element (field theory), a generalization of the preceding Conjugations to roots of a polynomial of any degree

48. Four time and four frequency domain indices were calculated: mean duration of RR intervals, standard deviation of all RR intervals (SD), square root of the mean squared differences of successive RR intervals (r-MSSD), percent of differences between adjacent RR intervals (pNN50), total power (TP), low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), and LF/HF ratio.

49. User Review - Flag as inappropriate this outstanding book deserves wide circulation and appreciation a good tool for Apologisti discussion are rare encyclopedia for many disciplines i a comment on the way modern physics gives experimental evidence for would like to have seen the square root of -1 (I refer to aspects of the theory of the detection of spin polarisation correlations being a

50. One can compute the partition function for dimer coverings on a finite planar graph G as the Pfaffian (square root of the determinant) of a certain Antisymmetric matrix, the Kasteleyn matrix.The Kasteleyn matrix is an oriented adjacency matrix of G, indexed by the vertices V: orient the edges of a graph embedded in the plane so that each face has an odd number of clockwise oriented edges.