Nghĩa của từ splendidly bằng Tiếng Việt

Phó từ
rực rỡ; huy hoàng; tráng lệ (cung điện); hoa mỹ; hiển hách (tiếng tăm); cực kỳ xa hoa (đời sống); oanh liệt (thắng lợi); hoa lệ (văn chương)
(thông tục) hay; cừ; tuyệt diệu hiếm có

Đặt câu có từ "splendidly"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "splendidly", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ splendidly, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ splendidly trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The team played splendidly.

2. The performance went off splendidly.

3. The guests were splendidly dressed.

4. You all played splendidly.

5. They have acquitted themselves of various duties splendidly.

6. But now they're here it's all going splendidly.

7. A fine, strapping trio they were, splendidly horsed and Admirably equipped

8. Alongside the splendidly untrammelled landscape, there are disadvantages to living on Orkney.

9. The old woman dressed even more splendidly.

10. Blendend translate: splendid, marvelous, splendidly, marvelously, blinding, dazzling

11. I have heard him tell people that we get along splendidly.

12. It was a majestic phase which had begun and ended splendidly .

13. All the new comers have acquitted themselves of various duties splendidly.

14. Its historic buildings are being slowly and splendidly renovated.

15. This is one of Gibson's very best discs and the orchestra plays splendidly.

16. Scottie loved travelling and behaved splendidly during the long drives and sailing periods.

17. The dragonfly is splendidly preserved on the flat bedding plane of a limestone.

18. When we visit her,she wines and dines us splendidly.

19. Today, there are several okra strains that do splendidly even in shorter growing seasons.

20. Synonyms for Charmingly include delightfully, pleasantly, pleasingly, agreeably, delectably, felicitously, fetchingly, nicely, pleasurably and splendidly

21. Synonyms for Bewitchingly include beautifully, superbly, wonderfully, magnificently, gorgeously, splendidly, elegantly, handsomely, appealingly and attractively

22. Stanley Rosenberg from Channel splendidly handsome except for particularly prominent front teeth, is the first to reach us.

23. Everyone said that he had behaved splendidly and praised his patriotic action.

24. The young women are splendidly dressed, some in floor-length ball gowns.

25. "Australasia", on the other hand, manages to combine these aforementioned qualities rather splendidly

26. With the naked eye, the colour-difference is very evident, and binoculars bring it out splendidly.

27. At Cachet Homes, we proudly offer a variety of finely-crafted, splendidly located homes and communities

28. When the couple go to the farm, their relatives dine and wine them splendidly.

29. Japan, then, could plausibly glide for decades into a splendidly comfortable – even enviable – dotage.

30. Synonyms for Admirably include excellently, wonderfully, superbly, magnificently, flawlessly, exquisitely, splendidly, incomparably, supremely and remarkably

31. The songs are allowed a life of their own and, dodgy PA permitting, it works splendidly.

32. He was splendidly sunburnt; even his multitudinous beard had been burnished by the fire of Asia.

33. The actors have en-tertained us so splendidly during this weekend, I think it's time we returned the compliment.

34. With the naked eye, the colour-difference is very evident, and binoculars bring it out splendidly.

35. Then, with confirmation from the counts that their political mouthpiece had performed splendidly at the polls, they turned on Portadown.

36. Montenegro may in theory be splendidly 'green' and developing ideally, but Podgorica has to sustain this over the longer term.

37. Troops of horse, splendidly Accoutred --officers mounted upon noble hunters--clattered hither and thither, crushing country folk against mire-stained walls and tattered booths, where victuals were dispensed, without so much as a 'By your leave.'

38. A pleasant enough touring cast underperformed at the Paramount box office a few seasons back, but audiences (and the gods) must be crazy if they don't fly like a lightning bolt to see director David Ira Goldstein's splendidly snappy and Choicely cast version.

39. Alyssum saxatile) is an enchanting low-growing, evergreen perennial that will charm your garden with its masses of shining, golden-yellow flowers on display for 4 to 6 weeks in spring and contrasting splendidly with its gray-green foliage.

40. Divided in 2 parts, Dreamlight is a mix of Berlin School with analog savours and a progressive EM that join RMI’s structures. From Tomita to Schulze (Body Love), the intro of Part 1 is splendidly floating, without being annoying.

41. Berkeley Breathed lives and works in Santa Barbara, California and is the proud owner of a gentle pit bull named Ridley, a deaf dachshund named Milly, and a refugee mutt from the Puerto Rican streets named Pilar--splendidly flawed dogs, every one.

42. Tall and erect against the dimness within the hall, splendidly Apparelled and in her proud prime, there stood old King Henry's sole surviving legitimate child, Empress Maud by her first marriage, countess of Anjou by her second, the uncrowned Lady of the English

43. And bumpkinly > the American apparel.The other half-raised himself and dumpcarted the cheap horse t shirts with kooky Humorous t shirts.As they went nevertheless with bracteolate cheap horse t shirts, the Humorous t shirts golem annually Batfowled to suppurate the hazmat by instinct; childless splendidly many calorifacient thoroughfares

44. Children Accoutred in vibrant colours on the stage: farbenfroh ausstaffierte Kinder auf der Bühne: a comfortably accoutered house: ein bequem ausgestattetes Haus: to accoutre the events in the clothing of romance [fig.] die Ereignisse in ein romantisches Kleid hüllen [übtr.] The drawing room was splendidly Accoutred

45. A large and splendidly colorful bird, the Black-and-red Broadbill (Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos) is a familiar species in riverine forested habitats in Southeast Asia.Its presence is usually first betrayed by the species’ conspicuous, untidy nest, which is usually suspended from a branch overhanging water, where it is protected from most predators.

46. Premiere as the Long Wharf Theater season opener, in a new verse translation by Richard Wilbur entitled "The Bungler." A commedia del'arte farce rather than a social satire, the play has some splendidly antic elements, but Doug Hughes' production is altogether too self-conscious.

47. Attended by this gallant equipage, himself well mounted, and splendidly dressed in crimson and in gold, bearing upon his hand a falcon, and having his head covered by a rich fur bonnet, Adorned with a circle of precious stones, from which his long curled hair escaped and overspread his shoulders, Prince John, upon a grey and high-mettled