Nghĩa của từ semi-arid bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
nửa khô hạ

Đặt câu có từ "semi-arid"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "semi-arid", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ semi-arid, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ semi-arid trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Acacias in Ruaha their semi arid environment

2. Much of the southern region is semi-arid and desert.

Đa phần vùng phía nam là đất đai bán khô cằn và sa mạc.

3. It may happen rarely in arid or semi-arid climates.

4. Climate is semi - arid northern temperate zone monsoon climate zone.

5. Arid and semi-Arid deserts; Nothing grows in these Arid regions

6. Buttes are commonly found in semi-arid regions dominated by duricrust horizons

7. Steppes/shortgrass prairies are short grasslands that occur in semi-arid climates.

Steppe/prairie cỏ thấp là những vùng đồng cỏ cỏ thấp xuất hiện ở khí hậu bán khô hạn.

8. The Crested Bellbird occurs from semi-arid coastlines to the arid Australia interior

9. Adelaide receives enough annual precipitation to avoid Köppen's BSk (semi-arid climate) classification.

Adelaide nhận đủ lượng mưa hàng năm nên không bị phân loại là khí hậu BSh (bán khô hạn) của Köppen.

10. Sand dust storm is a catastrophically climate mainly occurring in arid or semi - arid region.

11. Its territory covers Mesoamerica, from El Salvador to the semi-arid regions of Northen Mexico.

12. Possibly more than half the soils in the semi-arid regions are subject to severe erosion.

13. The hot semi-arid climate predominates the land east of the Western Ghats and the Cardamom Hills.

Khí hậu bán khô hạn nóng chiếm ưu thế tại vùng đất phía đông Ghat Tây và vùng đồi Cardamom.

14. In Shanxi Province in aridity and semi-arid region, the groundwater is the important resource of water supply.

15. In addition, the State Party has introduced mobile schools in arid and semi-arid areas in Kenya.

16. Biological soil Crusts are communities of living organisms on the soil surface in arid and semi-arid ecosystems

17. Aridisols are a soil order in USA soil taxonomy. Aridisols form in an arid or semi-arid climate

18. BIOLOGY General Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum is a perennial, acrocarpous moss species that grows over soil in semi-arid shrub-steppe and grassland environments.

19. In order to overcome the problem of an inadequate water supply, many parts of the arid and semi-arid regions have been irrigated.

20. In the semi-arid Northeast of Brazil nutrient-poor Arenosol with a low capacity to retain water and nutrients is the predominant soil type

21. In arid and semi-arid regions leaching may be minimal and solutions in the weathering mantle can attain high concentrations of dissolved constituents.

22. Its adaptability means that it can survive at high altitudes, in semi-arid areas, and in rocky areas as well as in forests.

23. The Angulate tortoise is a semi-arid species that is most comfortable on reptile substrates like sand, that have low-lying shrubbery and abundant sunshine

24. The western region, with 246,925 km2, also known as the Chaco, is semi-arid and constitutes an alluvial plain which is almost entirely flat.

25. It is an area of fluvial wetlands, lakes and floodplains in the semi-arid Sahel area of central Mali, just south of the Sahara desert.

Đây là một vùng đất ngập nước, hồ và bãi bồi trong khu vực Sahel bán khôn cằn miền trung Mali, ngay phía nam hoang mạc Sahara.

26. In 1839, Lieutenant-Colonel George Gawler, second Governor of South Australia, suggested that camels should be imported to work in the semi-arid regions of Australia.

Năm 1839, Trung tá George Gawler, thứ hai Thống đốc bang Nam Úc, cho rằng lạc đà nên nhập khẩu để làm việc trong các khu vực bán khô cằn của Australia.

27. The Bushbuck is a very adaptable mammal that can be found in rainforests, wooded-savanna, semi-arid to arid savanna, sub-desert, fynbos and montane forest

28. The major sandstone bodies are interpreted as channels, associated with lenticular levee, crevasse-splay, or mouth-bar deposits of a semi-arid alluvial plain on which anastomosing channels dominated.

29. Several children from this group are benefiting from free primary education and in addition schools in arid and semi-arid areas have implemented feeding programs to keep children in school.

30. They inhabit semi-arid grasslands, scrubland, and Acacia woodland, being most common in areas with an annual rainfall of 40 to 80 centimetres (16 to 31 in) per year.

Chúng sinh sống ở đồng cỏ bán khô cằn, những khu vực trảng cây bụi, và keo rừng là những loại phổ biến nhất trong các khu vực có lượng mưa hàng năm chỉ từ 40 đến 80 cm (16–31 in) mỗi năm.

31. Cryptobiotic soil crusts are an important part of arid and semi-arid ecosystems throughout the world, including those in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Crypto means hidden, while biota means life

32. Several children from this group are benefiting from free primary education and in addition schools in arid and semi-arid areas have implemented feeding programs to keep children in school

33. BIOLOGY General Entosthodon rubiginosus is a small acrocarpous moss that grows as individual stems or in tiny patches on seasonally wet and usually alkaline soil in semi-arid shrubsteppe and grassland environments.

34. The largest alluvial deposits are built in fluvial valleys downstream from semi-arid or arid (or periglacial) upper basins, where slopes are devoid of vegetation and are, therefore, subject to severe erosion.

35. In the semi-arid Sahel region of Segou in central Mali, small-holder farmers often struggle to provide enough food for the area’s growing population, and rainfall pattern changes due to climate change are Acerbating their hardship.

36. Coccidioidomycosis is an infection caused by soil-dwelling dimorphic fungi of the genus Coccidioides that are endemic to the semi-arid to arid life zones in the southwestern United States, northern Mexico, and scattered areas of Latin America

37. BIOLOGY General Pterygoneurum kozlovii is a small, acrocarpous moss that usually grows on soil in small to medium sized patches or turfs along the edges of seasonally wet, alkaline areas in semi-arid shrub-steppe and grassland environments.

38. Aeolian processes, involving erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediment by the wind, occur in a variety of environments, including beaches, semi-arid and arid regions (e.g., cold and hot deserts), agricultural fields, and some terrestrial planets, notably Mars and possibly Venus.

39. Bajada(bahada) An extensive, gently sloping plain of unconsolidated rock debris resting against the foot of a mountain front in a semi-arid environment.Typically it is made of a number of coalescing alluvial fans laid down by ephemeral streams as their gradients lessen on leaving the mountain zone

40. Arizona Climate Arizona’s Climate is arid and semi-arid, with average annual precipitation ranging from 3 inches in the southwest at Yuma to around 40 inches in the White Mountains in east central Arizona.The southwestern desert is hot, with winter daytime temperatures in the lower 60s and summer daytime temperatures between 105 and 115 F.Nighttime temperatures […]

41. The Paraguay makes a long, gentle curve to the south-southeast before resuming a more south-southwesterly course, dividing the country of Paraguay into two distinct halves: the Gran Chaco region to the west, a largely uninhabited semi-arid region; and the eastern forested departments of the country, accounting for some 98% of the country's inhabitants.

Sông Paraguay tạo thành một đường cong dài và ít uốn khúc khi chuyển hướng nam-đông nam rồi sau đó lại chuyển thành nam-tây nam, phân chia đất nước Paraguay thành hai nửa riêng biệt: vùng Gran Chaco ở phía tây, bán khô hạn và phần lớn không có người sinh sống; còn phía đông chiếm 98% dân cư cả nước.

42. Aridisols (or desert soils) are a soil order in USA soil taxonomy.Aridisols (from the Latin aridus, for “dry”) form in an arid or semi-arid climate.Aridisols dominate the deserts and xeric shrublands, which occupy about one third of the Earth's land surface.Aridisols have a very low concentration of organic matter, reflecting the paucity of vegetative production on these dry soils.