Nghĩa của từ sagittal bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "sagittal"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sagittal", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sagittal, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sagittal trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. This is a sagittal slice through me.

Đây là một lát cắt dọc qua cơ thể tôi.

2. Patient position: axial coronal and oblique sagittal, supine[], prone.

3. Sagittal joint angles are comparable to conventionally knee exarticulated ones.

4. Arithmetic means for seven sagittal 3D soft tissue parameters were calculated.

5. Bregma is the meeting point of the sagittal and coronal sutures

6. The sagittal growth of the maxilla was reduced at 2.6° in the SNA angle.

7. The angle ANB is well accepted as a measurement for the sagittal skeletal jaw relationship.

8. Chimps lack the prominent sagittal crest and associated head and neck musculature of gorillas

9. Coronal Montage: Horizontal Montage: Sagittal Montage: Search Atlas: MRI Atlas of the Human Brain

10. Anatomical planes that are not parallel to sagittal, coronal, or transverse planes are termed oblique planes

11. It comprises the Ciliary muscle and the Ciliary processes and is roughly triangular in sagittal section

12. Corrective Adjustive chiropractic technique for sagittal postural displacements as rotations and translation and associated vertebral kinematics;

13. Frontal and sagittal radiographs indicate axial alignment and angles of the hip, knee and upper ankle joint.

14. The radiographical analysis included measurement of the vertebral, segmental and local kyphosis and of the sagittal index.

15. Improvement of sagittal alignment (Cobb and kyphotic angles, anterior, middle and posterior height) was determined from CT scans.

16. Deviations from the individual sagittal profile are described by using the monosegmental or bisegmental end plate angle.

17. The effects of spinal manipulation (high velocity low amplitude) on the sagittal alignment of the spine are unknown.

18. The most frequent analytic method was two-dimensional projection of the temporomandibular joint onto a subjectively selected sagittal plane.

19. 10 Conclusion: Sagittal reconstruction can completely display the isthmus of vertebral arch and the features of spondylolysis in detail.

20. Backed by 3M science, the Clarity Aligners system is designed to treat all vectors of movement—vertical, sagittal, and transverse

21. Since stressing takes place mainly in the sagittal plane, the adaptation of the structure must be examined in this plane.

22. The Bregma is the midline bony landmark where the coronal and sagittal sutures meet, between the frontal and two parietal bones

23. Systems lacking Astigmatic aberration have sagittal and tangential image surfaces that coincide with each other and lie on the Petzval surface

24. The basion-Cartilaginous dens interval was calculated on the sagittal MPR image of cervical spine CT in a soft-tissue window

25. Bregma definition: the point on the top of the skull where the coronal and sagittal sutures meet : in Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

26. This achieves a 3-dimensional adaptability of the prosthetic head about the stem axis in the coronary and in the sagittal plane.

27. The Bregma is the point on the skull where the sagittal and coronal sutures intersect. It is located in the high forehead

28. Adduction is a form of movement in animal biology which brings a part of the anatomy closer to the sagittal plane of the body

29. The Bregma is located at the intersection of the coronal suture and the sagittal suture on the superior middle portion of the calvaria

30. Increased distal resection of the tibial plateau produces marked translatory instabilities in the sagittal plane which exceed the absolute height of the resection in millimeters.

31. Frontal Bossing is best demonstrated on the sagittal plane, where the relationship of the forehead to the mid face can be readily appreciated (Figure 13-53).

32. Sagittal (a) and coronal (b) sections of the embryonic human brain at 7 GW, at this stage no Commissures are still present.The anterior wall of the future third ventricle is formed by the lamina terminalis, whereas the superior wall is formed by the tela choroidea (the dotted line in sagittal section refers to the level of the coronal section

33. 2 The advantage of acquiring a volume acquisition CT is the ability to reconstruct the images entirely in 3 different planes: the Axial, sagittal, and coronal

34. Chapter 12: Ultrasound Evaluation of the Adnexae 255 Step One: Insert the transvaginal transducer and obtain a mid-sagittal plane of the uterus (Figure 12.3)

35. The characteristic of the ANB angle in the sagittal vertical plane was graphically represented by determining both points A and B using two angles instead of one.

36. According to the semiquantitative and quantitative analyses, the vertical craniofacial growth pattern as well as the sagittal and vertical intermaxillary relationship were independent of the adenoidal development.

37. All transverse fractures divide the Acetabulum horizontally into superior and inferior components and appear as sagittal fractures on an axial CT image of the acetabular tectum

38. Thrombus Attenuations and Attenuations of the contralateral MCA were measured in manually placed regions of interest perpendicular to the vessel on sagittal reconstructions of the CT scans

39. 9 On MRI, the lesion appeared double convex lens or egg in shape in coronal section and round or arrow head like in shape in sagittal section.

40. Bregma The point on the top of the skull at which the irregular junction lines of the bone (the coronal and sagittal sutures) meet. Also known as sinciput

41. The name Bregma is the anatomical point on the skull at which the coronal suture is intersected perpendicularly by the sagittal suture which sign to the strong intersection of

42. The Anteroposterior patellar-tilt angle is a clinically reliable measurement of patellar tilt in the sagittal plane that can be used to study patellofemoral tilt in a variety of clinical situations

43. An Abductor muscle is any muscle which moves a body part away from the body’s midline or sagittal plane — the artificial division separating the body vertically into right and left halves

44. A reduction in sagittal measurements was found in 26 patients with unilateral cleft, in all patients with bilateral cleft lip, palate and alveolus and in 23 patients with cleft palate only.

45. Bregma - the craniometric point at the junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures at the top of the cranium craniometric point - a landmark on the skull from which craniometric measurements can be taken

46. The authors critically evaluate the application of angle-ANB and ofSchwarz's angles AB and MM in the determination of the sagittal relations of jaws in cephalometric analysis of radiographs of the human head.

47. CONCLUSION: The Anteroposterior patellar-tilt angle is a clinically reliable measurement of patellar tilt in the sagittal plane that can be used to study patellofemoral tilt in a variety of clinical situations

48. The skull prominences, especially sagittal crest and crista occipitalis are very high and strong in old males, and often much more massive than usually observed in the biggest skulls of Bengal tigers.

Hộp sọ nổi bật, đặc biệt là đỉnh sagittal và xương chẩm là rất cao và khỏe ở con đực, và thường lớn hơn nhiều so với những gì thường được quan sát thấy trong các hộp sọ lớn nhất của hổ Bengal.

49. The goal of this study was to compare sagittal jaw relationships derived from standardized profile photographs (soft tissue) to those derived from lateral cephalograms (hard tissue) with respect to Angle’s classification of malocclusion.

50. (Oliva 2013) studied the parasite fauna in Araucanian herring and found evidence for the existence of two stocks, in central and southern Chile.But according to morphometry and shape of sagittal otoliths (Curin-Osorio et al