Nghĩa của từ resultant bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
1. kết quả
2. (vật lý), (toán học) tổng hợp
3. (vật lý), (toán học) lực tổng hợp, hợp lực

Đặt câu có từ "resultant"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "resultant", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ resultant, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ resultant trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Thrust, weight, aerodynamic resultant;

2. Resultant inertness wavenumber Allegoriser

3. Has their resultant activity been effective?

4. The resultant force of a Couple is zero

5. The viscous drags is equal to the resultant force.

6. The resultant acceleration time curve shall be uni-modal

7. The resultant oil is further extracted with alcohol and benzine and the resultant filtrate contains the Amniotin which can be dissolved in water

8. The resultant acceleration time curve shall be uni-modal.

9. Method of making aerosol valve mounting cups and resultant cups

10. The resultant data is then evaluated and the rules refined.

Các dữ liệu kết quả sau đó được đánh giá và các quy tắc được cải tiến.

11. The resultant pattern, therefore, is a constant alternation of mood.

12. Her torpedoes ignited and the resultant explosions destroyed the ship.

Các quả ngư lôi của nó phát nổ, và các vụ nổ thứ phát đã phá hủy toàn bộ con tàu.

13. The resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the head centre of gravity

14. Plant communities maintained at an early successional stage characterize the resultant roadsides.

15. The resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the head centre of gravity.

16. Following the replication of chromosomes, resultant chromatids remain attached at the centromere.

17. ‘The resultant sprats, seasoned and canned in oil, are sold as ‘Brisling’.’.

18. The resultant position is also known as a sprawl or sprawling position.

19. The resultant discontent erupted in the "Caracazo" riots of 27 February 1989.

Sự bất mãn đã nổ ra trong cuộc bạo loạn "Caracazo" ngày 27 tháng 2 năm 1989.

20. The resultant material was to be pored over by experts in psychology.

21. The resultant polyacetylene was characterized by IR, electrical resistivity measurement and elemental analysis.

22. Various combinations of DC+/DC- balance settings and DC offset settings for an AC Waveform of an arc welding overlaying process may be correlated to resultant chemistries of resultant weld metals.

23. The resultant films are printable yet are resistant to solvents, abrasion and water.

24. The resultant hills, known as tells, are found throughout the ancient Near East.

Kết quả là những ngọn đồi, được gọi là các tell, xuất hiện trên khắp Cận Đông cổ đại.

25. After eliminating the meaning-laden syllables, Ebbinghaus ended up with 2,300 resultant syllables.

Sau khi loại bỏ những âm tiết đầy ý nghĩa, Ebbinghaus đã kết thúc với 2.300 âm tiết.

26. The resultant low pressure above the wing produces lift, drawing the insect upward.

27. The resultant article adopted a slightly different base subject, that of Morrissey's neurosis.

28. (ii) the resultant distillate of which contains at least 70 % alcohol by vol.,

29. The doctor advises that insomnia with resultant irritability and even mild depression may occur.

30. The resultant oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere and gave rise to the ozone layer .

31. BUT, the resultant of a Couple is not zero; it is a pure moment.

32. The resultant lateral weight asymmetry limited the aircraft to a maximum of 20° AoA.

33. The resultant sludge is washed with twice its weight of water and then filtered.

34. Differences between tri-planar peak tibial accelerations (braking, propulsion, axial, medial, lateral, and resultant) and shock Attenuations (axial and resultant) among surface types were assessed with one-way ANOVAs with Bonferroni post-hoc tests.

35. The resultant pre-activated therapeutic agent, or mixture, retains its therapeutic activity subsequent to activation.

36. Peter Schmeichel parried away Bergkamp's resultant spot kick and the game went into extra time.

Peter Schmeichel cản phá thành công quả sút của Bergkamp và trận đấu phải bước vào hiệp phụ.

37. The resultant acceleration at the centre of gravity shall be measured with a CFC of 180.

38. In Germany air pollution, with its resultant acid rain, is threatening the life of its forests.

39. The resultant fire killed 13 Marines, injured 68, and caused moderate damage to the facility.

Hậu quả dẫn tới hỏa hoạn làm chết 13 lính thủy, 68 người khác bị thương, và thiệt hại vật chất ở mức trung bình.

40. Both animals were damaged by resultant hybridization, the reindeer becoming wilder and the caribou weaker.

41. is the resultant acceleration measured in units of gravity "g" (1 g = 9.81 m/s2);

42. The resultant dried hydrogel can be transformed into a hydrogel upon absorption of additional liquid medium.

43. The resultant comparison with housework persistently branded it as a less enjoyed and less enjoyable occupation.

44. 14 Unfortunately for the visitors assistant manager Jim Duffy blasted the resultant spot kick over the bar.

45. The resultant disturbances of the water and the movement is very off-putting to herons and cats.

46. The resultant publicity in newspapers all over the Republic brought a wave of protest and indignation.

47. In almost no time at all, blame for the resultant hullabaloo was laid at my feet.

48. The resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the centre of gravity (γr) shall be measured with a CFC of

49. The resultant acceleration at the centre of gravity of the dummy head is calculated from the expression:

50. By electronically determining resultant uniformity parameters, tires can be improved by rectification to address the uniformity levels.