Nghĩa của từ repressive bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
đàn áp, áp chế, ức chế

Đặt câu có từ "repressive"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "repressive", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ repressive, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ repressive trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Bellicosity /noun/ लड़ाई का प्रेम; Next : repressive

2. The customs were exceedingly repressive toward women.

3. But Taiwan was also an unpleasantly repressive place.

4. In addition, Kabila's rule became increasingly repressive.

5. The people are held down by a repressive regime.

6. "Bridling" the people by resorting to repressive measures

7. The military regime in power was unpopular and repressive.

8. Parliament condemned the repressive measures taken by the police.

9. He loathed the repressive State and the system which it supported.

10. This repressive law takes gay rights back to the dark ages.

11. He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country's government.

12. The government's repressive policies are sowing the seeds of rebellion.

13. Thanin and his cabinet restored the repressive climate which had existed before 1973.

Thanin và nội các phục hồi không khí đàn áp hiện diện trước năm 1973.

14. The country has repressive laws and jails full of political prisoners.

15. The repressive measures adopted in the South after the Emancipation Proclamation were rapidly dissipated.

16. The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime.

17. Their libertarianism was more aesthetic than political, an Assertionof personal autonomy against repressive philistinism.

18. The DPRK is one of the most repressive and abusive regimes in the world.

19. The first option has its logic: why let a repressive, demeaning system modernise itself slowly?

20. Arbenz was out shortly afterwards, and Guatemala came under control of a repressive military regime.

Arbenz bị lật đổ ngay sau đó, và Guatemala trở lại dưới sự kiểm soát của một chế độ quân sự đàn áp.

21. A military coup was carried out, and a repressive government was placed in power.

22. For a long-term resolution of security issues, one needs to address the repressive system underneath.

23. Its rejection led to a series of industrial strikes, demonstrations, and repressive measures by the Government.

24. When faced with locally repressive measures, some Huaraz women have threatened to call a marketers' strike.

25. RWB also highlights the role of firms which provide monitoring equipment and software to repressive regimes .

RSF cũng nhấn mạnh vai trò của các công ty cung cấp thiết bị và phần mềm giám sát internet cho các chế độ đàn áp .

26. Both the Sandinistas and Frelimo came to power after a liberation struggle against highly repressive regimes.

27. Rosas reestablished his dictatorship and formed the repressive Mazorca, an armed parapolice that killed thousands of citizens.

Rosas tái lập chế độ độc tài của mình và thành lập một Mazorca khinh địch, một cuộc viễn chinh vũ trang giết chết hàng ngàn công dân.

28. He became increasingly more repressive, despite his pronouncements about creating a new society, free of corruption and graft.

29. Why do American academics so often despise their own country while finding excuses for repressive and dangerous regimes ?

30. There is a new insistence on the illegitimacy of debts incurred by military dictatorships and other repressive regimes.

31. The months leading up to the Games, though, showed China at its clumsy, ill-tempered , and repressive worst.

32. A second section then analyses the corresponding drift towards a more repressive style of policing in this country.

33. In the face of repressive regimes, the peasantry have shown a capacity and willingness to organise and mobilise.

34. Crucially, this instability hinders regional development, incites repressive governance, and compounds the poverty on which militancy feeds.

35. Perhaps even more startling, given the recent repressive climate, Zverev himself could also be seen working intuitively in public.

36. After six years in power, Park was becoming more repressive and had his sights set on long-term rule.

37. 17 Crucially, this instability hinders regional development, incites repressive governance(, and compounds the poverty on which militancy feeds.

38. There had been some authoritarian regimes that were also populist and had been sustained by votes not repressive force.

39. Perdita thought, to take an example at random, that things like table manners were a stupid and repressive idea.

40. However, when a country reverts to more repressive politics, government policies usually demobilize many of the new foot soldiers.

41. 15 However, when a country reverts to more repressive politics, government policies usually demobilize many of the new foot soldiers.

42. “This suggests the government is massively overusing the country’s repressive national security laws to criminalize peaceful expression and persecute critics.”

“Điều này gợi ra một thực tế rằng chính quyền Việt Nam đang quá lạm dụng các điều luật an ninh quốc gia vốn đã hà khắc, để hình sự hóa các hành vi ngôn luận ôn hòa và đàn áp những người phê bình chính quyền.”

43. In October 1944 several civilian groups and progressive military factions led by Árbenz and Francisco Arana rebelled against Ubico's repressive policies.

Vào tháng 10 năm 1944, một số nhóm dân sự và phe quân sự tiến bộ do Árbenz và Francisco Arana lãnh đạo chống lại chính sách đàn áp của Ubico.

44. Frustrated by England's repressive atmosphere—which she called "more fascist than the fascists"—she returned to Canada in 1939.

Bức bối với không khí đàn áp ở Anh-mà bà gọi là "phát xít hơn cả bọn phát xít"—bà quay trở lại Canada năm 1939.

45. 17 A second section then analyses the corresponding drift towards a more repressive style of policing in this country.

46. But China, Egypt, Iran, Russia and Venezuela are cited for having stepped up repressive measures with great brazenness, according to the report.

47. From their historical perspective Marx and Engels could be forgiven for arguing that late-nineteenth-century Britain had a repressive capitalist state.

48. In future, all movie gays will be law-abiding citizens with healthy relationships, no repressive hang-ups, and a glitter-free

49. The growing numbers of the poor were reflected in begging, vagrancy and theft, all of which led to repressive reactions.

50. This was a predominantly Protestant force which soon came to be regarded as repressive and bigoted by the Catholic minority.