Nghĩa của từ replenishment bằng Tiếng Việt

Danh từ
sự làm đầy, sự cung cấp thêm, sự bổ sung

Đặt câu có từ "replenishment"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "replenishment", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ replenishment, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ replenishment trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Replenishment – The best replenishment practice is replacement using bar code scanning, or via pull system.

Bổ sung - Thực hành bổ sung tốt nhất là thay thế bằng cách sử dụng quét mã vạch hoặc thông qua hệ thống kéo.

2. (ii). Replenishment of RBIs Gold Reserves.

3. Those studies fail to model replenishment frequencies cannot classified here.

Những nghiên cứu không mô hình tần số bổ sung không thể phân loại ở đây.

4. Process and follow through purchase orders for stock replenishment.

5. You skin was very dry, Water replenishment is needed.

6. Since the wartime population needed replenishment, pregnancies were a good sign.

7. Develop forecasts and replenishment strategy with supplier and buyers.

8. Plain water is the best replenishment of body fluid.

9. Trolleys adapted as part of an inventory control and replenishment system

10. Politus populations Chapter Replenishment of the mitochondrial genome of Scolopendra multilan.

11. After replenishment, she served as harbor control vessel at Incheon, Korea.

Sau khi được tiếp liệu, Thompson phục vụ như tàu kiểm soát cảng tại Incheon, Triều Tiên.

12. Replenishment of the day - to - day city Zhiyingdian withdraw goods management.

13. The arsenal provided ship building, repair and replenishment to the Japanese Navy.

Quân xưởng lo đóng tàu, sửa chữa và cung cấp quân nhu cho Hải quân Nhật Bản.

14. The residual balance will be used for the replenishment of the stocks

15. When received, the kanban triggers replenishment of that product, part, or inventory.

Khi nhận được, kanban kích hoạt bổ sung sản phẩm, bộ phận hoặc hàng tồn kho đó.

16. Natural replenishment of this vast supply of underground water occurs very slowly.

17. The bumper crop had facilitated replenishment of global reserves to pre-crisis levels.

18. A system of replenishment of the Eco - fund should be recommended to SPDRC.

19. This, and later tests, examined guidance improvements and experimented with missile replenishment at sea.

Công việc này, cùng với các thử nghiệm saau đó, nhằm giúp cải tiến việc dẫn đường và thử nghiệm việc nạp lại tên lửa ngoài biển.

20. The timely and adequate replenishment of strategic deployment stocks is essential to meet current and future demands

21. We urge all parties to work towards an ambitious International Development Association(IDA)17 replenishment.

22. It introduces an intelligent device that controls access to batteries for both consumption and replenishment.

23. Logistics management, Despatch, delivery and replenishment of printed matter, amenities, menus and audiovisual equipment on board

24. The Sequencing or Line Replenishment Operator shall provide a dedicated machine for back up and contingency.

25. The night-time replenishment of ozone is presumably caused by transport of ozone-rich air from higher altitudes.

26. The rate of withdrawal over natural replenishment is now roughly equivalent to the flow of the Colorado River.

27. After another replenishment period at Ulithi, Vincennes rejoined the forces off Okinawa, remaining with TG 58.1.

Sau một đợt nghỉ ngơi tiếp liệu khác tại Ulithi, Vincennes lại gia nhập lực lượng tác chiến ngoài khơi Okinawa, tiếp tục hoạt động cùng Đội đặc nhiệm 58.1.

28. During early September, she covered the replenishment group as the Third Fleet supported the Palau campaign.

Vào đầu tháng 9, nó bảo vệ cho đội tiếp liệu trong khi Đệ Tam hạm đội hỗ trợ cho cuộc đổ bộ lên quần đảo Palau.

29. The timely and adequate replenishment of strategic deployment stocks is essential to meet current and future demands.

30. Trolleys adapted to contain drugs and medical supplies as part of an inventory control and replenishment system

31. Therefore, how to solve the replenishment decision problem is related to survival and development of drug trading enterprise.

32. The decision variable of the seller is the replenishment cycle time to minimize the total relevant cost.

33. Version 1 (1984) featured conditional replenishment, differential pulse-code modulation, scalar quantization, variable-length coding and a switch for sampling.

34. Aldebaran's at-sea replenishment capabilities helped those ships maintain a constant vigil thereby contributing to the successful conclusion of the matter

35. Chuck is a warehouse automation solution that can be used in all put-away, picking, counting, replenishment and sorting tasks.

36. Again, the plasticity can alter the number of vesicles or their replenishment rate or the relationship between calcium and vesicle release.

37. The Kanban system uses cards ('Kanban cards') to mark the stock level at which a replenishment signal needs to be issued.

Hệ thống Kanban sử dụng thẻ ('Thẻ Kanban') để đánh dấu mức chứng khoán mà tại đó tín hiệu bổ sung cần được phát ra.

38. Rental and operation, including procurement and replenishment of automatic dispensers, in particular dispensers of nail varnish and other cosmetic preparations and accesories thereof

39. We first derive optimal replenishment policies for the retailer, optimal production policies for the supplier, as well as close-form solutions for optimal expected profits.

40. 28 After Shenzhou seventh airship replenishment propellant, to will launch the location with rocket docking and the vertical transportation, will carry on the final condition check and the confirmation.

41. A test-rig for closed cycle diesel oxygen replenishment is developed and the emphasis is focused upon the experimental research on the feedforward compensation for oxygen control.

42. Bookmobile provides: short run book printing; automatic replenishment programs; Direct-to-Consumer for print/eBooks (ACS4); print distribution via Itasca Books; design and typesetting; and eBook conversion/distribution.…

43. After Shenzhou seventh airship replenishment propellant, to will launch the location with rocket docking and the vertical transportation, will carry on the final condition check and the confirmation.

44. After Shenzhou seventh airship replenishment propellant, to will launch the location with rocket docking and the vertical transportation,(Sentencedict) will carry on the final condition check and the confirmation.

45. Cracow has a long history of resource and reserve replenishment and has consistently extended the life of mine, with a three to five-year mine life maintained since 2011

46. Although the positive feedback loop would melt the ice in geological short order, perhaps less than 1,000 years, replenishment of atmospheric oxygen and depletion of the CO2 levels would take further millennia.

Mặc dù vòng lặp phản hồi tích cực sẽ làm tan băng theo trật tự ngắn về địa chất, có lẽ ít hơn 1.000 năm, việc bổ sung oxy trong khí quyển và sự giảm lượng CO2 sẽ kéo dài nhiều thiên niên kỷ nữa.

47. Speaker was transferred to be a replenishment carrier, with a supply of replacement aircraft for the fleet's operational losses and receiving "flyable duds" for repair and injured crew for treatment on the hospital ship Oxfordshire.

Speaker được chuyển trở thành một kiểu tàu sân bay tiếp liệu, cung cấp máy bay thay thế bù đắp vào tổn thất của hạm đội trong tác chiến, nhận lại máy bay hư hỏng để sửa chữa, chuyển những người bị thương sang tàu bệnh viện Oxfordshire.

48. Pyruvate Carboxylase (PC) catalyzes an important 2-step reaction - (i) ATP-dependent carboxylation of covalently attached biotin (ii) transfer of carboxyl group to pyruvate, and this interconversion is essential for replenishment of TCA/citric acid cycle intermediates (anaplerosis).

49. Ventilating or ventilation (the V in HVAC) is the process of exchanging or replacing air in any space to provide high indoor air quality which involves temperature control, oxygen replenishment, and removal of moisture, odors, smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria, carbon dioxide, and other gases.

Thông gió (chữ V trong HVAC, hệ thống điều hòa không khí) là quá trình "thay đổi" hoặc thay thế không khí trong bất kỳ không gian nào để cung cấp không khí chất lượng cao bên trong (tức là để kiểm soát nhiệt độ, bổ sung oxy, hoặc loại bỏ hơi ẩm, mùi hôi, khói, hơi nóng, bụi, vi khuẩn trong không khí, và carbon dioxit).

50. Like the Wave Knight class ships, these vessels can also perform unreps and are capable of refuelling abeam and Abaft.Moreover, the Fort Victoria can perform vertical replenishment (vertrep) operations, as she is outfitted with a helicopter deck that can accommodate up to two aircraft, along with a hangar and maintenance area.