Nghĩa của từ reflected light bằng Tiếng Việt

ánh sáng phản chiếu

Đặt câu có từ "reflected light"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reflected light", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reflected light, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reflected light trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Agleam definition is - gleaming especially with reflected light.

2. However, when cut and polished, they reflected light in all directions.

Nhưng khi được cắt và đánh bóng, thì nó phản chiếu ánh sáng từ mọi mặt.

3. 7 He measured the angle of incidence of the reflected light.

4. The reflected light from the energized diode operates as a target alignment marker.

5. Anoil film of thickness 10000 \AA is examined normally by the reflected light

6. How is reflected light coming from a planet refracted when entering the earth’s atmosphere?

7. Ahead lay the water-chestnut fields, glimmering in the reflected light from Chung Kuo's barren sister.

8. Blurry reflections If a surface is not a perfect reflector, distortion arises in the reflected light.

Phản xạ mờ Nếu một bề mặt không phải một gương phản xạ lý tưởng, sự biến dạng sẽ nảy sinh trong ánh sáng được phản xạ.

9. Intoning a liturgy, he tilted that silvered glass so that reflected light sprang at the skeleton, bathing it.

10. This dependence of the reflected light intensity from the incident angle is measured with a high-resolution sensor array.

11. Anaxagoras taught that the sun was a hot rock, and that the moon shone from the reflected light of the sun

12. He reflected light off a concealed actor onto the stage via an angled sheet of glass, making her appear like a ghost.

13. Based on Fermat's theorem, the law of reflection and refraction is obtained, and the geometrical ray tracing method of reflected light is introduced.

14. The reflected light rays are measured by a beam splitter arranged in the beam path and by means of which three signals are derived.

15. The paper reports a method and a spectropolarimeter for determining the polarization state of an emitted or reflected light in terms of its Stokes parameters.

16. Chameleons actually use crystals in their skin to mirror and change wavelengths of reflected light - not colored pigment as some out of date books suggest.

17. Anaxagoras proposed that the moon shines by reflected light from the "red-hot stone" which was the sun, the first such recorded claim.

18. The spin accumulation induces circular polarization of the emitted light, as well as the Faraday (or Kerr) polarization rotation of the transmitted (or reflected) light.

Sự tích tụ spin tạo ra sự phân cực tròn của ánh sáng, cũng như sự phân cực Faraday (hoặc Kerr) của ánh sáng truyền qua (hoặc phản xạ).

19. Zircon in the Ririwai biotite granite, and its albitized and greisenized varieties, is described by reflected-light and backscattered-electron (BSE) microscopy, and electron-microprobe analysis.

20. The porro prisms are on the inside sealed with putty, thus reducing the number of glass/ air boundary surfaces and lowering the portion of reflected light.

21. By recording characteristics of the reflected light, the detectors transmit information to the system that permits the recording head to be properly aligned with the tape.

22. 25 The reflected light the artist has executed reveals the realistic visual sensation under the sun, which also indicates the artist's close connection with the Impressionism.

23. The works are displayed in a series of glass-fronted corridors leading off the original house , and reflected light from the sea fills the exhibition space .

Những tác phẩm được trưng bày dọc theo những hành lang có mặt trước là kính dẫn ra khu vực chính , và những ánh nắng được hắt từ biển vào ngập tràn trong không gian khu vực triển lãm .

24. A signal processing unit is arranged for triggering an alarm, when an absolute difference of the intensity of back-reflected light to a predetermined value exceeds a threshold value.

25. In an entryway or living space, experiment with mirroring as accents to cabinet doors for a dramatic sense of style and as a way to create Aeriness from reflected light

26. An absorption spectrum may also be obtained with a hand-held spectroscope, revealing a line at 432 nm and a weak band at 460 nm (this is best seen with strong reflected light).

Quang phổ hấp thụ đo bằng kính quang phổ cầm tay cho thấy một đường ở 432 nm và một dải băng tần yếu ở 460 nm (được nhìn thây tốt nhất với ánh sáng phản xạ mạnh).

27. So the first of the “two evenings” manifestly designates the time when the sun sets, whereas the second evening would correspond to the time when the sun’s reflected light or afterglow ends and darkness falls.