Nghĩa của từ receptivity bằng Tiếng Việt

Danh từ
1. tính dễ tiếp thu, tính dễ lĩnh hội
2. (sinh vật học) tính cảm thụ
3. (kỹ thuật) khả năng thu; dung lượng

Đặt câu có từ "receptivity"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "receptivity", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ receptivity, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ receptivity trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. There was receptivity in several countries with this.

2. And the general feeling of receptivity and resonance was clearly evident.

3. Autogamy in such flowers requires synchrony in pollen release and stigma receptivity

4. 7 In its yin aspect, it is the soft receptivity of femininity, of true womanhood.

5. Smatter Drug bacon-and-eggs avodire part-score glomming reapers dispensatress Sayles restock receptivity Pro-zionist semipeaceful Anfract

6. 19 One can not generalize about a greater receptivity among Protestant clergy toward the new cosmology.

7. Project work has involved experiments to investigate the receptivity of 3D boundary layer flows to external vortical perturbations.

8. To be in a state of intimate, heightened sensitivity and receptivity, as with one's surroundings: hikers Communing with nature

9. Predisposing factors were studied: atopy (IgE dosage), increase of histamine release (intradermal testing with 48/80), abnormal receptivity to histamine (intradermal histamine), spasmophilia (electromyography recordings).

10. The conditions required for the Autogamy are bisexuality, synchrony in pollen release and stigma receptivity and anther and stigma should lie close …

11. Female flies mutant for the Apterous gene have low sexual receptivity 35.Apterous is a LIM-homedomain transcription factor with a role in tissue specification, pattern formation and axon guidance 36,37,38.As a first approach to identify neurons involved in female receptivity behaviour, we wondered if Apterous-positive neurons could play a role in

12. Theoretically, there are at least 3 internal factors that in-fluence the susceptibility to airsickness, i. e. receptivity, adaptability and retentivity.

13. Question: And do you feel hopeful that that receptivity will actually lead to pressure on the ground by the United States on Pakistan?

14. Negotiators show poor receptivity when their hands are clenched, crossed, positioned in front of their mouth, or rubbing the back of their neck.

Các nhà đàm phán cho thấy khả năng tiếp nhận kém khi bàn tay của họ bị siết chặt, băng qua, đặt ở phía trước miệng, hoặc chà xát sau cổ.

15. The role of Apyrene sperm in monandrous species after sperm migration to the spermatheca has not been studied, though in polyandrous species these sperm reduce re-mating receptivity

16. Evasive Bullshitting, by contrast, was not positively correlated with pseudoprofound bullshit receptivity—in fact, there was an inverse or negative correlation between greater ratings of evasive

17. 26 To SNS website also be a challenge, the website needs enough maturity and magnanimity, receptivity, unapt the response that makes the APP generation of the heart negative.

18. Their eyes may be squinted, jaw muscles clenched and head turned slightly away from the speaker Arms and hands: To show receptivity, negotiators should spread arms and open hands on table or relaxed on their lap.

Đôi mắt của họ có thể bị nheo mắt, cơ bắp hàm bị siết chặt và đầu hơi quay ra khỏi loa Cánh tay và bàn tay: Để thể hiện sự tiếp nhận, các nhà đàm phán nên giơ tay và mở bàn tay lên hoặc thư giãn trên đùi.

19. EU-funded scientists working on the project RODTRAC (Robustness of distributed micron-sized roughness-element for transition control) employed numerical modelling techniques and conducted wind tunnel experiments to test the receptivity of the boundary layer to external disturbances such as freestream turbulence and acoustic waves.

20. * Down the ages, India has shown a rare receptivity and has been quick to absorb other cultures, religions and values, a relentless process of amalgamation and synthesis that has produced the rich tapestry of a pluralistic, multi-cultural and multi-religious syncretic India.

21. Derived from the Greek root words, bios (life) and rhythmos (regularly occurring movement or motion), Biorhythm can be thought of as the body’s holistic mathematical system that can predict, or when studied, consciously control certain aspects of one’s life such as high performance, creativity, and emotional receptivity.

22. Coining the term network commonwealth to describe the loose political entities now emerging in the world based on a common language and heritage (of which Anglosphere is the first), Bennett believes that traits common to these entities--a particularly strong and independent civil society; openness join and receptivity to the world, its people