Nghĩa của từ promissory note bằng Tiếng Việt

Danh từ
giấy hẹn trả tiền; giấy nợ

Đặt câu có từ "promissory note"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "promissory note", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ promissory note, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ promissory note trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. This promissory note is invalid.

2. A bond is a promissory note, usually issued for a specified amount.

3. When one borrows from a bank, one signs a promissory note.

4. A promissory note as used in this Law means a banker's note.

5. Richter also said Steve Adams had signed a promissory note for the $ 000.

6. A promissory note is inchoate and incomplete until delivery thereof to the payee or bearer.

7. Yes, that's right. Just a promissory note and an AR assignment is all that we'll need.

8. Formal short - term receivables documented by a promissory note and a provision for interest.

9. When Tokubei produces the promissory note Kuheiji had stamped with his seal, Kuheiji dismisses it as an extortion attempt, revealing that before he had stamped the promissory note, he had reported the seal as lost.

Khi Tokubei đưa ra tờ hối phiếu Kuheiji đã đóng dấu của mình, Kuheiji đã bác bỏ nó, coi nó là một nỗ lực tống tiền, và nói rằng trước khi anh ta đóng dấu giá giao dịch, anh ta đã báo cáo con dấu đã mất.

10. You still owe me a hundred pounds, and I have your promissory note to that effect.

11. 23:20 Not to intermediate in an interest loan, guarantee, witness, or write the promissory note — Ex.

Không làm trung gian cho một lãi vay, bảo lãnh, nhân chứng, hoặc viết giấy hẹn — Ex.

12. Yesterday is an invalid cheque.Tomorrow is a promissory note and today is the only cash you have.

13. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note , insofar as her citizens of color are concerned .

Rõ ràng là đến hôm nay Mỹ vẫn chưa trả món nợ này cho người Mỹ da màu .

14. Banknote definition is - a promissory note issued by a bank payable to bearer on demand without interest and acceptable as money

15. A Banknote is a negotiable promissory note which one party can use to pay another party a specific amount of money

16. Purchase of a post-dated bill of exchange or promissory note by a Bank by means of deducting non-accrued interest in advance shall be called a discount.

17. 7 Using a charge account creates an account payable. Buying something such as a car on credit and issuing promissory note creates a liability called notes payable.

18. a) Abnormalities in customer transactions defined in the Article # item # especially in deposits, transfers and/or currency exchanges, as well as the issuance of negotiable instruments (check, bill and promissory note

19. Abnormalities in customer transactions defined in the Article 2 item 1, especially in deposits, transfers and/or currency exchanges, as well as the issuance of negotiable instruments (check, bill and promissory note);

20. a) abnormalities in customer transactions defined in the Article # item # especially in deposits, transfers and/or currency exchanges, as well as the issuance of negotiable instruments (check, bill and promissory note

21. The promissory note is an agreement by the Tenant to pay the rental Arrearages over time in exchange for a promise from the Landlord not to pursue an eviction action over the rental Arrearages

22. A typical commercial mortgage transaction can include several documents including: promissory note environmental indemnity trust deed mortgage guaranty Some of these documents can contain as many as 80 to 100 pages, with hundreds of optional paragraphs and data elements.

Một giao dịch thế chấp thương mại điển hình có thể bao gồm một số tài liệu bao gồm: giấy cam kết bồi thường môi trường chứng thư thế chấp bảo lãnh Một số tài liệu này có thể chứa tới 80 đến 100 trang, với hàng trăm đoạn văn bản và các yếu tố dữ liệu tùy chọn.

23. Order/ Acquittanced/ discharge for money or other property; Acceptance of a bill or exchange or promissory note for payment of money; Any receipt for money/ goods/ other property; Any passage ticket/ pass or other evidence of transportation issued by a common carrier.