Nghĩa của từ prohibitive bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
cấm, cấm chỉ; để ngăn cấm (việc dùng hoặc mua cái gì)

Đặt câu có từ "prohibitive"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "prohibitive", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ prohibitive, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ prohibitive trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. And the cost can be prohibitive.

2. The cost of property in the city is prohibitive.

3. The cost of repairs would be prohibitive.

4. The cost of making them by hand is prohibitive.

5. Hotel prices in the major cities are high but not prohibitive.

6. The cost of private treatment can be prohibitive.

7. It is cost prohibitive and requires time and patience.

8. The price of property in the city is prohibitive.

9. The cost of renovating the old buildings would be prohibitive.

10. The government has put a prohibitive tax on foreign goods.

11. Power could certainly be transmitted to Buffalo, but at prohibitive cost.

12. Hydrogen burns with almost no emission of pollutants, but its cost is prohibitive.

13. Imports over and above these quotas are subject to prohibitive customs duties.

14. That would make the error rate enormous, and the time involved prohibitive.

15. The price of property, especially in inner-city areas, is prohibitive.

16. However, many companies find the cost of planning and implementation prohibitive.

17. Especially for a large word list the memory requirements are prohibitive.

18. Furthermore, the costs are usually prohibitive including those of alternative and/or secondary listings.

19. However Haines says that the processor count is unlikely to grow since the overheads become prohibitive.

20. Advertising bans, prohibitive taxes and especially the increase and standardisation of the age limits for alcoholic beverages.

21. Today the cost seems utterly prohibitive, and Washington and Oregon would probably resist the engineers with tanks.

22. The cost of over $# per person in advance is absolutely prohibitive and completely unfair

23. The paper introduces the harm of Dioxin pollution , the mechanism and the prohibitive means.

24. The cost of launderettes is prohibitive on a subsistence income - so the washing gets done in the sink.

25. These effects are felt particularly in Aboriginal and other remote communities where the costs of repairs are prohibitive.

Các hiệu ứng này được cảm nhận đặc biệt là ở vùng sâu vùng xa của thổ dân và các trường hợp chi phí sửa chữa là cấm kỵ.

26. Another concern is that the cost of telecommunications to fully support smart grids may be prohibitive.

Một vấn đề nữa là chi phí viễn thông để hỗ trợ đầy đủ mạng lưới thông minh có thể được ngăn cấm.

27. The next most popular reason for opposition was the prohibitive cost of an aerial tramway.

28. The costs of setting up a manufacturing subsidiary might be prohibitive or the foreign country might be politically unstable.

29. It is worrying if people are being deterred from obtaining such a certificate of qualification by prohibitive costs.

30. The remainder will need training, services and hand-holding ranging from extensive to nearly prohibitive, she says.

31. The cost of uniforms and books was becoming prohibitive and the gang scene was worsening at school.

32. The full set of speaker-oriented modality consists of imperative, prohibitive, optative, hortative, Admonitive, and permissive.

33. Communities are poor, rates of illiteracy and unemployment are high, and ICT access costs are prohibitive.

34. Buildings can be hardened against attack by blast-resistant walls and windows, but these add weight and are cost prohibitive.

35. Currently the costs of isotope tracing, or laboratory analysis of natural products is prohibitive for entrepreneurs and SMEs.

36. Some of the vacant buildings may have deteriorated to such a condition that restoration costs would be prohibitive.

37. As the base grows, the cost of transporting the necessary water, oxygen, and food becomes ever more prohibitive.

38. Trade will reduce welfare when transport costs are sufficiently close to prohibitive and increase it when they are sufficiently low.

39. While we recommend other sources and do not believe Bitartrate is that effective, we acknowledge the cost might be prohibitive to some people.

40. Formal regulation finds expression through technically prohibitive statements of law, backed up by the threat of some sanction consequent upon breach.

41. Major wood buyers from across North America require that their purchases be from certified forests but the cost of certification for woodlot owners with a small amount of acreage is prohibitive.

42. Autarkies promoted national production for national use, especially industrial growth rejected the gold standard, imposed prohibitive trade protection, tightly controlled foreign investment, denounced foreign bankers and the debts they were owed, and force-marched modern industrial growth.

43. These rates are for Annuitants, federal employees should review the FEGLI employee rate charts.It is important to realize that premiums for options A, B and C are adjusted as you age and the costs can get prohibitive especially for the Option B multiples.

44. Amongst so excitable a people as the Arabs, this game caused quarrels and bloodshed, hence its prohibition: and the theologians, who everywhere and at all times delight in Burdening human nature, have extended the command, which is rather admonitory than prohibitive, to all games of chance.