Nghĩa của từ prima facie bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "prima facie"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "prima facie", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ prima facie, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ prima facie trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Abstracter's certificate as prima facie evidence

2. It's a prima facie duty.

3. What is the prima facie investigation report?

4. 386.71 Abstracter's certificate as prima facie evidence

5. I see a prima facie reason for it.

6. First and most important is Ross s list of prima facie duties.

7. Home Minister Chidambaram said that this was prima facie proof of ISI involvement.

8. For Ross , for example, lying is always wrong, but it is wrong prima facie.

9. No, it was prima facie evidence that the Champions were in terminal decline.

10. 3 There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed.

11. Nothing is easier than to dodge Maxwell ' s paradox by affirming the prima facie impossibility of such beings .

12. In this particular case there is a prima-facie case of abuse of internationally recognized human rights.

13. We took note when police said there was prima facie evidence of linkages to Pakistan in the Mumbai bomb blasts.

14. ‘In this case the Averment of the fact of manufacture meant that there was prima facie evidence of that fact before the court.’

15. " Prima facie , a collusion between Martin and Subba in rigging the results to benefit themselves can be made out , " say it officials .

16. ‘In this case the Averment of the fact of manufacture meant that there was prima facie evidence of that fact before the court.’

17. The Couvert is a “cover charge” that is a prima facie charge for bread, which is brought to the table automatically in most places.

18. Casuistry is a form of PRACTICAL ARGUMENT that explores the RELATIONSHIP between assumed MORAL PARADIGMS (prima facie duties) and PROBLEMATIC INSTANCES (difficult cases)

19. The Prima Facie Bewies theory is an important part of the proof system. It has a high position in the proof system abroad.

20. Given a statutory requirement that the registration was prima facie evidence of the ownership of the mark, the Office examined both absolute and relative grounds.

21. Our response is, as it should be, that prima facie we should trust them, we should welcome them, and we should put forward our best foot.

22. (vi) roviding for the payment of penalties in respect of Indian nationals for illegal stay in the host country, where, prima facie the worker is not at fault;

23. (c) & (d)A preliminary inquiry was conducted into the matter by the Ministry which could not establish prima facie any involvement or complicity of officials of the Ministry.

24. (c ) & (d) A preliminary inquiry was conducted into the matter by the Ministry which could not establish prima facie any involvement or complicity of officials of the Ministry.

25. (ii) Persons who have produced prima facie evidence of Indian Citizenship but the evidence is considered insufficient to justify the issue of a passport without further verification.

26. (vi) Providing the payment of penalties in respect of Indian nationals for illegal stay in the host country where prima facie the worker is not at fault;

27. The prima facie evidence also shows that, in absence of the anti-dumping duty, the prices of imports originating in the PRC would significantly undercut the Union industry prices.

28. Given that offences under Section 153 A are punishable with imprisonment of up to three years , prima facie the case against Thackeray would be time - barred after January 1996 .

29. (c) & (d) A preliminary inquiry was conducted into the matter by the Ministry which could not establish prima facie any involvement or complicity of officials of the Ministry.

30. The possession of such Burglarious tools, implements or outfit by any person other than a licensed dealer, shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to commit burglary, robbery or larceny

31. Aquinas does not seem committed to what this taxonomical division would, at least, prima facie entail , since he goes on to attribute to the imagination, Cogitative, and memory acts of forming and preparing phantasms for abstraction (cf

32. After forming a prima facie view that there is an element of profiteering, the Standing Committee shall refer the matter for detailed investigation to the Director General of Safeguards, CBEC, which shall report its findings to the NAA.

33. He determines whether there is a prima facie case for a matter relating to a breach of privilege or contempt of the House,9 or the conduct of a member being raised or referred to a Committee for investigation .

34. Our courts, including the Supreme Court, said prima facie the jurisdiction does exist, it does not exist in the state government of Kerala, but it exists in the Central government to appoint a special court to try this matter.

35. We do look at it as an opportunity to interact with the Heads of Government of small states, small island states so prima facie that would be the emphasis of our interaction because this is the most appropriate to do so.

36. Failure to display alicense plate indicating that the vehicle is registered on an Apportionmentor allocation basis or carry a trip permit, as outlined in the InternationalRegistration Plan, shall constitute prima facie evidence the apportioned orallocated fee has not been paid.

37. There is a serious allegation that Bodhisattwa Gautam had married Subhra Chakraborty before the God he worshipped by putting Vermilion on her forehead and accepting her as his wife and also impregnated her twice resulting in abortion on both the occasions, we, on being prima facie satisfied, dispose of this matter by providing that Bodhisattwa Gautam…

38. 1 day ago · Activist Stan Swamy Conspired With Maoists To Overthrow Government: Court Stan Swamy Case: “Prima facie it can be gathered that the applicant along with other members of the banned organisation hatched a serious conspiracy to create unrest in the entire country and to overpower the Government, politically and by using muscle power,” Judge

39. (2) If an Appropriator ceases to use all or part of an appropriation right or ceases using the appropriation right according to its terms and conditions for a period of 10 successive years and there was water available for use, there is a prima facie presumption that the Appropriator has abandoned the right for the part not used.

40. Judges must determine whether the requirements for granting extradition have been met, such as the existence of dual criminal liability and a minimum penalty, as well as the requirement, on the part of the courts in Chile, unlike in other countries, that the record should show prima facie evidence that the person whose extradition is being sought committed the crimes of which he or she is accused as principal, accomplice or accessory

41. Again duration of diabetes with the burden of time ushers in the vascular complications . Body tissues in diabetes tend to age prematurely and end organs as heart , kidneys , eyes and nerves become easily prone to early degeneration in their structure or function . Scientists are working on ways and means that can delay this process . However , still the value of good control is the prima facie and essential for sustenance of life without complications . The whole truth about diabetes management condensates to normalisation of blood glucost at all times .