Nghĩa của từ pressure gradient bằng Tiếng Việt

gradien áp xuất

Đặt câu có từ "pressure gradient"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pressure gradient", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pressure gradient, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pressure gradient trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. All patients but one had increased portal pressure gradient.

2. Adversed pressure gradient may cause separation of the condensate film.

3. To this end, a setpoint pressure gradient value is determined in the high-pressure accumulator as a function of the maximum possible actual pressure gradient value.

4. Similar processes often occur in the presence of a pressure gradient.

5. Movement in these circumstances is over short distances and occurs down a pressure gradient.

6. This occurs when external forces such as gravity are balanced by a pressure-gradient force.

Trạng thái này xảy ra khi ngoại lực như trọng lực cân bằng với lực gradien áp suất.

7. Moreover, the abatement of a transverse pressure gradient will be beneficial for decreasing transverse flow losses.

8. Cardioid microphone, for example, was invented when audio engineers discovered that they could combine omnidirectional and pressure gradient microphones

9. Scientists focused on the complex state space found using the spectral stability analysis for conditions of constant pressure gradient.

10. The balanced forces are inward gravitational force and an outward force due to the pressure gradient within the star.

Những lực cân bằng bao gồm lực hấp dẫn hướng vào trong và lực hướng ra ngoài là gradient áp suất bên trong ngôi sao.

11. The pressure gradient is established by the temperature gradient of the plasma; the outer part of the star is cooler than the core.

Gradient áp suất được thiết lập nên bởi gradient nhiệt độ của plasma; phần bên ngoài của sao thì lạnh hơn phần bên trong lõi.

12. The problem of magnetohydrodynamic compressible boundary-layer flow over a flat plate, in the presence of an adverse pressure gradient, is studied numerically.

13. In the spring, these cold fronts can be very strong, and can bring strong winds when the pressure gradient is higher than normal.

Trong mùa xuân, các frông lạnh này có thể rất mạnh và có thể mang gió mạnh khi gradient áp suất là căng hơn thông thường.

14. Further it is shown that, supposing an adiabatic temperature stratification, the average dip of horizon can be derived from the vertical atmospheric pressure gradient.

15. The duct has a profile described by an equation that balances momentum of the fluid flowing through the duct with an adverse pressure gradient.

16. Conveying distance will have a significant effect on this particular relationship but so also does pressure because it is primarily a function of pressure gradient

17. Ventilation openings in the protector plate induce inflow which reduces the discharge velocity, limits the formation of an adverse pressure gradient and encourages circumferential distribution.

18. The separation angle of the condensate film layer, φs is also obtained for various pressure gradient parameters, P* and their corresponding dimensionless Grashof 's parameters, Gr*.

19. The pressure gradient at all nodes is calculated with the Gauss elimination method and the absolute permeability of the pore network is calculated directly from Darcy’s law.

20. Making Anterooms by partitioning Anterooms are necessary to maintain the pressure gradient of AIIRs and reduce the migration of infectious particles from the isolation room into the corridor

21. A pressure gauge (G#) (accuracy and precision ± # kPa) fitted immediately before the volume meter and used to register the pressure gradient between the gas mixture and the ambient air

22. Anticyclones can occur in both winter and summer with varying effects, but both are typified by low wind speeds due to a weak pressure gradient and stable conditions with no clouds.

23. Aim To resolve the influence of pressure gradient, liquid hold-up and mixture density of the different flow model on the design and operation of gas-lift well in oil recovery.

24. A high drag vortex generator for inhibiting the formation of boundary layer gas flow is mounted in a duct having a strong adverse pressure gradient with high speed gas flow over a primary aerodynamic.

25. Anticyclone, region of high atmospheric pressure; Anticyclones are commonly referred to as "highs." The pressure gradient, or change between the core of the anticyclone and its surroundings, combined with the Coriolis effect Coriolis effect

26. Anticyclone, region of high atmospheric pressure; Anticyclones are commonly referred to as "highs." The pressure gradient, or change between the core of the Anticyclone and its surroundings, combined with the Coriolis effect Coriolis effect

27. Anticyclone, region of high atmospheric pressure; Anticyclones are commonly referred to as "highs." The pressure gradient, or change between the core of the anticyclone and its surroundings, combined with the Coriolis effect Coriolis effect [for G.-G

28. Anticyclone, region of high atmospheric pressure; Anticyclones are commonly referred to as "highs." The pressure gradient, or change between the core of the Anticyclone and its surroundings, combined with the Coriolis effect Coriolis effect [for G.-G

29. This analysis supports the catheter-based method to constitute a new therapeutic option for very symptomatic patients, to be effective both in patients with and without intraventricular pressure gradient at rest and to be an alternative to surgical treatment, as has been stated recently.

30. All the experimental parameters that the Chromatographers are used to consider as constant (the column length and its diameter, the particle size, the column porosities, the phase ratio, the column hold-up volume, the pressure gradient along the column, the mobile phase density and its viscosity, the diffusion coefficients, the equilibrium constants, the retention factors, the efficiency parameters) depend …