Nghĩa của từ preposterous bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
1. trái với lẽ thường, trái thói, phi lý, vô nghĩa lý
2. ngớ ngẩn, lố bịch

Đặt câu có từ "preposterous"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "preposterous", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ preposterous, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ preposterous trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. These claims are absolutely preposterous!

2. The very idea is preposterous!

3. Aw, this is preposterous.

thật lố bịch.

4. What a preposterous idea!

5. That's a preposterous excuse!

6. I know it sounds preposterous.

Tôi biết lý do đó nghe rất lố bịch.

7. The whole idea was preposterous.

8. That is a preposterous accusation!

9. I find your lustful women preposterous.

Tôi thấy những người đàn bà dâm dật của ông thật lố bịch.

10. The whole idea sounds absolutely preposterous!

11. So what Raskin proposed actually seemed preposterous.

12. Ticket prices for football games are absolutely preposterous!

13. It's totally preposterous... traversing the entire galaxy alone.

Nó hoàn toàn trái với lẽ thường... Băng qua dải ngân hà một mình.

14. The whole thing was preposterous, most certainly a mistake.

15. They are asking a preposterous price for the work.

16. The chief justice's supporters dismiss the allegations of racism as preposterous.

17. We denounce the preposterous statement of the warmonger Churchill.

18. It's preposterous to suggest that everything was her fault!

19. That's preposterous. No well-bred man would do this.

20. It would be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon.

21. It sounded utterly preposterous but it led to a longer silence.

22. The idea of putting the army on an island is preposterous.

23. It seems preposterous that Bruce did not know we were there.

24. I said it was preposterous, but that made him even angrier.

25. I stood against a lamppost and read it over. It'sounded preposterous.

26. It is preposterous that Bruce did not know that we were there.

27. It was difficult to remain equanimous in the face of such preposterous impertinence.

28. It's a preposterous claim that the government is trying to poison its citizens.

29. But I also don't accept your weird-ass premise, man,'cause it's absolutely preposterous...

30. Painting Lucrezia Donati, fraudulently leading the Medicis to believe you can deliver preposterous weapons.

Vẽ chân dung cho Lucrezia Donati, lừa người đúng đầu Nhà Medicis tin vào mấy cái vũ khí lố bịch của ngươi.

31. Synonyms for Counterintuitive include unreasonable, faulty, illogical, implausible, nonsensical, absurd, capricious, contradictory, erratic and preposterous

32. He was usually preposterous vet somehow achieved a certain dignity by his remoteness and agelessness.

33. Many voters are ready to believe anything of them both, no matter how preposterous or sinister.

34. Every manner of artistic expression, every experiment, however imaginative, however preposterous or outrageous, was now permissible.

35. Mr. Straw To try to suggest that the senior chief inspector agreed to 175 is preposterous.

36. Daunting and preposterous as the task appeared, I was glad to be busy again, of use.

37. Ged Dale, Eccles, LancsOne is a Blowsy, overblown and preposterous melodrama played out to a hysterical score.

38. Certainly many men, especially those who have had close contact with feminism, initially find my suggestions preposterous.

39. This is a typically preposterous concoction, with tiger stripes on the long seat, horse heads for arms.

40. But as long as we have a two-tiered Hall of Fame, it is preposterous not to include Phil Niekro.

41. The preposterous bailouts of this decade will come back to haunt Americans in future decades in preposterously high tax rates.

42. These calls , say Pakistani officials , were traced to a number of " high - ranking " Indian officials , a charge the India has termed " preposterous " .

43. What was then so preposterous that it barely made sense in the realm of satire has now miraculously become a reality.

44. This Braggart weaves astonishing tales of cunning and will while stalking game, and even more preposterous stories of superhuman feats of boozing

45. 6 editorial “The party’s poison pill”: I am pleased to see the editorial board take a consistent, well-articulated stand against the preposterous Blusterings of Republican

46. (Ac 23:23-30) Five days later High Priest Ananias, a certain Tertullus, and others came down from Jerusalem with preposterous charges against Paul.

47. Concocted, some consumed it, some blocked it When undisputed ones lock it, from dumb and stupid Preposterous bitches Lost in this sickness 'cause you bossed

48. Chimerical Meaning: "pertaining to or of the nature of a chimera;" hence "incapable of realization, preposterous," 1630s,… See definitions of Chimerical.

49. ‘This Braggart weaves astonishing tales of cunning and will while stalking game, and even more preposterous stories of superhuman feats of boozing.’ ‘Since Monday the 8th was a holiday, golfers from the Three Sisters gathered at Siam on Tuesday the 9th to see who would be the Braggart for the week.’

50. ‘This Contradicts the council's assertion that just 19 Swindon women had used the unit in the past two years.’ ‘But that preposterous assertion is contradicted by much evidence.’ ‘I was appalled by his sheer lack of professional introspection in the face of substantial evidence that contradicted his assertions.’