Nghĩa của từ premature systole bằng Tiếng Việt

Tâm thu sớm

Đặt câu có từ "premature systole"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "premature systole", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ premature systole, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ premature systole trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Bruits are “swishing” sounds heard over major arteries during systole or, less commonly, systole and diastole

2. Enthusiasm " premature "

Nhiệt tình " hấp tấp "

3. AKA: Atrial ectopics, Atrial extrasystoles, Atrial premature beats, Atrial premature depolarisations

4. Cardiac Cycle a complete cardiac movement, or heart beat, including systole, diastole, and the intervening pause

5. Premature Skin Ageing Ultraviolet radiation causes premature ageing effects such as skin wrinkling and hardening.

6. Gum disease and premature birth

Bệnh nướu răng và chứng sinh non

7. The baby was five weeks premature.

8. It's premature, reckless, and potentially lethal.

Như thế là hấp tấp, liều lĩnh và có khả năng chết người.

9. Bruits confined to systole are relatively common, however, and do not necessarily signify occlusive disease

10. The baby was four weeks premature.

11. Well, if the baby's premature, then-

Nhỡ đứa bé chết yểu thì...

12. Well, no, that's a little premature.

Như thế thì hơi hấp tấp.

13. I think this is all premature.

Anh nghĩ chuyện này là chuyện bốc đồng.

14. The baby was six weeks premature.

15. It now seems their optimism was premature.

16. Agallop occurring when diastole is so shortened by tachycardia thattherapidventricular fillingphase merges withauricular systole is called " indeterminate " gallop.

17. Any talk about lifting sanctions is premature.

18. Any talk of a deal is premature.

19. 3 Premature babies have to be fed intravenously.

20. Maybe he was suffering from premature senile dementia?

21. This is mainly based on the observation that premature adrenarche is accompanied by premature pubarche, tall stature and advanced bone age.

22. A knee injury forced him into premature retirement.

23. Accelerators are designed to prevent those premature deaths

24. Smoking is a common cause of premature death.

25. Lack of prenatal care correlates strongly with premature birth.