Nghĩa của từ pondering bằng Tiếng Việt

động từ
(thường +on, upon, over) suy nghĩ; cân nhắc

Đặt câu có từ "pondering"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pondering", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pondering, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pondering trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Pondering deep questions?

Suy ngẫm những vấn đề hóc búa?

2. I am pondering how to respond.

3. Webber has been pondering retirement since June.

4. Pondering Jehovah’s handiwork moved David to praise Him

Ngẫm nghĩ về công trình sáng tạo của Đức Giê-hô-va khiến Đa-vít ca ngợi Ngài

5. I'm continually pondering how to improve the team.

6. The young couple are pondering moving their house.

7. This commentary, counterpoint, and debate is worth pondering.

8. Its underlying purposes and inwardness quite worth pondering.

9. ‎260+ professional Cryptic Crossword puzzles to keep you pondering

10. Principle 3: Encourage the Pondering of Gospel Truths

Nguyên Tắc số 3: Khuyến Khích Việc Suy Ngẫm về Các Lẽ Thật Phúc Âm

11. The university board is still pondering over the matter.

12. The young captain is pondering over a thorny problem.

13. 28 I'm continually pondering how to improve the team.

14. However, it was no use pondering on unanswerable questions.

15. Reading and pondering over the material in advance is important.

Đọc và suy gẫm trước về tài liệu là điều quan trọng.

16. They are pondering whether the money could be better used elsewhere.

17. Is compelled, but the taciturnity, is pondering own wrong and right.

18. This was something I had been pondering about for some time.

19. Doubtless MI5 translators wasted hours pondering over these supposed gems of intelligence.

20. Why should I waste my time pondering over Luke's motives - for anything?

21. Good men died because the administration delayed, pondering options to the end.

22. I walked up the stairs, pondering on her reaction to my news.

23. Smith set an example of how pondering can invite light from God.

Smith đã nêu gương về cách suy ngẫm có thể mời mọc ánh sáng từ Thượng Đế như thế nào.

24. Pondering this would occupy a quarter of an hour, if not more.

25. Jay stood still for a moment, pondering whether to go or not.

26. The secretary lay awake all night pondering whether to leave or stay.

27. Pondering the scriptures will lead you to ask the right questions in prayer.

Việc suy ngẫm thánh thư sẽ đưa các anh chị em đến việc đặt ra những câu hỏi chính đáng trong khi cầu nguyện.

28. I found myself constantly pondering the question: "How could anyone do these things?"

29. I sat in the pie shop kicking my heels and pondering the problem.

30. Pondering these questions will help us to evaluate its true benefits and costs.

31. There was a deep frown on his face when he was pondering a problem.

32. “As the creditor was pondering the offer, the mediator added, ‘You demanded justice.

“Trong khi người chủ nợ đang suy ngẫm về lời đề nghị, thì người đứng làm trung gian nói thêm: ‘Ông đòi hỏi sự công bằng.

33. Following pondering and discussion, determine a few specific actions you will commit to implement.

Tiếp theo sự suy ngẫm và thảo luận, hãy xác định một vài hành động cụ thể các anh chị em sẽ cam kết để thực hiện.

34. Mainstream conservatives are pondering which single candidate they will unite behind to beat Buchanan.

35. Synonyms for Brainwork include meditation, cerebration, cogitation, contemplation, deliberation, reflection, thinking, rumination, consideration and pondering

36. Pondering these matters, she went through to the front room to clear up the mess.

37. Synonyms for Contextualizing include inspecting, investigating, parsing, pondering, reviewing, scrutinising, scrutinizing, appraising, auditing and considering

38. Brooding definition: deeply or seriously thoughtful; synonyms: pondering, musing, reflective, ruminative, meditative, contemplative, broody, pensive, thoughtful

39. This past year I have been thinking and pondering about the Resurrection more than normal.

Năm vừa qua, tôi đã suy nghĩ và suy ngẫm về Sự Phục Sinh nhiều hơn bình thường.

40. Isabel swallowed nervously, pondering her answer as if the fate of the kingdom rested on it.

41. Synonyms for Cogitating on include reflecting, considering, contemplating, reviewing, studying, cerebrating, deliberating, musing, pondering and revolving

42. Synonyme pondering admissions taenia Arterying an`tialbumid instyle satininess~~ rancelman^ bummel prehistories imp.eratorin barrater showcasing fenchone i

43. Synonyms for Cudgeling your brains include wondering, pondering, conjecturing, questioning, reflecting, thinking, deliberating, musing, puzzling and querying

44. McNab's head was lowered and he seemed to be pondering in a lugubrious sort of way.

45. They did not consider doing odd jobs while pondering his future a viable option for their son.

46. I was pondering this alternative when my mind was made up for me by a passing freighter.

47. Thus, to this odd symbol in network verbal communication, there are many questions worth further pondering and discussing.

48. I kept pondering how kinglets, no larger than the end of my finger, could survive in this cold.

49. The dream is not a dream, the difference between the two usually have a very worth pondering the distance.

50. Ian went away,(sentencedict .com) pondering on my replies - but one thing was certain: major changes were in prospect.