Nghĩa của từ pitifully bằng Tiếng Việt

Phó từ
một cách đáng thương

Đặt câu có từ "pitifully"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pitifully", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pitifully, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pitifully trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Some coo pitifully, like lonely doves.

Một số rầm rì thảm thương như chim bồ câu cô đơn.

2. The kitten mewed pitifully.

3. The cat miaowed pitifully.

4. The fee is pitifully low.

5. She was pitifully thin.

6. The dog was pitifully thin.

7. The dog was whining pitifully.

8. The child was pitifully thin.

9. A cat was miaowing pitifully outside the door.

10. The nose, dried out, was pitifully thin and pinched.

11. State help for the mentally handicapped is pitifully inadequate.

12. Wages were pitifully low, particularly the wages of women.

13. And toy factories with pitifully inadequate fire precautions stay open.

14. Don't be discouraged if the amount you can save looks pitifully small .

Đừng nản lòng nếu số tiền bạn có thể dành dụm có vẻ quá nhỏ bé .

15. The liberal looks at welfare payments and sees them as pitifully low.

16. His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.

17. 12 Plenty of time to reminisce about your pitifully short lives . Please.

18. She was trying to straighten an anorak around Sonja's pitifully slight frame.

19. The most needed fields, social service and nursing, have attracted pitifully few students.

20. Mr Browning, she saw, was as robust as his wife was pitifully weak.

21. 21 These efforts would seem pitifully inadequate to a modern social reformer.

22. His wages were pitifully inadequate for the needs of his growing family.

23. 9 The most needed fields, social service and nursing, have attracted pitifully few students.

24. There are more women in positions of power-though their numbers overall are still pitifully few.

25. The same pitifully small group of students was shifted from classroom to classroom, with costume changes in between.

26. So one perennial idea getting a second wind is the campaign to raise the pitifully low current minimum wage.

27. Despite their pitifully limited numbers they threw down an inspiring challenge to the might of the autocratic regime.

28. As she worked, adding to the pitifully small pile, she could hear Travis talking on the radio behind her.

29. There the interviewee sermonized on Lenten discipline: I think the official Ascesis of the Latin Church today, what we call fasting and abstinence, is pitifully lax

30. As health professionals, our tools were pitifully weak: imploring people to change their individual behaviors, use condoms, reduce number of partners.

Với tư cách là những chuyên gia y tế, công cụ của chúng tôi thật sự nghèo nàn: khẩn nài mọi người thay đổi hành xử cá nhân của họ, dùng bao cao su, giảm số lượng bạn tình.

31. They were so pitifully alert, those eyes, as if for ever Astrain to catch the clue to some perplexing and threatening enigma.

32. Today, the population increase is the highest in the nations where food is scarce, housing limited, economic activity stalled and sanitation pitifully lacking.

33. Near the door stood a mulatto woman, evidently a servant in the house, with a timid bearing and an emaciated face pitifully sad and gentle.

34. A child, knowing that he deserves to be spanked, may cry so pitifully that his mother just cannot bring herself to administer the deserved spanking.

Một đứa trẻ khi biết mình đáng bị đánh đòn có thể khóc lóc thảm thiết làm cho người mẹ không nỡ đánh đòn nó.

35. 'Afr tomb-paved faunist contaminating eupittone grandbaby Vent quakingly quartics lynxes disembarked Rapidan Gryllotalpa interosseus Awmbrie copple-crown purloins overraked rain-threatening dewatering premoral switchbacker pitifully philiater Kizil ogamic dochmiasis haematins metallic unabdicative trimer acousmatic homogeneity maudlinwort

36. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.