Nghĩa của từ pelts bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
1. tấm da còn lông
2. tấm da sống

ngoại động từ
lột da thú

Đặt câu có từ "pelts"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pelts", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pelts, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pelts trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Beaver pelts.

Da hải ly.

2. I said beaver pelts.

Tôi đã nói là da hải ly.

3. that line of beaver pelts.

Nó kéo dài hơn một dặm, cái đường dây da hải ly đó.

4. In 1993 production of mink pelts was at 6m.

5. The Indians would barter beaver pelts for weapons.

6. I knew you would help me get my pelts back.

Tôi biết anh sẽ giúp tôi lấy lại mấy bộ da thú của mình.

7. Bating is a short treatment of pelts with an enzyme preparation (EP)

8. We can trade our pelts and horses... for their salt and iron.

Chúng ta có thể trao đổi da thú và ngựa... để lấy muối và sắt của họ.

9. Kids are killed when they are 35 days old for their white, curly pelts.

Dê con bị giết khi chúng được 35 ngày tuổi nhằm mục đích tạo các tấm da trắng, xoăn.

10. These pelts are larger than those of Broadtail and have hair that approximates that of karakul

11. Synonyms for Bastes include bashes, batters, beats, clubs, drubs, lamBastes, lashes, mauls, pelts and pummels

12. Leopard pelts, elephant ivory, tiger bones, rhino horns, and turtles are among currently banned commodities.

13. These pelts are larger than those of Broadtail and have hair that approximates that of karakul

14. Tiger teeth, claws, bones, and pelts, including those of young cubs, all fetch a high price.

Răng, móng, xương và da cọp, kể cả của cọp con, đều có giá rất cao.

15. Astrakhan fur hats are made of pelts with nice low to medium curls depending on the model

16. Seal pelts are thin to the point of transparency and seabird chicks are too weak to stand.

17. Buckskin, Leather and Rawhide Click on these categories to explore our current inventory of tanned furs, hides and pelts

18. In Medieval Europe, pelts were considered the only practical aspect of wolves, though they were seldom used, because of the skin's foul odour.

19. These rabbits were referred to as "bondkaniner" ("farm rabbits") in as early as 1881 and were kept mainly for their meat and pelts.

Những thỏ được gọi là bondkaniner ('trang trại thỏ') trong khi đầu năm 1881 và được giữ chủ yếu để lấy thịt và những tấm da.

20. And the design of the waterfront restaurant emphasizes rough-hewn, rustic elements — distressed wood beams, sheep pelts over the backs of chairs — over conventionally elegant ones.

21. The design of the restaurant emphasizes rough-hewn, rustic elements — distressed wood beams, sheep pelts over the backs of chairs — over conventionally elegant ones.

22. Originally found in the Andes Mountains of Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina, Chinchillas were hunted and trapped for their pelts to near extinction in the early 1900s

23. They have black, triangular markings between their eyes and noses, and the tips of their tails are often a different color from the rest of their pelts.

Chúng có một viền đen hình tam giác nằm giữa mắt và mũi, và lông ở chóp đuôi thường có màu khác so với phần lông còn lại.

24. Butchering is the skill used to butcher corpses to get items like pelts, meat, and other animal parts.Butchering skill is also used when filleting meat or fish.

25. Or like the three Hawaiian trappers from the Pacific Fur Company did back in 1819, who disappeared altogether exploring for riches in the form of beaver pelts along the Aforenamed phonetic Owyhee River

26. Most EPs that are suitable for Bating act in alkaline media in the presence of ammonia salts. Bating of pelts after deliming with peracetic acid/Toornaha pehmendamine parast peraadikhappega tootlemist

27. After his crew returned to Russia with sea otter pelts judged to be the finest fur in the world, small associations of fur traders began to sail from the shores of Siberia toward the Aleutian Islands.

Sau khi đội của ông trở về đến Nga với các tấm da sống của loài rái cá biển- được đánh dá là bộ da tốt nhất thế giới, các hãng buôn lông thú nhỏ bắt đầu đi thuyền từ bờ biển Siberia hướng về quần đảo Aleut.

28. The main chamber of the Censer below contains a stylized series of sculpted and painted bundle motifs, including crenulated jaguar pelts, a beaded medallion, a knot of rope, and what may be a shark tooth and canine fangs

29. The campers, stuck indoors as arctic rain pelts down, gaze Balefully out at a choppy Med and snarl at their dear ones He had had a disconcerting way of hanging his head and Balefully looking up at you from beneath girlishly thick lashes

30. 154, Ibid) (134) Another time, Brown states some Indians were porters, delivering pelts in 1717 to Charlestown, South Carolina, but states they had trouble hiring enough help, saying “The Burdeners were quickly sent back to the nation because of the danger of their getting Small Pox in our settlements.” (ibid, p 180).

31. Did you know that the beautiful Astrakhan fleece of vintage coats, collars and accessories is skinned from unborn lambs? Find Bargain Vintage Coats Specifically, the pelts come from Karakul sheep that are either fetal or killed and skinned before they reach three days old when their pelt remains tightly coiled and luxuriously soft.

32. Zaoqiang Affable Fur Co.,Ltd,Fly Tying Materials,Natural Feathers, Fur, and Hair ,Fly Tying Fur and Feather,Pelts & Hair, Online Shopping For Fly Tying Fur and feather,Flying Tying Supplies And Materials, Fly Fishing Fur Materials,Cashmere Goat Hair, Temple Dog Skin,America Opossum Skin,Nutria Hai,Beaver Skin,Mormot Skin,Hare Hides,Spike Guard Hair From Hare,Shadow Fox Tail,Marble Fox …