Nghĩa của từ pecking bằng Tiếng Việt

sự mổ, gõ của chim; sự đớp, cắn của cá

Đặt câu có từ "pecking"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pecking", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pecking, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pecking trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. 26 Hens feed by pecking.

2. Geese were pecking around for food.

3. The hens were pecking the grain.

4. The little prisoner was pecking inside his shell .

Tên tù nhân nhỏ xíu đang mổ mổ bên trong vỏ trứng của mình .

5. 15 But normally the pecking order works out by itself.

6. Beneath it(, two geese were pecking at some grain.

7. 10 The woodpecker's long beak is specially designed for pecking.

8. [Blue suns, green whirlwinds,] [birdbeaks of light pecking open] [pomegranate stars.]

[Những mặt trời xanh lam, những cơn lốc xanh lá,] [các đỉnh ánh sáng hình mỏ chim mở ra] [những vì sao hình trái lựu.]

9. Feather pecking can be an enormous problem in all husbandry systems.

10. Bullpen composition Wilson was already due to move up the Bullpen's pecking order

11. This rather unusual pecking instinct seems to ensure constant gratification for the male.

12. A raven had landed on the fish and was pecking out its eye.

13. So they seem to be beautifully suited to pecking grain in one environment.

Chúng tỏ ra khá thành thạo ở việc bới thóc trong một môi trường.

14. The original use of pecking order referred to the expression of dominance in chickens.

Tên gọi này lấy cảm hứng từ sự biểu hiện của sự thống trị ở bầy gà.

15. Four of them parody the fire brigade, pecking and pulling a piece of bread.

16. To clamber up the pecking order, some people slave away nights and weekends at the office.

17. Middleschoolers, their teachers tell me, are as endearing as chicks just pecking out of their shells.

18. It lives in the dirt, pecking insects out of the muck, consoling itself with its great beauty.

Chúng sống ở chỗ bẩn thỉu, mổ côn trùng từ nơi bùn đất. tự an ủi mình có vẻ đẹp kiêu sa.

19. What kind of a bride smells like a horse and kisses like a chicken pecking corn?

Cô dâu gì mà hôi như một con ngựa và hôn như một con gà mổ thóc?

20. Chickadees establish a dominance hierarchy, or “pecking order,” by which each bird is known to the other according to rank

21. Soon, however, many are projecting their dorsal fins high out of the water and are confidently pecking at their food.

22. There was no sound except for a pigeon burbling to itself in the road, pecking at horse-dung.

23. When you see a bird pecking around in your backyard, it’s using its Beak to probe the ground for food

24. THE fluffy, yellow hatchlings are busily pecking for food in the short grass, totally unaware of a hawk hovering high above.

NHỮNG chú gà con lông tơ vàng đang mải mê mổ thức ăn trong bụi cỏ, hoàn toàn không hay biết có một con diều hâu đang bay lượn trên cao.

25. Bantams mixed with standard-sized breeds must fight for their place in the pecking order from the brooder box

26. It is not surprising that the mortality due to feather pecking, cannibalism and parasitic diseases can be disturbingly high.

27. If all this yelling and judging and pecking at each other doesn't make us family, I don't know what does.

Nếu những lời la hét, phán xét và mổ xẻ nhau này không biến chúng ta thành gia đình thì cái gì làm được chứ.

28. 18 Diving at it and pecking it may just be enough to unsettle it as it makes the difficult final climb.

29. Often, the end of their beaks may be cut off to stop the hens pecking each other out of sheer boredom and neurosis.

30. 9 Soon, however, many are projecting their dorsal fins high out of the water and are confidently pecking at their food.

31. He has applied the rules of probability to the typing monkeys, and programmed computers to simulate their pecking of the keys.

32. Clueless Synopsis: Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher (Alicia Silverstone) is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school’s pecking scale

33. Removing hens or roosters from a flock causes a temporary disruption to this social order until a new pecking order is established.

Việc gà trống hoặc gà mái mất khỏi đàn sẽ phá vỡ trật tự này một thời gian ngắn cho đến khi một tôn ti mới được thiết lập.

34. Individual Chickens in a flock will dominate others, establishing a ‘pecking order’, with dominant individuals having priority for access to food and nesting locations.

35. While the shell of an adult box turtle is seldom fractured, the box turtle is still vulnerable to surprise attacks and persistent gnawing or pecking.

Trong khi vỏ của một con rùa hộp lớn hiếm khi bị vỡ, những con rùa hộp vẫn còn dễ bị tổn thương đến bất ngờ tấn công và gặm nhấm hoặc bọ mổ.

36. These creatures have developed a knack for pecking away at Nazca Boobies in search of parasites, ultimately feeding on the blood of these Boobies

37. A Cuttlebone provides your bird with an interactive pecking experience that helps to keep a birdâ  s beak trimmed and healthy

38. For a certain generation, Commie is one of the worst things you could level at someone, perhaps just behind Nazi in the political insult pecking order

39. Great tits are the biggest and Bolshiest members of their family, so they’re higher in the pecking order than other tits at our garden bird feeders

40. Disadvantages of these systems include problems such as pecking, cannibalism, parasitosis, contamination by external agents, high ambient concentrations of dust and ammonia, and difficulty in controlling microbial infections.

41. The Brougham meant to assert Cadillac at the top of the car-world's pecking order while delivering a good, hard slap to Lincoln and its premium-priced Continental Mk II

42. Yet, despite its place in what should be the Beakiest of pecking orders, it’s also as much fun to drive as anything that currently wears an M badge, and considerably more entertaining than

43. Blinders, also known as peepers, are devices fitted to, or through, the beaks of poultry to block their forward vision and assist in the control of feather pecking, cannibalism and sometimes egg-eating

44. SunGrow Ceramic Chicken Eggs, 2.75 Inches, Encourages Egg Laying and Discourages Pecking and Eating, Great for Broodiness Test and Unique Home Decorations, Made with Durable Ceramic Material, 2 Pack: Furniture & Decor

45. The pigeons are then placed in an operant conditioning chamber and through orienting and exploring the environment of the chamber they discover that by pecking a small disk located on one side of the chamber, food is delivered to them.

Chim bồ câu được đặt trong một buồng điều cụ và thông qua định hướng và khám phá môi trường của buồng chúng phát hiện ra rằng bằng cách mổ một đĩa nhỏ nằm ở một bên của căn phòng, thức ăn được giao cho chúng.

46. As Taylor Acquaints us with the pecking order in his school, his parents' conversations and escalating arguments, his struggle with his stammer, his hero worship of his older cousin, the prejudice and ignorance of his adult acquaintances, his first crush and first …

47. Beccafico, bĕk-ā-fē'kō, the Italian name of the small olive-brown garden-warbler (Sylvia hortensis), called in England “pettychaps,” which has the habit of pecking holes in the rind of ripening figs and other fruits, in search of small insects.The damage done is very slight

48. Using this rule of thumb, if Chicken A sees that Chicken B is larger, Chicken A will defer; if Chicken B is smaller, it will defer to Chicken A. In this way, only chickens of similar sizes will fight and the pecking order of the group overall is maintained without requiring individual recognition.

Sử dụng quy tắc này, khi gườm nhau (lườm nhau) nếu Gà A thấy Gà B lớn hơn, Gà A sẽ trì hoãn việc thách thức; nếu Gà B nhỏ hơn, tự khắc nó sẽ lấn tới nó để áp chế Gà A. Bằng cách này, chỉ những con gà có kích thước tương tự sẽ chiến đấu và trật tự của nhóm tổng thể được duy trì mà không yêu cầu nhận dạng cá thể.

49. As nouns the difference between Beak and bill is that Beak is a rigid structure projecting from the front of a bird's face, used for pecking, grooming and for eating food while bill is any of various bladed or pointed hand weapons, originally designating an anglo-saxon sword, and later a weapon of infantry, especially in the 14th and 15th centuries, commonly