Nghĩa của từ pausing bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
1. sự tạm nghỉ, sự tạm ngừng
2. sự ngập ngừng
3. sự ngắt giọng (trong khi đang nói, đang đọc); chỗ ngắt giọng, chỗ ngắt
4. (âm nhạc) dấu dãn nhịp

nội động từ
1. tạm nghỉ, tạm ngừng
2. chờ đợi; ngập ngừng
3. (+upon) ngừng lại

Đặt câu có từ "pausing"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pausing", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pausing, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pausing trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Appropriate Pausing

Tạm ngừng thích hợp

2. Children can run through without pausing.

3. Explain the importance of pausing for punctuation.

Hãy giải thích sự quan trọng của việc tạm ngừng để chấm câu.

4. Yet appropriate pausing here is proper.

Tuy nhiên, tạm ngừng trước khi đọc câu Kinh-thánh là thích hợp.

5. He kept pausing to mop his brow.

6. The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath .

7. Use helpful pausing, and favor round numbers for statistics.

Hãy giúp người dịch bằng cách ngừng lại, và nên làm tròn những con số thống kê có số lẻ.

8. After pausing a moment he replied: “Looking at the ‘go-cart.’”

Trầm ngâm một hồi, anh đáp: “Anh ngắm ‘cái xe đẩy’ ”.

9. We are temporarily pausing the Anywheres project, but hope to return soon

10. Quickly move your finger across the surface of the screen without pausing.

Di chuyển nhanh ngón tay của bạn trên bề mặt của màn hình mà không dừng lại.

11. Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house.

12. The giraffes were following gravel paths, were pausing to munch sugar pears from treetops.

13. Nurses busily went up and down, sometimes pausing to exchange words and careless laughter.

14. 'Good night, citizen,' said Sydney Carton , pausing in going by; for, the man eyed him inquisitively.

15. Proper use of pausing is an important factor in speech that can readily be understood.

Tạm ngừng thích hợp là một yếu tố quan trọng khiến lời nói dễ hiểu.

16. As always with Google Ads, you can stop advertising at any time by pausing your campaigns.

17. After you have practiced, ask someone to listen to you and offer suggestions for improvement in your pausing.

Sau khi đã tập dượt, nhờ người nào đó lắng nghe và đề nghị những chỗ cần ngừng.

18. Without pausing for breath or breaking her stride, she pushed open the door of his private office.

19. To make any progress at all, we had to dig deeply into the water, paddling without pausing between strokes.

Để chèo về phía trước, chúng tôi đã phải đẩy sâu mái chèo xuống nước, và chèo không nghỉ.

20. Pausing at the door he turned once more and extended the middle finger of his right hand towards the bed.

21. Agonizers are stationary enemies that spew bullets randomly in all directions, pausing for a short duration after each burst of bullets

22. A more experienced batsman can adjust a shot mid-stroke, momentarily pausing so as to middle the ball when it is hit.

23. Orson Welles's Othello "waded through the great speeches, pausing before the stronger words like a landing craft Breasting a swell."

24. Both of these tendencies can be dealt with effectively by pausing to formulate a simple mental outline before beginning to speak.

Có thể khắc phục được cả hai khuynh hướng này bằng cách nghĩ trong trí một dàn bài đơn giản trước khi bắt đầu nói.

25. 28 Hands in pockets, Lennon sauntered through the plaza, pausing only to disable any artificial lifeforms that approached him asking questions.

26. By pausing for a moment or two before speaking you will simply be Counteracting a nervous tendency to rush headlong into everything.

27. Cranes, herons, storks, and spoonbills wade in the shallows, pausing motionless midstride, patiently waiting for an unsuspecting fish to swim within range.

28. Select line items or proposal line items on a table to see more actions you can take, such as copying, pausing, or archiving.

29. Look into Blenders that have built-in timers, pulsing and pausing capabilities that help produce well-blended meals and beverages on a consistent basis

30. The meeting chairman will be especially interested in helping students to read with accuracy, understanding, fluency, proper sense stress, modulation, appropriate pausing, and naturalness.

31. Too expensive and jolly, again thought I, pausing one moment to watch the broad glare in the street, and hear the sounds of the tinkling glasses within.

Quá đắt và vui vẻ, một lần nữa nghĩ rằng tôi, tạm dừng một chút thời gian để xem ánh sáng chói rộng trên đường phố, và nghe các âm thanh của các ly leng keng trong.

32. Cryonics is the practice of preserving life by pausing the dying process using subfreezing temperatures with the intent of restoring good health with medical technology in the future

33. Chugalug (third-person singular simple present chugalugs, present participle Chugalugging, simple past and past participle chugalugged) (transitive, intransitive, US) To swallow (a container of beer etc.) without pausing

34. 10 months and older - overlaps with first word production: strings of Babbling with rhythm, intonation, and pausing (prosodic features); paired with eye contact, gestures, and adult intonation patterns

35. Chugalug (third-person singular simple present Chugalugs, present participle Chugalugging, simple past and past participle Chugalugged) (transitive, intransitive, US) To swallow (a container of beer etc.) without pausing

36. Then- the morning light still waxing stronger- old patriarchs would rise up in great haste, each in his flannel gown, and matronly dames, without pausing to put off their night-gear.

37. When pausing to admire such handiwork, we may sense that ‘the trees of the field are all clapping their hands’ as they give silent praise to their Maker.—Isaiah 55:12; Psalm 148:7-9.

38. ‎The Cryonics Underground podcast explores the fascinating and underappreciated world of Cryonics - the process of pausing your biological functions at the moment of legal death with the goal of reviving you in the future

39. The invention includes a multiplicity of sensors (12) as well as an instant alarm system which prevents accidental problems with previous delay alarm systems and repositioning of the hands without pausing or turning the device off.

40. En español The economic uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic might have you thinking about pausing retirement Contributions, but 2020 changes to Contribution rules could make this the perfect time to take advantage of an individual retirement account (IRA)

41. When a student has a reading assignment, the counsel will not necessarily follow the progressive Speech Counsel slip but may deal with points such as volume, sense stress, pausing or accuracy of statement where explanatory statements are made on texts in the reading assignment.

42. (2) he went deaf because of the Clangour of the steam hammers (3) To tremendous cheers and the Clangour of bells they rode in on one horse, with Margaret riding pillion behind the King, escorted by two hundred knights and pausing to witness numerous pageants

43. (2) he went deaf because of the Clangour of the steam hammers (3) To tremendous cheers and the Clangour of bells they rode in on one horse, with Margaret riding pillion behind the King, escorted by two hundred knights and pausing to witness numerous pageants

44. (2) he went deaf because of the Clangour of the steam hammers (3) To tremendous cheers and the Clangour of bells they rode in on one horse, with Margaret riding pillion behind the King, escorted by two hundred knights and pausing to witness numerous pageants

45. Cryonics is the process of pausing people in critical condition who can’t accept the concept of death, in the hopes that people from the future will be able to save them, and the community of hard-core Cryonics people might also be a Scientology-like cult.

46. Cryonics is the practice of preserving life by pausing the dying process using subfreezing temperatures with the intent of restoring good health with medical technology in the future. “At the point where the current legal and medical system gives up on a patient, they aren’t really dead.” Eliezer Yudkowsky, You Only Live Twice

47. I trod along by the dark, sluggish river, and remember pausing on the bank, above one of its blackest and most placid pools—(the very spot, with the barkless stump of a tree Aslantwise over the water, is depicting itself to my fancy, at this instant)—and wondering how deep it was, and if any overladen soul had ever flung its weight of

48. I trod along by the dark, sluggish river, and remember pausing on the bank, above one of its blackest and most placid pools (the very spot, with the barkless stump of a tree Aslantwise over the water, is depicting itself to my fancy at this instant), and wondering how deep it was, and if any overladen soul had ever flung its weight of mortality

49. Watteau's touch is as nervous as his subject, as though the paintings themselves belonged to the same psychic reality that was lived by his traveling companies of actors, or his Amorists arising from the enchantments of Cythera, or his lords and ladies pausing to embrace or to execute a diversionary dance or to break for a moment the restless comings and goings of frantic and distracted days.

50. I trod along by the dark, sluggish river, and remember pausing on the bank, above one of its blackest and most placid pools (the very spot, with the barkless stump of a tree Aslantwise over the water, is depicting itself to my fancy at this instant), and wondering how deep it was, and if any overladen soul had ever flung its weight of mortality