Nghĩa của từ paraded bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
1. sự phô trương
2. cuộc diễu hành, cuộc duyệt binh
3. nơi duyệt binh; thao trường (cũng parade ground)
4. đường đi dạo mát; công viên

ngoại động từ
1. tập họp (quân đội) để duyệt binh, cho diễu hành, cho diễu binh
2. phô trương
3. diễu hành qua, tuần hành qua

nội động từ
diễu hành, tuần hành

Đặt câu có từ "paraded"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "paraded", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ paraded, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ paraded trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The colonel paraded his troops.

2. Everton paraded their recently acquired silverware.

3. The trophy was paraded around the stadium.

4. 2 Everton paraded their recently acquired silverware.

5. Have paraded the tasteless christmas jumper though.

6. Beautiful women paraded by in scanty clothing.

7. The colonel paraded his men before the Queen.

8. Lydhate paraded flighty , foreign notions which would not wear.

9. When you get the troops paraded, let me know.

Chừng nào đại đội của anh sẵn sàng, hãy cho tôi hay.

10. He paraded himself as a loyal supporter of the party.

11. 28 She paraded up and down in her new hat.

12. The PLA troops paraded through Tiananmen Square on National Day.

13. Between 600 and 700 Mamluks paraded for this purpose in Cairo.

Khoảng 600 đến 700 chiến binh Mamluk đã diễu hành ở Cairo.

14. A local news agency said gangs paraded several severed heads around the town.

15. They loaded us into an open truck and paraded us through the town.

Họ đẩy chúng tôi lên xe tải không mui và đưa đi diễu qua khắp thành phố.

16. A trio of girls in extremely tight shorts paraded up and down.

17. In the meantime, women paraded back and forth in various stages of undress.

18. Then I want his body brought back here and paraded through the streets.

Ta muốn ngươi mang xác hắn về đây và kéo lê khắp các phố

19. The minstrels paraded out in the same boisterous way they had come in.

20. The crowds paraded in front of the Tombs to catch a glimpse of Hicks.

21. Exhorting him to breathe deeply they paraded him up and down beside the wire fence.

22. 26 The crowds paraded in front of the Tombs to catch a glimpse of Hicks.

23. An outsize cotton shoes was mounted on a huge float and paraded through the main street.

24. One of my schoolteachers —a good man— was paraded around as if he were a criminal.

25. Example: From a 2007 article in Britain' Daily Telegraph : "Unlike many Autodidacts, Massingberd never paraded his

26. Never before in human history have violence, spiritism, and sexual immorality been paraded to such an extent.

Không bao giờ trong lịch sử loài người có sự hung bạo, đồng bóng, tà thuật và tình dục vô luân được phô trương đến mức độ này.

27. On Belle Poule 60 men were paraded, drums beat a salute and funeral airs were played.

28. He occupied London in October and paraded Henry VI through the streets as the restored king.

Ông chiếm được London vào tháng 10 và đưa vua Henry VI diễu hành qua các đường phố thủ đô với tư cách vị vua được khôi phục ngai vàng.

29. 30 But when the celebs paraded for Reagan 20 years ago, Republicans had no such scruples.

30. They paraded each morning in the central square and gave reports to and took orders from Drahonowska-Małkowska.

Họ diễn hành mỗi buổi sáng tại quảng trường trung tâm và báo cáo tình hình và nhận lệnh từ Drahonowska-Małkowska.

31. Warriors in full armour paraded in the colossal hangar, its walls plated with slabs of heat-resistant mica.

32. Stripped of his command, he was paraded through the streets draped in sheep's entrails while seated backwards on a jackass before suffering 500 Bastinadoes

33. It is also mentioned by Plutarch that the Parthians found the Roman prisoner of war that resembled Crassus the most, dressed him as a woman and paraded him through Parthia for all to see.

34. The city of Bacolod’s culture is depicted in its famous festival, the Masskara Festival where the proud “Bacolonians” showcase their craftsmanship in creating colourful smilling masks and are then paraded on the streets by street dancers, Bacolod earned the title as the “City of Smiles”.

35. Burgomastership of the City of Rotter, dam—The Burgomaster of the City of Rotterdam, having I'carlrtt with the utmost indignation, that yesterday evening, at the time the French soldiers in garrison here paraded in the great market place, and also at the barracks, a foore nume rous assembly than usual cr …

36. Barack Obama Conclusively outed as CIA creation Alex Jones and Aaron Dykes tell us this about Obama’s history: Far from being the mere ‘son of a goat herder’ (as he deceptively paraded during and even before his candidacy), strong evidence has emerged that President Barack Obama is the product of the intelligence community.

37. Concours d'Elegance (French: Concours d'élégance) is a term of French origin that means a "competition of elegance" and refers to an event where prestigious vehicles are displayed and judged.It dates back to 17th-century France, where aristocrats paraded horse-drawn carriages in the parks of Paris during summer weekends and holidays