Nghĩa của từ outbursts bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
1. sự phun lửa (núi lửa)
2. sự bột phát, sự bùng nổ
3. cơn (giận...)

Đặt câu có từ "outbursts"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "outbursts", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ outbursts, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ outbursts trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Is it true you had violent outbursts?

Có thật là ông đã bộc phát bạo lực không?

2. His unpredictable outbursts made family members feel uneasy.

3. Some became edgy, prone to violent outbursts.

4. TOP 10 BEST Courtroom Outbursts and Sentencing REACTIONS! BEST JUDGE EVER! Grey Disciple BEST JUDGE JUDY PRESENTS: Top 10 Courtroom Outbursts and Sentencing

5. His drunken outbursts during the mayor's speech were inexcusable.

6. This century has seen so many outbursts of hatred.

Trong thế kỷ này có quá nhiều phen thù ghét bùng nổ.

7. He was justified in some of his Condemnatory outbursts: 2

8. Control yourself , sir. These outbursts of petulance are not seemly.

9. (Isaiah 1:18) Angry outbursts or harsh condemnations may throttle communication.

Nổi giận lên hay kết tội gay gắt có thể làm cho mối liên lạc bị nghẹt ngòi.

10. Childlike behaviors may include emotional outbursts, impulsiveness, and lack of social inhibition

11. It is not a time for outbursts, for partying, or for hilarity.

Đó không phải là lúc để bột phát rầm rộ những cảm xúc, để thết tiệc hoặc để cười đùa ầm ĩ.

12. 17 Outbursts of violence forced the cancellation of Haiti's first free elections in 19

13. In the aftermath of both these outbursts of militancy stoppages of work declined dramatically.

14. His behaviour was marked by an oddly prankish streak and outbursts of genuine jollity.

15. When angered, Ellen was given to spontaneous outbursts, while her partner Terry would do a slow burn.

16. Frequent church hopping, intermittent attendance and inappropriate outbursts of anger by the husband can also be signals.

17. Synonyms for Boutades include access, attacks, fits, bouts, bursts, eruption, explosions, onsets, outbursts and paroxysms

18. “Overcrowding adds stress and frustration, which open the gate to anger and outbursts of temper.

19. More than 100 people have been killed this year in sporadic outbursts of ethnic violence.

20. Anyway, we really should thank Senators Kyl and McConnell for their sudden outbursts of candor.

21. The Cometary outbursts are one of the most spectacular phenomena one can observe in the sky

22. Synonyms for Blowups include blasts, detonations, eruption, bursts, burstings, explosions, outbursts, blow-ups, discharge and bangs

23. Natsuko was prone to violence and morbid outbursts, which are occasionally alluded to in Mishima's works.

Natsuko là một người cục cằn và dễ nổi nóng, điều này thường xuyên được ám chỉ trong các tác phẩm của Mishima.

24. 22 More than 100 people have been killed this year in sporadic outbursts of ethnic violence.

25. Solar flares are enormous magnetic outbursts from the Sun that bombard the Earth with high-speed subatomic particles.

Bão Mặt Trời là sự bùng phát từ trường khổng lồ từ mặt trời bắn phá Trái Đất với các hạt hạ nguyên tử tốc độ cao.

26. “Filthy language and emotional outbursts were common, and the boys were always making sexual advances toward me.”

27. Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.

28. Cometary outbursts are brief, but potentially strong, mass-loss events, likely caused by a wide range of phenomena [1]

29. However, from time to time, his opposition flared up, and we had to put up with his outbursts.

Tuy nhiên, thỉnh thoảng cha lại ra mặt chống đối và chúng tôi phải cắn răng chịu đựng những lúc cha giận dữ.

30. Using near-infrared (near-IR) spectroscopy, water ice grains have been observed in the ejecta of some Cometary outbursts.

31. Anglophilic television fans, however, will sense another character lurking in the bounding physicality and hyperverbal outbursts of this contemporary Holmes

32. From an early age, they were, in a sense, trained to believe that temperamental outbursts and abusive speech are normal.

Từ thuở nhỏ, họ như đã được tập để nghĩ rằng nổi giận và chửi rủa là bình thường.

33. 20 She was having difficulty in controlling aggressive outbursts of anger and would suddenly lash out and hit other children.

34. A triangle is an efficient system of emotional checks and balances, allowing chil-dren to work out complicated feelings without volatile outbursts.

35. China changed its mind after vituperative outbursts online by nationalists, still angry with Japan for its occupation of China in the 1930s and 1940s.

36. These are colossal outbursts: at its peak a supernova may become at least fifteen million times as luminous as the Sun.

37. By now most of the other girls found me extremely odd, but they were easily cowed by my outbursts of sarcasm.

38. 26 In the modern Arab states it sometimes takes the form of intolerant outbursts and rejections of the present and our leaders.

39. "I was micro-Aggressed, man- and “Karen”-splained beyond belief, and subject to major passive-aggressive outbursts, and plenty of double standards," …

40. THE WONDER BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE VARIOUS Here was a man who stood four square to the winds, undisturbed by the Cyclonic outbursts of unfriendly newspapers

41. These impostors exceed their pre-outburst states by several magnitudes, with typical peak absolute visual magnitudes of −11 to −14, making these outbursts as bright as the most luminous stars.

42. Moreover, “getting it off one’s chest,” or “blowing off steam,” perhaps accompanied by angry outbursts, screaming, crying, or even physical assault, usually creates more problems than it solves.

Hơn nữa, “trút hết nỗi bực dọc ra” hoặc “xả hơi” có lẽ để cho sự nóng giận bộc phát, la hét, khóc lóc hoặc ngay đến đánh đập thường gây ra nhiều hơn là giải quyết được những vấn đề khó khăn.

43. Our 20-70 keV observations have determined or refined the orbital parameters of 13 binaries, discovered five new transient Accreting pulsars, measured the pulsed flux history during outbursts of 12 transients (GRO …

44. The removal of the Amygdala in his brain has lessened his mental capacity and made him completely unable to control his emotional reactions, and he is very prone to violent outbursts at the slightest provocation

45. Other experts label it: “irritable male syndrome,” a spike in the outward Crankiness of guys of a certain age. As more baby boomers hit 60 be ready for more grouchy outbursts, like a …

46. A second issue related to alexithymia involves the inability to identify and modulate strong emotions such as sadness or anger, which leaves the individual prone to "sudden affective outbursts such as crying or rage".

47. The Burst And Transient Source Experiment (Batse) The Burst And Transient Source Experiment (Batse) serves as the all-sky monitor for the Compton Observatory, detecting and locating strong transient sources called gamma-ray bursts as well as outbursts from other sources over the entire sky