Nghĩa của từ operating costs bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
chi phí vận hành

Đặt câu có từ "operating costs"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "operating costs", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ operating costs, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ operating costs trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Your operating costs are fixed, sir.

Chi phí hoạt động của ông đã cố định rồi.

2. Business interruption (loss of profits plus actual operating costs)

3. staff remuneration, administrative and infrastructure expenses, and operating costs;

4. Higher gain antennas are required, resulting in higher operating costs

5. Chiller operational efficiency will greatly impact your building operating costs

6. Here, the return to the investment consists of reduced operating costs.

Ở đây, sự trở lại đầu tư bao gồm giảm chi phí vận hành.

7. Employee pay and benefits account for #% of Canada Post's operating costs

8. This spread covers operating costs for banks providing loans and deposits.

Chênh lệch này bao gồm chi phí hoạt động cho các ngân hàng cung cấp cho vay và gửi tiền.

9. a Secretariat-wide operating costs are managed by the Administrative Services programme.

10. 3 However, in the calibration model, constant marginal operating costs were assumed.

11. Cheating by employees raises operating costs and results in more expensive products.

Hành vi gian lận của nhân viên làm tăng chi phí hoạt động, khiến giá thành sản phẩm tăng theo.

12. Second, operating benefits will be deducted and operating costs will be added

13. Advanced control method for optimising operating costs in wastewater treatment plants with denitrification

14. Computer software relating to land vehicle design, aerodynamics, fuel efficiency and operating costs

15. Expenditure linked to leasing contracts (taxes, interest, insurance costs, etc.) and operating costs.

16. But steep operating costs have limited the widespread use of commercial supersonic planes.

Nhưng chi phí hoạt động cao đã hạn chế việc dùng các máy bay siêu âm thương mại.

17. The operating costs at HPLC will be similar to PanAsia Paper's other operations.

18. These operating costs may include the cost of advertising campaigns and of tour studies.

19. While year over year, revenue continues to climb, operating costs are higher than ever.

So với cùng kỳ năm ngoái, doanh thu tiếp tục tăng... chi phí vận hành cũng cao hơn bao giờ hết.

20. User charges have typically represented about 3 percent of the airline total operating costs.

21. 5. Europol's expenditure shall include staff remuneration, administrative and infrastructure expenses, and operating costs.

22. Cost efficiencies are expected to be achieved by all country offices in their operating costs.

23. Chartering a yacht mitigates operating costs, but requires meeting costly safety, security and environmental regulations

24. Furthermore, using emulsions imposes additional operating costs on consumers (e.g. cleaning tanks and recirculation systems).

25. Also important to Aeroflot was that the increased passenger capacity led to lower operating costs.

Một điều khác cũng rất quan trọng với Aeroflot là số lượng hành khách được tăng lên giúp giảm chi phí hoạt động.

26. The rest of ‘Other operating revenue’ is allocated proportionally to the allocation of other operating costs.

27. This would allow a reduction in operating costs as the current process of rationalization is accelerated.

28. The total operating costs are all the expenses which come in deduction of a UCITS' assets.

29. Table 12 shows the operating costs for ESP and COHPAC (advanced hybrid particle collector) fabric filters.

30. The automatic drain valve has a simple and strong structure, thereby saving manufacturing and operating costs.

31. This resulted in the listing of the company's working capital assets, cash flow, including operating costs.

32. This methodology would incorporate all costs, including accommodation, furniture, equipment, training, supplies and other general operating costs.

33. You reduce your operating costs - because your central IT department is efficiently administrating the entire communication solution.

34. The Foundation's operating costs were covered by a 10% commission on the amounts reserved for the projects.

35. In the interest of safety, however, a reduction in operating costs was not considered as an alternative.

36. The most advantageous operating costs can be achieved by a farmer burning pellets made of his own straw.

37. Additional operating costs for FBOs under this scenario are likely to range from +15-20% up to 50%.

38. Cirrus also was saddled with higher operating costs than other companies, in part because it had grown so fast.

39. Let us show you how Coin Acceptors can help reduce your operating costs and maximize the return on your investment.

40. As a result, advantages of the purchaser spending less time waiting to pay, and a seller reducing operating costs are provided.

41. This ensures a homogenous, standardised client population and enables the simple and efficient central administration of management expenses and operating costs.

42. One of a kind, Ancerata will revolutionize the way business is done, expediting deals and reducing operating costs along the way.

43. This includes the optimal placement of inventory within the supply chain, minimizing operating costs (including manufacturing costs, transportation costs, and distribution costs).

Điều này bao gồm việc sắp xếp hàng tồn kho tối ưu trong chuỗi cung ứng, giảm thiểu chi phí vận hành (bao gồm chi phí sản xuất, chi phí vận chuyển và chi phí phân phối).

44. Operating costs are low in the tropics, because it's very humid, and it's easy for the ants to be outside walking around.

Phí vận hành thấp ở các vùng nhiệt đới, bởi ở đó ẩm và dễ dàng đi ra ngoài.

45. The project was announced at the 1990 Farnborough Air Show, with the stated goal of 15% lower operating costs than the 747-400.

Dự án được công bố tại Farnborough Air Show năm 1990, với mục tiêu được nêu là sẽ giảm bớt 15% chi phí vận hành so với Boeing 747-400.

46. Based on this information, the Commission concludes that the aid has significantly distorted competition by reducing BSCA's operating costs through abnormally low concession fees.

47. An evolution in training systems, ADCTS provides the training component for all updated aircraft and weapons systems, while reducing airframe-fatigue and overall operating costs.

48. Cambridge has invested heavily in research and development to offer HTHV (high temperature heating and ventilation) products that significantly save energy and reduce operating costs.

49. This resulted in a suite of process models for the absorption and de-absorption units, operating costs and the design of high performance packing materials.

50. Bobtails Smart trucks equipped with technologies capable of providing real-time information and ability to collect next-generation data to enhance safety and reduce operating costs