Nghĩa của từ nonexistent bằng Tiếng Việt

hư non-existent

Đặt câu có từ "nonexistent"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "nonexistent", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ nonexistent, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ nonexistent trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Bad or nonexistent budgeting .

Dự thảo ngân sách kém hoặc không tồn tại .

2. Meaningful conversation may be almost nonexistent.

Việc trò chuyện mật thiết gần như là quá xa xỉ.

3. I never said he was nonexistent.

Ta không bao giờ nói ông ta không tồn tại.

4. You don't want to ruin our nonexistent relationship?

Anh không muốn phá huỷ mối quan hệ hư cấu của anh?

5. 23 As for military assistance, it was nonexistent.

6. That is mistakenly attributed to a nonexistent mysterious disease.

7. McCourt's list of enemies is practically nonexistent.

Danh sách các kẻ thù của McCourt thực tế là không tồn tại.

8. In 1960, the electronics industry in Taiwan was virtually nonexistent.

Năm 1960, ngành công nghiệp điện tử ở Đài Loan hầu như không tồn tại.

9. Her technique as a performer is practically nonexistent.

10. On a Sunday morning traffic was almost nonexistent.

11. Alan Turing's war records aren't just classified, they're nonexistent.

Hồ sơ quân nhân của Alan Turing không chỉ được bảo mật, chúng không tồn tại.

12. What happens when the nonexistent bumps against the decrepit?

669 ) } Chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra khi kẻ ko tồn tại va phải một kẻ lụ khụ?

13. Steady jobs are almost nonexistent in remote parts of the country.

14. But these were costly and often dangerous, since quality control was nonexistent.

15. Terrorist chatter across all hot zones virtually nonexistent right now.

Bàn tán về khủng bố ở khắp các vùng nóng lúc này gần như không tồn tại nữa.

16. As it turns out, the Hare virus was practically nonexistent.

17. 15 But perfect in real world market price mechanism is nonexistent.

18. Instead, the report emphasizes international agreements with nonexistent trickle-down planning.

19. For some unknown reason, racial riots during the Depression were almost nonexistent.

20. 17 All the nations are as something nonexistent in front of him;+

17 Trước mặt ngài, hết thảy các nước như thể hư vô;+

21. The Bioprospecting and conservation of the African Piper genus is almost nonexistent.

22. Even if airline space is available, discounts likely will be nonexistent during this period.

23. And third, it takes time, an almost nonexistent commodity in most libraries today.

24. Watch those test scores rise, those outdated textbooks morph, those nonexistent supplies suddenly materialize.

25. True, homicides are infrequent and gang warfare is almost nonexistent in a small town.

26. I'm asking you to stay almost nonexistent like that, and then disappear like bubbles.

Khi bắt đầu thì giống như tay trắng sau đó sẽ biến mất như bong bóng.

27. Perhaps the person receiving Alimony has a low or nonexistent income, aims to obtain a degree or

28. And so it went on: poor or nonexistent sanitation, overcrowded dormitories, dull and unappetising food, workhouse conditions.

29. The men at war with you will become as something nonexistent, as nothing at all.

Những kẻ giao chiến với con sẽ như thể hư vô, chẳng là gì cả.

30. In those places, public transportation was precarious or nonexistent, and most of the roads were narrow dirt tracks.

31. But checking with knowledgeable people at the Vermont Maple Laboratory, I found that the literature was practically nonexistent.

32. The latter's expiate a guilt that was in retrospect vastly exaggerated or nonexistent prolonged the war.

33. Ties between the woman and her daughters by a previous marriage were almost nonexistent, the neighbor said.

34. Besides, the boundaries of the leprosarium were permeable, and surveillance at the federal level was almost nonexistent.

35. Countertrade is an alternative means to structuring an international sale when conventional means of payment are complex or nonexistent

36. Bank of Tokyo said the former official made loans to a nonexistent customer and took the money.

37. Despite such evidence, information about the suspended sediment concentration and bed load during breakup is virtually nonexistent.

38. They then used the internet to obtain plausible specifications for their nonexistent product and put together a prospectus.

39. On the rare occasions when the Royal Mint did strike coins, they were relatively crude, with quality control nonexistent.

Trong những dịp hiếm hoi khi Royal Mint đúc tiền, chúng tương đối thô sơ và không có kiểm soát chất lượng.

40. But any grounds for the House to consider that the appeal hearing was so defective as to require re-opening seem nonexistent.

41. 28 They then used the internet to obtain plausible specifications for their nonexistent product and put together a prospectus.

42. The danger apprehended that quack nostrums in public policy can be forced upon the voters by demagogues is demonstrably nonexistent.

43. 2 The line between religious devotion and patriotism might seem blurred today, but in ancient Babylon it was virtually nonexistent.

2 Ngày nay giữa lòng mộ đạo và lòng ái quốc có lằn phân biệt lờ mờ, nhưng vào thời Ba-by-lôn cổ, thì không có lằn phân biệt nào.

44. Due to no fault of its own, the Chipmunk emoji gets caught up in a lot of backlash regarding the nonexistent squirrel emoji

45. The Civil disobedient, finding legitimate avenues of change blocked or nonexistent, feels obligated by a higher, extralegal principle to break some specific law

46. But rural residents still face weak or nonexistent public services and have regular disputes with local officials over repossession of their farmland for development.

47. Layers include: Popular Trails, Less Popular Trails, Nonexistent Trails, Bushwacks along ridges or to former structures, etc., Pure Bushwacking with no goal in mind

48. EXE2 process, they belong to some disk to protect the process of the tool, be like nonexistent above two processes, release drive, try penetrable and other reductive system.

49. The INS pretends it is unaware that ( with the exception of nearly nonexistent North Korean visitors ) all the affected persons hail from Muslim - majority countries .

50. Meaning of Bunkos any misrepresentation swindle in which a person is cheated at gambling, persuaded to buy a nonexistent, unsalable, or worthless object, or otherwise victimized