Nghĩa của từ nervus dorsalis clitoridis bằng Tiếng Việt

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "nervus dorsalis clitoridis", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ nervus dorsalis clitoridis, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ nervus dorsalis clitoridis trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Media in category "Nervus Accessorius"

2. We report on two children (7-year-old girl; 11-year-old boy) with an unusual manifestation of neuroborreliosis involving the nervus opticus and nervus abducens.

3. 5 synonyms for Abducens: Abducens nerve, abducent, abducent nerve, nervus Abducens, sixth cranial nerve

4. To study the Effects of sleep insufficiency on function of the nervus system in college students.

5. The first consists of nucleus raphes obscurus, pallidus, and magnus, the latter of nucleus raphes centralis, dorsalis, and linearis.

6. From these points fleshy fibers succeed, and end in an Aponeurosis, which is inserted into the sides and under surface of the crus clitoridis.

7. Fossam Cubitalem derelicto nervus inter musculi pronatoris teretis capita et humerale crassius et ulnare tenuius, et deinde sub musculum flexorem digitorum superficialem reperitur

8. Between these the terminal branches of the nervus glandulae cerebralis are found, and a system of lacunae which communicate with the surrounding hemolymph.

9. The basophilic portion traversed by the nervus glandulae cerebralis is composed of gland cells with large, round nuclei, few and small mitochondria and numerous Golgi complexes.

10. Large vacuoles of low density are relatively rare. Changes in the axons of the nervus glandulae cerebralis are noticeable as early as 24 hours after experimental induction of molting.

11. Paralysis of the caudal cranial nerves, e. g. the nervus glossopharyngeus, vagus and accessorius, may cause disorders in swallowing and speaking leading to a reduction in the patient's quality of life.

12. In 1913, Bacteriologist Hideo Noguchi (1876–1928), working at the Rockefeller Institute, discovered Treponema pallidum (the organism causing syphilis) in the brains of paretics and patients with tabes dorsalis, confirming his hypothesis concerning the cause of the disturbance (Clark, 1959).

13. Abducens - a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye Abducens nerve, abducent, abducent nerve, nervus Abducens, sixth cranial nerve cranial nerve - any of the 12 paired nerves that originate in the brain stem Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

14. In female human anatomy, the Clitoral hood (also called preputium Clitoridis and Clitoral prepuce) is a fold of skin that surrounds and protects the glans of the Clitoris; it also covers the external shaft of the Clitoris, develops as part of the labia minora and is homologous with the foreskin (equally called prepuce) in …

15. In female human anatomy, the Clitoral hood (also called preputium clitoridis and Clitoral prepuce) is a fold of skin that surrounds and protects the glans of the clitoris; it also covers the external shaft of the clitoris, develops as part of the labia minora and is homologous with the foreskin (equally called prepuce) in …

16. The dorsal carpal branch (ramus carpeus dorsalis; posterior radial carpal artery) is a small vessel which arises beneath the Extensor tendons of the thumb; crossing the carpus transversely toward the medial border of the hand, it Anastomoses with the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar and with the volar and dorsal interosseous arteries to form a dorsal carpal network.