Nghĩa của từ neglects bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
1. sự sao lãng, sự cẩu thả, sự không chú ý
2. sự bỏ bê, sự bỏ mặc
3. sự thờ ơ, sự hờ hững

ngoại động từ
1. sao lãng, không chú ý
2. bỏ bê, bỏ mặc
3. thờ ơ, hờ hững

Đặt câu có từ "neglects"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "neglects", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ neglects, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ neglects trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. When Father Neglects His Responsibilities

Khi người cha bỏ bê trách nhiệm

2. The world economic structure neglects millions of impoverished humans.

Cơ cấu kinh tế thế giới vẫn không màng đến hàng triệu người nghèo.

3. I feel that academia grossly neglects experiential learning.

4. He remains curious about why she neglects him.

5. the supplier refuses or neglects to carry out administrative orders given by the supervisor;

6. 18 Whoever neglects discipline comes to poverty and disgrace,

18 Ai lờ đi sự sửa dạy sẽ chịu nghèo khổ nhuốc nhơ,

7. A soldier who neglects an open wine cellar is sick.

Một người lính mà bỏ qua một hầm rượu mở cửa là bệnh hoạn đó.

8. Often takes the information the receive, neglects the information emanation.

9. Antonyms for Contrives include breaks, demolishes, destroys, discourages, disorganizes, dissuades, forgets, neglects, razes and ruins

10. A good police officer is not fulfilling his role if he neglects this vital aspect.

11. R: young man, do not exasperate a man who neglects the dead!

12. Antonyms for Cossets include abuses, ill-treats, ill-uses, maltreats, manhandles, mishandles, mistreats, misuses, ignores and neglects

13. Explicit symmetry judgements require a subsequent stage of attending to perceptual figures, at which the patient neglects left-sided information.

14. Under the Criminal Code, any person who abandons or neglects a child in his or her charge is liable to imprisonment

15. But our first experiment found that he neglects the left side of perceptual figures at a subsequent stage of attending to them.

16. But if one neglects to talk about him or, worse still, gets involved in wrongdoing, this brings reproach on Jehovah’s good name and reputation.

Nhưng nếu một người bỏ bê, không nói về Ngài, hoặc tệ hơn nữa, làm điều xằng bậy, kẻ đó làm xấu cho danh của Đức Giê-hô-va.

17. The foregoing analysis neglects the effects of firms' other competitive variables such as product quality, product range and product differentiation.

18. Under the Criminal Code, any person who abandons or neglects a child in his or her charge is liable to imprisonment.

19. Grossly neglects the children under his charge and abandons them without due care and attention or to moral or physical danger; or

20. Nietzsche advocates an aesthetic attitude to life and puts forward ideas of "will to power" and "the Dionysian spirit", but he thinks highly of "aesthetic metaphysics" and neglects life.

21. Hearing in absence of respondent 24(9) Where the respondent absconds or refuses or neglects without good and sufficient cause to attend the hearing, the provincial judge may hold the hearing in the respondent's absence.

22. 7 There's more to the expo than mere PR puffery – what it says about architecture and the city is fascinating, and what it neglects to say, even more so.

23. Socrates imagines the first incarnation of the state in perhaps "some lofty soul born in a mean city, the politics of which he Contemns or neglects," or "peradventure," in someone whose "ill …

24. A prominent Assyriologist was once praised with an epithet from an ancient cuneiform text: “an experienced scribe who neglects nothing.” Studying the public humanities has shown me that while I am an experienced scribe, I have neglected almost everything.

25. The same is true for crisis-response measures: any reaction to financial crises that neglects the effects on human rights and inequality does not only run afoul of human rights duties and responsibilities but also risks creating the same problems again and again, preventing any economically sustainable future.

26. ‘From its purely Androcentric and heterosexual viewpoint, however, Lacan's theory neglects to account for the experience of women or of homosexual men.’ ‘This was a woman-centred psychology, whose aim was to redress the theoretical and empirical inadequacies of an Androcentric discipline.’

27. Acquiescence is where a person who knows that he is entitled to impeach a transaction or enforce a right neglects to do so for such a length of time that, under the circumstances of the case, the other party may fairly infer that he has waived or abandoned his right.

28. Then there is a very small remnant … of worthy disciples of philosophy: perchance some noble nature, brought up under good influences, and in the absence of temptation, who is detained by exile in her service, which he refuses to quit; or some lofty soul born in a mean city, the politics of which he Contemns or neglects; and perhaps there may be a

29. “So when a wife comes and Bedews the end of my desk with her tears, and tells me how cruel her husband is to her, and how he neglects her, and how she suspects that yellow-headed, stringy stenographer of his, though goodness knows what anybody can see in that made-up creature passes her comprehension, and will I please get her a divorce from