Nghĩa của từ n sp (new species) bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "n sp new species"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "n sp new species", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ n sp new species, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ n sp new species trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. A wide variety of parasites were found in rodent hosts, including protozoa—Giardia sp. (n = 8), Cryptosporidium sp. (n = 1), Entamoeba sp. (n = 8), Trichomonadida (n = 4), Isospora sp. (n = 1), trematodes (Echinostoma sp.; n = 3), cestodes—Hymenolepisnana (n = 1), Hymenolepisdiminuta (n = 3), Hymenolepis sp. (n = 2), Taeniataeniaeformis-Larven (n = 4), Catenotaenia sp. (n = 1), Taenia sp. (n = 1), nematodes—Heterakisspumosa (n = 4), Heterakis sp. (n = 1), Aspiculuristetraptera (n = 2), Capillariahepatica (n = 2), Capillaria sp. (n = 3), Syphacia sp. (n = 2), Strongyloides sp. (n = 10), Trichostrongylus sp. (n = 2) and Trichuris sp. (n = 1)—and acanthocephalans (Moniliformismoniliformis; n = 2).

2. We present a new Lynceus (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Laevicaudata) species, Lynceus amplopedia sp

3. P. bugei n. g. n. sp. from the French Coniacian andP. punctata n. g. n. sp. from the Swedish Campanian are described.

4. Ampullula, a new monospecific acritarch genus is described, along with the type-species Ampullula suetica sp

5. Apart from the genera based on wings, six new monotypic genera are represented by nymphs only:Triassoephemera punctata n. gen. n. sp.

6. In the Austrian sector of the Danube, 5 parasite species are registered: infusoria Trichodina sp., parasitic crustaceans Ergasilus sieboldi, trematodes Diplostomum sp. and N. skrjabini, and also acanthocephalans Acanthocephalus lucii.

7. Luridus was parasitised by Hexangium Brayi n.␣sp

8. Two new binomia are:Eriomycopsis paraensisBatista &Peres n. sp. on leaves ofBertholletia excelsa H.B.K. from Belem, State of Pará, Brazil,Sporidesmium americanenseBatista &Peres n. sp. on leaves ofQuercus wislizenii A.D.C., from U.S.A. andSporidesmium cookei (Hughes)W.

9. Colonies ofPenicillium sp.,Aspergillus sp., andCladosporium sp. occured most often, less often or quite infrequentlyRhizopus sp.,Mucor sp.,Absidia sp.,Alternaria sp.,Circinella sp.,Trichoderma sp.,Botrytis sp.,Paecilomyces sp.,Geotrichum sp.,Syncephalastrum sp.,Scopulariopsis sp.,Phoma sp.,Aureobasidium sp.,Fusarium sp.,Thamnidium sp.,Cunninghamella sp.,Stemphylium sp.,Torula sp.,Trichothecium sp.,Verticillium sp.,Cephalosporium sp.,Mortierella sp.,Neurospora sp.,Ostracoderma sp.,Arthrinium sp.,Monodyctis sp.,Papularia sp.,Acremonium sp.,Chaetomium sp.,Chrysosporium sp.,Beauveria sp.,Cephaliophora sp.,Dactylosporium sp.,Drechslera sp.,Gliomastix sp.,Helminthosporium sp.,Humicola sp.,Moniliasp.,Sepedonium sp.,Ulocladium sp., andWallemia sp.

10. Bastinadoes [Sp bastonada < bastón, a stick] 1

11. Is a species of mosquito in the order Diptera, Anopheles sp

12. Boxfishes (superfamily Ostracioidea, order Tetraodontiformes) are comprised of 37 species within the families Aracanidae (13 sp.) and Ostracidae (24 sp.)

13. "An exceptional endogeous beetle: Crowsoniella relicta n. gen. n. sp. of Archostemata Tetraphaleridae from central Italy".

Ch1ung cũn gla2 loài duy nhất trong họ Crowsoniellidae. ^ ^ Pace R. An exceptional endogeous beetle: Crowsoniella relicta n. gen. n. sp. of Archostemata Tetraphaleridae from central Italy.

14. Cyanophytes (Calothrix sp., Cylindrospermum sp., Pseudoanabaena sp., Scytonema sp

15. A new rot caused by a Binucleate Rhizoctonia sp

16. [cA ] n, le HP-41 Commencele listage du catalogue spécifié

17. A new species of algae,Permopadina fallax nov. gen. nov. sp. from a mid-Permian reef limestone of the Vitanje mountains (Eastern Karawanken) is described.

18. The Lower Tithonian Mühlheim Member of the Mörnsheim Formation in the Solnhofen area (Franconian Alb, Southern Germany) contains a very well preserved and rich radiolarian fauna with many new species of Spumellaria, Entactinaria and Nassellaria.Hexapylocapsa anachoreta n. gen., n. sp. described herein is one of such nassellarian taxa.

19. Species affinis (commonly abbreviated to: sp. aff., aff., or affin.) is taxonomic terminology in zoology and botany.

20. Chalices; coral; just frags! lps; NEW; stock; stock items; WYSIWYG; Echinophyilla sp

21. Pithonella paratabulata n. sp. is described from the Aptian/Albian intervall of Lower Saxonia (NW Germany).

22. Herein, we report a new negatively curved non‐Alternant sp 2 carbon scaffold, and its structural changes upon oxidation to the radical cation and dication species by stepwise oxidation

23. The second species described,Segonzactis platypus n. gen., n. sp., stands out among the Condylanthidae Thenaria because of theEdwardsia- like configuration of its macrosepta.Segonzactis platypus may be considered a transitional form between endomyarian sea anemones with pedal disc and those without pedal disc.

24. Trichogramma cordubensis n. sp. is a parasite ofHeliothis armigera Hb. eggs in cotton crops in western Andalusia.

25. connected through a resistor (r1) to the screening plate (sp) and additional plates (p¿1?, ..., p¿n?).