Nghĩa của từ molt bằng Tiếng Việt

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(Mỹ) như moult

Đặt câu có từ "molt"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "molt", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ molt, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ molt trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. They molt carapaces , I molt old body.

2. Like all crustaceans, krill must molt in order to grow.

3. This veterinary product is very effective in preventing animal molt.

4. Finches start to molt at around twelve weeks of age.

5. Molt - inhibiting hormone ( MIH ) is a member of CHH ( crustacean hyperglycemic hormone ) family.

6. Some Apterygotes, like silverfish, may molt dozens of times and live several years.

7. Inner Mongolia Tong Liao City anywhere can make the compound color up molt? ? ? ? ? ? ?

8. During this single day, they molt twice,( mate and lay eggs in water.

9. Crawfish can shed (molt) their shells up to 15 times! A Crawfish nearly doubles in …

10. Ki molt bien Cantoit" who was slain in the battle of Hastings, in 1066

11. The Alcids in our exhibit molt old feathers and regrow new ones twice a year

12. The lesions will "bleach out" and become clean wounds that will heal after a molt.

13. Ells ens cuiden, protegeixen, Consenten, ens solucionen moltes paperetes que agraïm moltíssim

14. But one of the convenient things about being an arthropod is that you have to molt.

Nhưng cái lợi của động vật chân khớp đó là có thể tự rụng càng.

15. The 12 Miller Surgical Curette is designed for curettage, cyst removal and tooth socket debridement with 4.2mm working… 2 Molt Surgical Curette CM2 The 2 Molt surgical Curette is designed for curettage, cyst removal and tooth socket debridement with 3.6mm working…

16. Arthropods must molt (shed their external layer which is the exoskeleton) as their exoskeleton does not grow well

17. A la barra hi havia un home local que ja havia Begut massa i estava parlant molt fort

18. A la barra hi havia un home local que ja havia Begut massa i estava parlant molt fort

19. Hardly a day goes by without Mrs Molt or one of her offspring calling around to borrow something.

20. Abjuren: occ, bal Notes: (1) en baleàric en àmbits restringits i en valencià en registres molt formals

21. Instead, the larval forms are smaller versions of their adult parents. Apterygotes molt throughout their lives, not just during the growth phase

22. Once Cockatiels have gone through their first molt (at six to nine months), the adult coloration shows, although at that time they don't attain their final (adult) coloration

23. Si axi es veritat com en lo dit capítol es contengut, renuncien cassen e Annullen los dits senyors tal servitut com sie cose molt iniusta e desonesta.

24. Species of Arctic fox and Arctic hare, for example, are snowy white in winter but molt and grow a brownish or greyish fur coat during the summer months

25. ‘The Cephalothorax of spiders is a sclerotized body part that does not change after the final molt.’ ‘Although remains of the Cephalothorax, abdomen, and telson are preserved, none of …

26. ("Red Avadavat", 2009; Goodwin, 1982; Harrison, 1962) At the end of the breeding season, males begin to molt to a plumage that resembles the coloration of females

27. A la gruta de Fingal es poden veure les Columnates basàltiques d'una colada de lava intercalada entre dues colades volcàniques que es van produir en èpoques diferents i les característiques diferents van ajudar a mantenir soterrada a la lava molt més calenta i líquida, de manera que el seu refredament va ser molt lent, la qual cosa va

28. Els impulsors de la campanya 'Pere Garau, molt més que Nuredduna' Consideren que el pla de Cort per a la zona desincentiva l'ús dels autobusos de l'EMT, incloent la línia 5, «una de les dues que més usuaris transporten», han recordat.

29. Protostomes o Divided into two clades; o Lophotrochozoans; grow by gradual addition of mass t the body and undergo spiral cleavage o Ecdysozoans; animals that molt, a phenomenon that seems to have evolved only once in the animal kingdom o Animals that’s undergo embryonic development where the embryonic Blastophore develops to become the animal’s mouth Deuterostomes o Include chordates …

30. S - Amatols All shorter English words within amatol : aa aal al ala alamo alma alt alto am ama at atma atom la lam lama lat lo loam lot lota ma malt mat mo moa moat mol mola molt mot oat om ta tala tam tamal tao to tola tom List all shorter English words in amatol.

31. Polèmica a Badalona pel veto a una obra de Joel Joan arran del vídeo on se'l veu Begut L'actor defensa que el que faci de vacances correspon a la seva vida privada i qualifica la decisió de "surrealista" i "molt greu" Jordi Brescó Montserrat 03/08/2021 - 13.41 Actualitzat 04/08/2021 - 08.13.