Nghĩa của từ middle classes bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "middle classes"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "middle classes", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ middle classes, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ middle classes trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. 6 Their jingoism alienated supporters among Bangkok's middle classes.

2. The President may have secured some support from the middle classes.

3. C. Wright Mills' White Collar: The American Middle Classes is published.

Tác phẩm White Collar: The American Middle Classes (tạm dịch: Cổ cồn trắng: Tầng lớp trung lưu Hoa Kỳ') của Charles Wright Mills có nội dung nghiên cứu về tầng lớp trung lưu mới nổi của Hoa Kỳ.

4. The middle classes are favourably disposed to wards the new military junta.

5. The demands of Chartism were too radical for many of the middle-classes, who

6. Critics, all from the upper-middle classes, associated street Clamor with the lower social strata.

7. Nevertheless their Bible was widely circulated not only among the middle classes but among the nobility.

8. The concept of the "family monarchy", with which the burgeoning middle classes could identify, was solidified.

Khái niệm "chế độ quân chủ gia đình", mà tầng lớp trung lưu đang phát triển có thể đồng cảm, đã được kiên cố hóa.

9. The new middle classes of industrial capitalism produced symbols which helped realize the value of industrial commodities.

10. The middle classes According to the liberal interpretation, as we have seen, such liberalization was under way.

11. On the other, different strata among the middle classes found much to object to in the statusquo.

12. Social stratification still exists and the middle-classes still dominate business and industry - as well as the government.

13. The resident space of the townhouse is a space for middle-classes to blazon forth their self-personalities.

14. Perhaps the upwardly mobile middle classes in 1990s Detroit are now surrounding themselves with postmodern houses and artefacts!

15. 3 Perhaps the upwardly mobile middle classes in 1990s Detroit are now surrounding themselves with postmodern houses and artefacts!

16. 7 Their jingoism alienated supporters among Bangkok's middle classes. They got little kudos for boycotting the elections (see article).

17. The lower and middle classes were often exploited and heavily taxed by wealthy or influential families of that era.

Các tầng lớp thấp và trung bình thường bị bóc lột nặng nề bởi bọn quý tộc giàu sụ này.

18. What little they spoke was in the specially reverent voice reserved by the middle classes for times of bereavement.

19. The following year, the local middle classes organised the new Bonfire Societies and controlled popular effervescence became a tourist attraction.

20. Inpart this failure of the middle classes to present a unified political front arose from the very intransigence of the regime.

21. In 1832 Parliament passed the Great Reform Act, which began the transfer of political power from the aristocracy to the middle classes.

Năm 1832, Quốc hội thông qua Đạo luật Đại cải cách, bắt đầu chuyển giao quyền lực chính trị từ tầng lớp quý tộc cho giai cấp trung lưu.

22. Trevelyan noted how the Romano-British Civilising precedent began among the upper and middle-classes – the rich, the learned, the men of business

23. The 'Boors' are four merchants of Venice, who represent the old conservative, puritanical tradition of the Venetian middle classes, who are pitted against Venice's "new

24. The changing lifestyles of the vast majority of our middle classes, rapid urbanization and construction activities are eating up the land as well as depleting water resources.

25. 1836, Henry Lytton Bulwer, The Monarchy of the Middle Classes: We see a nation fond of change and of glory from character; attached to luxury and elegance from education; a soil almost Agrarianly distributed

26. Beginning in the 1840s, these works entertained the lower and middle classes in Great Britain and the United States by making fun of (or "Burlesquing") the operas, plays and social habits of the upper classes.

27. There were a whole variety of reasons why Chartism failed and all these factors played a part in its failure.The upper and middle classes were opposed to any kind of violent working class uprising.One of the main reasons for the popularity of Chartism was the economic recession.When this recession finished and the economy stabilised so Read more about Why Did Chartism Fail[…]