Nghĩa của từ metasomatism bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "metasomatism"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "metasomatism", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ metasomatism, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ metasomatism trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Semiquartile normalness metasomatism sabbing poor-spirited clypeal Eraste Koirala quasi-medically Britzskas

2. Vesuvianite can be used to date the formation of skarn mineralizations and possibly also the metamorphism and metasomatism of Argillaceous limestones

3. However, incompatible trace-element concentrations are strongly influenced by mantle metasomatism that occurred prior to, or synchronously with, the oldest alkalic rocks.

4. The strong silicified rock is a product of metamorphism and siliceous metasomatism of granite genetically correlated with Pangushan wolframite deposit.

5. Beresite (2) metasomatism (2) mineral deposits, genesis (2) Paleozoic Ordovician Lower Ordovician (1) Precambrian upper Precambrian Proterozoic Neoproterozoic Riphean upper Riphean

6. It is not yet clear whether metasomatism takes place earlier than, concurrent with or subsequent to alkaline igneous activity and melt migration.

7. 25 It is not yet clear whether metasomatism takes place earlier than,( concurrent with or subsequent to alkaline igneous activity and melt migration.

8. This strongly suggests that injections of melts with alkali basaltic affinity which had precipitated Group 11 rocks resulted in diffusion metasomatism on the Group I rocks.

9. General silicification, potassium and boron metasomatism and intense chloritisation at Norah Mine in particular are interpreted as further proof of hydrothermal activity emanating from intruding granites.

10. At Ririwai, Nigeria, a biotite granite has suffered extensive post-magmatic metasomatism to produce albitized, microclinized, and greisenized rocks; the latter two lithologies form the wallrocks adjacent to tin-zinc vein-style mineralization.

11. The presence of alkalies in ultrabasic melts before or during their emplacement may result in alkali metasomatism of the adjoining country rocks, because most of these alkalies are being incorporated at still lower temperatures in a gas phase leaving the intrusion.

12. Major and trace element chemistry shows that the older series of granitic rocks were formed by differentiation of a calc-alkali magma in situ. The younger dikes are all highly silicic, show limited major element variation, and have been affected by hydrothermal metasomatism.

13. Three types of late, subsolidus (K-Rb)-feldspars occur in the spodumene-subtype, complex-type, pollucite-bearing Rubellite rare-element pegmatite at Lilypad Lakes, near Fort Hope in northwestern Ontario: (1) Exsolution followed by hydrothermal reconstitution generated diffuse bands, patches and veinlets of Rb-enriched (< 43 mol. % Rbf) and Rb-depleted triclinic K-feldspar in black blocky microcline; (2) metasomatism of pollucite produced aggregates of adularia which range from 14 to 73 mol. % Rbf, rimmed by pure 100 mol. % Kfs feldspar, and are most likely highly disordered; (3) blocky K-feldspar was replaced by salmon-coloured, fine-grained, Na-poor and Rb-free maximum microcline with a composition close to 100 mol.