Nghĩa của từ mentioning bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
1. sự kể ra, sự nói đến, sự đề cập
2. sự tuyên dương

ngoại động từ
1. kể ra, nói đến, đề cập
2. tuyên dương

Đặt câu có từ "mentioning"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "mentioning", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ mentioning, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ mentioning trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. They all avoided mentioning that place.

2. No documents mentioning Creances was known

3. Mentioning his baldness wasn't very tactful.

4. Now, mentioning time might lead you to think,

Ngay lúc này, khi đề cập đến thời gian có thể khiến bạn nghĩ,

5. Such a trifling thing is hardly worth mentioning.

6. By mentioning “God,” was Ehud referring to Chemosh?

Khi nhắc đến “Đức Chúa Trời”, có phải Ê-hút đang ám chỉ đến Kê-mốt chăng?

7. He forbade them from mentioning the subject again.

8. Maues issued joint coins mentioning a queen Machene ("ΜΑΧΗΝΗ").

Maues phát hành những đồng tiền chung đề cập đến một nữ hoàng Machene("ΜΑΧΗΝΗ").

9. Briefly mentioning, we have an asthma epidemic in this country.

Điểm lại nhanh, chúng ta có đại dịch hen suyễn ở đất nước này.

10. So, other than achy feet, anything else worth mentioning?

11. Modesty forbade me from mentioning that my novel had been published.

12. We could then concentrate on mentioning ETA in our publicity.

13. She purposely abstained from mentioning Mrs. Wale's more special insinuation.

14. Mentioning religion is a sure way to make him squirm.

15. By accusing me of ridiculous things that aren't even worth mentioning.

Gán cho tôi những điều vớ vẩn mà thậm chí không đáng để nói đến.

16. Skyler, we should not even be mentioning the words " car wash "

Skyler, ta không được nhắc đến dù chỉ là hai từ " rửa xe "

17. Dan's mentioning Julia pricked my conscience and I gave her a call.

18. After mentioning “greediness” at Col 3:5, Paul adds, “which is idolatry.”

19. After mentioning a disturbing news item, ask: “Why do people do such wicked things?

Sau khi đề cập đến một tin gây xôn xao dư luận, hãy hỏi: “Tại sao người ta làm những điều ác độc như thế?

20. The most eye-popping parts of the movie worth mentioning are the actresses' cleavages .

21. " At the Waldorf,'she answered, mentioning the fashionable hostelry then but newly erected.

22. It's worth mentioning though that I didn't hate my body or my genitalia.

Nhưng phải nói rằng tôi không ghét cơ thể hay bộ phận sinh dục của mình.

23. Bequeathing typical property to others involves simply mentioning both the item and the beneficiary

24. No list of mixed Alcoholic drinks would be complete without mentioning the Old-Fashioned

25. Any Aphid control suggestion would be incomplete without mentioning the advantages of beneficial insects

26. 19 It takes a long time to work around to mentioning a possible increase in pay.

27. This is no longer mentioned about the Cubical Quad in the ARRL, but deserves mentioning

28. It takes a long time to work around to mentioning a possible increase in pay.

29. ( 20 ) It is worth mentioning that the NPP constructor receives the first FA load contract.

30. Synonyms for Alluding include implying, suggesting, hinting, indicating, inferring, insinuating, intimating, mentioning, adverting and citing

31. Synonyms for Bandying include citing, debating, discussing, exchanging, mentioning, throwing around, tossing around, arguing, quarrelling and quarreling

32. It is worth mentioning here that the tightly wound dialog compliments Amulet’s specific style of storytelling by

33. As a good teacher, he began by mentioning something that he and Agrippa could agree on.

Là một người dạy giỏi, ông đã mở đầu bằng cách đề cập đến những điều mà ông và Ạc-ríp-ba có thể hòa hợp.

34. 20 But on the morning after the birth of his daughter, even mentioning Watergate seemed wrong.

35. You can add people to a room in Hangouts Chat by mentioning them or inviting them.

36. A stela mentioning the king's dogs was also said to be set up before the tomb.

Một tấm bia đá đề cập tới những chú chó của vị vua này cũng được cho là đã được dựng lên ở phía trước ngôi mộ trên.

37. I probably shouldn't be mentioning this but, yeah, I got a pretty sweet case going on.

Tôi không nên nói ra chuyện này... nhưng tôi đang có một vụ hay ho.

38. This time, also mentioning a thermos bottle , land being added to the water room to water.

39. Candidates are asked to report any change of address in writing without delay, mentioning the competition number.

40. Non- Active Searchers - Most favoured attributes wanted when searching clinical trials - % of cases mentioning aspect n=43

41. Mrs Browning was as aware of this as Wilson and indeed appeared to find nothing hurtful in mentioning it.

42. Beginning in April 2020, consumers began to submit more than 3,000 Complaints mentioning coronavirus keywords nearly every month.

43. Matis: Am afraid the Besmircher is guilty as charged! Will solemnly vow to refrain from mentioning *her*, i.e

44. Until very, very recently, mentioning “Antiquarianism” to most historians would elicit expressions of disdain and, even more tellingly, disassociation

45. The Confutation also speaks of old and new Zwinglians, without mentioning whom they refer to by the term new

46. Synonyms for Bandying about include citing, debating, discussing, exchanging, mentioning, throwing around, tossing around, Bandying around, Bandying and broadcasting

47. “But what I do desire,” he added, mentioning a third possibility, “is the releasing and the being with Christ.”

Ông nói thêm về một điều thứ ba: “Tôi ước mong thoát ly và được ở cùng Đức Kitô”.

48. Jeanne made many quips about the secrets of longevity, mentioning such factors as laughter, activity, and “a stomach like an ostrich’s.”

49. Without mentioning the cervico-facial actinomycosis caused byActinomyces isreali, 20 cases of mycetoma were reported in Romania up to now.

50. $ git Bisect bad # stating that the current commit (v1.5) has the regression/ setting 'bad' point $ git Bisect good v1.0 # mentioning it the last good working commit (without regression) This mentioning of 'bad' and 'good' points will help git Bisect (binary search) pick the middle element (commit v1